Monday, November 26, 2012

English III Civil Disobedience Journal

The phrase "civil disobedience" was coined by Henry David Thoreau when he chose to disobey a law he considered unjust. Think about people who hold rallies, boycotts, or hunger strikes today to protest a perceived injustice. Do you think they are abusing the role of citizens or fulfilling that role in a responsible way? Why/Why not? When protesters accept beatings, imprisonment, or even death as a consequence for disobeying laws they view as unjust, are they criminals or patriots?


  1. I think that they are fulfilling that role in a responsible way because they really are helping the people in need who cant get the food that they need to survive such as in hunger strikes and rallies that are held for homeless people.they are patriots because they are generally speaking their mind about what they think about what they are protesting against such as if they were protesting about equality rights or fair judgement and things like that it is based on their opinion and they are showing how they want to change it but some people see it as them being criminals because they don't care about what those people think or care about so they would say that they were being a criminal which basically is like unfair judgment because what the protesters see as right the other people who don’t care see it as wrong.

  2. Civil disobedience is a nonviolent form of protest that has been used by many important figures in history like those of Martin Luther King Jr. or Mahatma Gandhi. They worked towards the peoples' benefit, or simply for society. A citizen is 'a person owing loyalty to and entitled by birth or naturalization to the protection of a state or nation', but if they feel that they are not given the protection or support that they are entitled to, why remain loyal? I believe that anyone who publicly shows disapproval of a law through civil disobedience is responsibly fulfilling their duties as a citizen, where they work for the common good.

    As for receiving beatings or imprisonment, and whether or not to consider them as patriots or criminals, those citizens who took the extra mile to work for the betterment of society are patriots, and you can compare them to the patriots that made the United States possible. They felt that the king was using them so that he may become wealthier by their hands, taking their money through constantly raising and creating taxes or tariffs, and they protested it (even though it was a violent protest, you get the idea that they fought for their right to freedom)

    In conclusion, the ones that the government may call criminals are our patriots, who work for our good; if a government cannot work for the good of their nation, citizens should take initiative to spread their voice on how unjust any law, tax, etc. may be.

  3. In my opinion, the role of citizens practicing civil disobedience is a gray area, rather than it being completely justified or not. There have been, and always will be, countless acts of civil disobedience that occur in our world and people will always have a different opinion on them. Take the Occupy Movement as an excellent example. Various groups of different people had differing views on this polarizing group. While the average Americans such as the average worker or person in poverty saw the Occupy movement as a beacon for restoring power to the people, the upper classes of society such as the government and financial leaders viewed them as a dangerous group that violated the stability of our nation. It is all depending on the person. Individual choice matters over every thing else.

    In terms of punishment inflicted or received by protestors, it is once again a gray area that can be considered based on actions. Let's base this on a specific example. If a protester is peacefully protesting the government without disrupting the peace of the public, they have every right to be left alone and protected from harm under the Constitution. If anyone infringes on a protester's right to assemble in peace, such as if the government sprays the person down with a fire hose, the protester should be viewed as a patriot because of his willingness to uphold his right in the face of authoritarian control. However, there are limits to his freedom. As far back as we can go in history, humans have loved to use violence as a weapon. At that point, the protester becomes a common criminal. With no respect for the law, they should not be viewed as a patriot, and have the right to be attacked for security. Either way, once again, this is a gray area. It is up to YOU to decide your views on civil disobedience.

  4. Civil disobeidence is exactly what it sounds like, courteous rebellion. Those who utilize this technique are avoiding the breaking of laws and are instead putting their so called freedom into use. When somebody feels something is unjust or personally unethical they have the right to show their disdain towards it; but of course in a respectful manner. If we are given the freedom of speech and the right to protest what is the matter with stating your opinions or having a small rally? Just because the government gives us these rights, they think we wouldn't have the audacity to use them. If you're given the part of a U.S. cirizen, then play the role; and those who demonstrate civil disobedience do exactly that.

    People such as Dr. Martin Luther King and Ghandi used civil disobedience in order to get their messages across. They passionately believed in their causes and didn't need to break any laws to do so. They both paid the consequences for trying to take a stand despite them being peaceful and thoughtful. Neither of them had brought any harm to anyone but did not get reciprocal understandings in return. They died heroes because despite the fact that all of this hate was being targeted towards them they kept figuring out ways to fight back, without fighting. When somebody knows the struggle they must endure prior to their plan to make a difference, and then takes the consequences along the way they are a patriot of their cause. There is no crime in proper, civil disobedience therefore those who practice it are all patriots themselves.

  5. Civil disobedience is when you rebel without the use of violence. Those who use civil disobedience are usually protesting something they believe is morally incorrect such as an unjust tax or racism. When someone feels that they are being treated unjustly they have the right to speak out against it because they feel that it not only effects them but everyone around them. By doing this they are fulfilling their roles of citizens because they are trying to improve society peacefully. Everything anyone ever does, has done or will do is so they can help improve society and if they can do so peacefully then where is the harm? Freedom of speech is one of the many things you can enjoy as a U.S citizen; use it to your advantage and speak about something you care about. Fulfill your duty as a citizen.

    As for being imprisoned or receiving beatings, that can be seen as patriotism or acting as a criminal depending on who you ask. If you are someone who wholeheartedly supports the movement, whatever that may be, you see it as patriotism because the person being put in jail is someone who is willing to sacrifice their own freedom and safety to improve the nation. You see them as a hero.But if you are a lawmaker or a police officer you may see a protest as a potentially dangerous situation so you see everyone involved in the movement as a potential criminal. You don't know if there is going to be a riot or if this is just a civil protest so you have to assume the worst to be prepared.

    Civil disobedience, like everything else in the world, is subjective. Some may see it as trying to better society while others may see it as just a bunch of heretics wantonly attacking "the system" because they feel oppressed.I think that if you believe in something and you want to change the world without killing someone then do whatever you want. The world can’t change if people don’t try and civil disobedience is the best way to do it.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Civil disobedience is the way to protest to an unjust government without the use of violence. This one man revolutionized the world in some way. He inspired the great leaders of Gandhi, King, and Chavez. Many people who did protest by using this philosophy often expressed the inequality of wealth, power and races. An example of an inequality of wealth would be the occupy movement, as the top 1% made more money than the rest. An example of inequality of power would be considered the British rule in India. While the majority of the people were Indian, only the minority British would have the power. An example of inequality of races would be the south's racist treatments towards the African- Americans. People who participated in this peaceful protest were usually viewed as two different things by two different types of people. They are mainly considered Patriots by the people standing with them, for example An African American, a liberal southerner, and a northerner would view King as a patriot. People who viewed them as a criminal would usually stand against them, for example the government beat, killed, and imprisoned those protestesters. The main opponent of civil disobedience who usually be the government as they were the ones being protested against. People who do these types of protest are fulfilling the role, mainly because no one is hurt. For example during King's protest usually no one was hurt, killed, or looted. As good as civil disobedience is, there will be a second opinion because of the standing of the governent,

  7. civil disobedience is what allows change to happen. citizens that do go on strikes and fight for what they believe is right is the only way that the government will see the willingness for change. civil disobedience is basically how people really win the rights that are just and faire for the people. For example, my mom's friend wasn't getting healthcare from work which is really important. so what they did was they protested in san francisco and marched a couple of blocks. it took a couple of days till they got the healthcare they were fighting for. i was lucky to be a part of it cause i experienced being around people that care about their rights in which some cases, people just shrug it off or dont take actions to fixing the problem. in this case, it was responsible because it was an organized event and nobody was violent or arrested. people that do take the beatings and imprisonment are patriots. Why? because they are standing their ground showing authorities that they arent going to give up. those are the people that make a difference and want to see change happen.

  8. I don’t think people who are boycotting or striking are abusing there role of citizen because to begin with there are doing this things to change the government to give them there rights and to the only way to do if fight what you believe in. that’s were civil disobedience come from because people will fight but wont fight with violence but with action. That when people will rebel because they feel like if they are not part of this country. Civil disobedience is absolutely necessary to maintain a public voice against the corruption of power. It has been used throughout history as a means of bringing public attention to abuses of civil rights and liberties. I don’t think people fight for there rights are criminal because they just what the best for them and if the government wont do anything about well they have to show them that its impotent to them and that they need to do something about it. Criminals are when they make a crime I don’t think standing up for them self and the people is a crime so no there not criminal. I think there kind of patriots but only if they will change how they are with the people and give them there rights in this country because there are important to.

  9. I feel that citizens that boycott or simply hold rallies in order to make change are fulfilling it in a responsible way. Many people wanting change choose a side and claim what they want to be happening, when in reality that will not cause any affect. The only way to get change through a higher power is to take action in a non violent way. A lot of protestors take action to receive change without violence, but violence is thrown at them. It is not fair when the people speak out in a mature manner to make a change that is needed get treated poorly. The only people that actually see what needs to stay the same and needs to be changed is the citizens who expirience situations of different sorts. Protestors who accept penalties should be seen as patriots because taking action and risk to change unjust laws for instence is a task that not many citizens do. They claim what side their on, and don't crack under the pressure to agree with what they disagree with.

  10. @Darren Nguyen
    Civil Disobedience isn't inhumane. It's the only known basic way to ask for change when the people below or under a country is not being heard. Usually when the people are protesting or boycotting I don't think they are abusing the rolls of a citizens because they are taking actions to be heard. The government is corrupted. They are hiding many things from it's people for power. They are hiding the truth. It's rare to see a government that actually listens to their people, well at least for our government. The government treats us like they own us by using military oppression against the people if we would take further action for change. This is why we host protest and boycotts to let our voices be heard without violence or a sense of rebelling. Therefore people who participates in boycotts and protest are not criminals they are patriots. One that fights for its countries rights.

  11. In my own way, i see them as patriots, because if you look back into the past when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was alive back then, they would fight for black's rights. By protesting and being involve with boycotts. They fought and made a statement of what they wanted, and that was for colored people to be treated and have the same rights just as white people did. It's a big commitment when they make a huge sacrifice by going to jail, taking a beat down, or anything! So there no way i can see what they're doing as criminal related.

  12. Civil disobedience is the act of rebelling in a very urbane manner. To do so, you must not enforce violence towards anyone in the act of the occurrence. Instead, you should put your freedom into use to indicate exactly how much you disfavour what is happening, but still in a courteous method.

    I believe that those who attend strikes, rallies and boycotts to protest against a perceived unjustice are not abusing the role of citizens, but are fulfilling that role in a much responsible way. I am stating this because the actions of people during these events should be noticed by the government because these civilians are trying to bring justice to those who have been mistreated. They are mostly trying to do what is right because they are in a large group of people that want the same things and that care for one another. Civilians understand one another more than someone with high power.

    I see hardcore patriots when protestors accept beatings, imprisonment, or even death penalties for disobeying the laws that they view as unjust. I say this because patriots are people who vigorously support their country and will do anything to keep their country at its best. People who protest for rights and equilibrium are those who are trying to have this country at its prime.

  13. Brandon Estrella ^
    I don't know why my comment didn't publish with my name.

  14. The people that stand for something that's good for society are obvioously good men, even if this means they have to stand against the law. Civil disobedience is the smartest form of revolution with out tumult. Because it's a peaceful way of standing for something, for example rallies, boycotts and hunger strikes are a way of protesing against unjustful laws, economic issues and any issues that perverts a community. The people that not only look after their own interest but the seek after justice for all. Regarding their way of protesting they are not criminals, criminal is the one that tries to stop a good change for society. Not only they would be stoping progress but they would be oppresing peoples rights anf if the poeple are smart enough they would come back 10 times stronger because covering injustice with injustice will just lead to actual revolution against authorities. This patriots are fullfilling their role as citizens, being American shouldn't mean being oppresed by the U.S. goverment, it is a right to stand agaist injustice in a peaceful manner. I feel as if protesters accept beating and imprisonment becaause this makes the rest of us see what they are stand agaist and why we should join them, they got to a point when the law saw them as an actual threat but they are not criminals, they are just citizens doing the right thing standing for justice and not with a currupt goverment. They are not only risking their life they are trying their hardest to make a country for a lot of us. It's not a crime to stand for the right thing, its a crime to not stand for it.

  15. Alexandra Barton

    I believe the people today who hold rallies, boycotts, and hunger strikes are holding it with constitutional right, which is a legal right granted by a sovereignty’s constitution to its citizens and possibly others within its jurisdiction. When protesters accept beatings, imprisonment, or even death as a consequence for disobeying laws they view as unjust, I believe it depends on the situation, if it was a crime I would see the situation being the person to be a criminal, but when imprisonment situations I would see it as patriot because they were assembling peacefully.

  16. Civil Disobedience is when you rebel without using violence. It usually is when you rebel because you don't agree of something so you go on strike or stand up for what you think is correct. I believe that they are not abusing the role of citizens an that they are fulfilling the role in a very very very responsible way. I believe they have the right to stand up and speak and get there point across to anyone who is willing to listen. They aren't being violent about it because they want to improve what is being done in a positive way.I think it is necessary to have a public voice and speak out in this corrupted world,if you don't stand up for what you think is correct then the government and the systems will think they can just do whatever they please and have the laws they think will benefit them.I think they are patriots when they accept the violence part like getting beat,punishments or death sentences for standing up for what is right and disobeying the laws that they believe are incorrect.I believe patriots are people who get into groups and rebel for there views and protest so people can see how seruis they are.

  17. Civil disobedience is fighting for a cause without actually fighting. Protesters and the people who hold rallies are only seen as criminals to those who are trained and almost manufactured to side with the law for a living. The protests, rallies, and boycotts that follow the principal of civil disobedience are not violent, until the forces come to oppose them. Most of the time, the protesters only become violent when there's a reason to be. That's when the yelling leads to a policeman firing a gunshot. They insinuate the violence (not all the time). If someone yelling is incarcerated, wouldn't the person who put them there be the criminal? They're robbing and depriving one citizen, one human being the inalienable rights granted in the Declaration of Independence. Civil disobedience calls it like it is. The protesting is civil. They are speaking out in a responsible way. Citizens have the right to speak out against what they see is going wrong. Rephrasing what Thoreau said, the group of people "fighting" is going to get their way because they're physically stronger, and they may not actually be supporting the right thing. There are instances, though, where these protests and rallies serve as an eye-opener to government that their system may be flawed. Despite the consequences, the participants in rallies/protests/boycotts still go for what they believe in. In my eyes, they're patriots. They fight and even die for what they see is right. Live free or die hard.

  18. I think that when people hold rallies, boycotts, or hunger strikes they are fulfilling their roles as citizen in a responsible way. Usually these events are caused because the government would make a law that is obviously unfair to the nation or a community. When many people hear about this and find it unjust, they set out and form committees and hold strives. Most of the time these things are very peaceful but sometimes the authorities get involved and the already furious bunch of protestors get a little rowdy and they get arrested.
    When protestors accept beatings, imprisonment, or even death as a consequence for disobeying laws they view unjust I think they are being patriots. These people aren’t waiting around and being passive. They’re actually fighting for what they believed in. Thoreau says in “Civil Disobedience” that he believes that doing the right thing is better that following any law. And when enough people die, the government will finally notice and take back the law so people wouldn’t die anymore.

  19. When people protest against things they believe are unjust, they are trying to prove a point that it is unjust and it must be changed. And to make that point known, these protests must be done to get that point out and make it known. In fact, that is what citizens of a nation must do, and it has even happened before. For the Revolutionary War, the colonies wanted to be treated correctly, so they did what had to be done and freed themselves and formed a new nation. And so, civil disobedience is just doing what a citizen must in order to better the nation that they are in.

    Protesters accepting punishment for disobeying unjust laws should be seen as patriots or criminals based on the law and their justification. For if the law is truly unjust and others agree, then that one that was punished is a patriot whom shall serve as a symbol for others to continue the fight for what is right. That one person who had been arrested for disobeying would become the first of many who would be arrested and thus spark the revolution to change what is wrong.

    -Zachary Borja

  20. Civil Disobedience is the way to protest without being violent. People who do rallies boycotts and hunger strikes today are fulfilling the role in a responsible way. They are not using violence towards anyone but showing that words can speak louder than bad actions. They are patriots because they are speaking their mind out and expressing how they feel towards something. For example Dr. Martin Luther king was someone who got what he was trying to say out there. He used civil disobedience to express how he felt. Though he was assassinated for this, he change the world in various ways. Dr Martin Luther king was a hero to everyone, and died as a hero. Civil disobedience is a great way to express how you feel and stand for what you think is right.

  21. i think that people now a days who protest and have rallies are not abusing their roles as a citizen because the citizen has the right to rebel or go against and corrupt government,if a person wants a candy bar they can,if a person want a new house they can, if a person wants new reforms they can but the government sees that as civil disobedience. now a days people see protest and rallies on how the government should be changed see them as people that don't have jobs or seen as anti-american. when really they are doing what they are entitled to do in the declaration of independence to alter or abolish a corrupt government in which they see fit.

    people that are beaten sent to prison or sentence to death as a consequence for civil disobedience can be viewed as a patriot because they stood for what they believe in and not what the government wants them to believe. people that view them as a criminal are either easily convinced by the media in what they say, or stands by the government. and also with those imprisonments and beatings that just helps the opposition by using that and show people in what the government does to its people

  22. I think that when citizens hold rallies, boycotts or hunger strikes today, they are just showing how something is unjust to the point where they need to protest. They are not abusing their role as citizens because they have the right to speak out against what they themselves believe to be unjust and can turn things around for there to be justice. They are fulfilling their role as a responsible citizen because they put in their two cents for what they fully support. There are times where protesters have to accept beatings, imprisonment and even death for their opinions to be let out and heard around the world. Some may look at them, in several different points of views, but in the end they are patriots because in the past of all the great leaders, they went down in history because they were known as heroes to those who also wanted the right justice. People should have the right to express how they feel about injustice in a peaceful way since violence won't solve anything.

  23. Civil disobedience is a peaceful protest in hope to reform something that seems unjust or corrupt. Many people now try to protest for their rights using civil disobedience, but fails. This failure is caused by the government from restricting the rights these citizens have. These protest are responsibilities of the citizen and it's also their rights. As stated in the Constitution it is our responsibility to overthrow a unjust government. What's a better way to do this than using civil disobedience.

    These innocent citizens are not criminals but are patriots. They are just fighting for what they believe in. America is established on the philosophy of freedom. But our citizens couldn't even say what they believe in without being teargassed and beaten. The fact that these patriots are portrayed as criminals is because of the controlling government portrays them as a public nuisance. If we can't even step out to speak what we believe what is right, how would our community, county, state, country, or world would ever change?

  24. Thoreau states in Civi Disobedience that it is the duty of the citizen to stand up and be heard. I agree with this because the government was established and exists to serve the people, each and every one of their citizens. If they aren't doing so, then what are the here for? If they are only representing the majority or stronger population and ignoring the smaller, quieter, intellectuals, then how are we ever going to progress? It is the duty of the citizen to protest and rally and boycott the government or any organization that isn't satisfying their needs. We can't be satisfied with simply "good enough" if we ever wish to reach or come close to that ideal government. If there is an injustice, we should stand up and shout to make it be known that it won't be acceptable and we won't let it continue. However, there has been a history of abuse, neglect, and even murder in some of these acts. Many people and many activists have given their life because they stand up for their beliefs. These people try to stand up for the small population that is not acknowledged and they make the ultimate sacrifice for this. They are heroes, no doubt about it. They die to help their neighbors and loved ones, yet the government sees them as criminals and threats. They may be seen as wrong-doer's in the eyes of the law but in the minds and hearts of everyone, deep down, they know that they are heroes.


  25. Aidan A.

    I believe that people who hold boycotts, rallies, and strikes are not abusing their power as a citizen. In fact they are fulfilling their role as a citizen because they are standing up for an injustice. The people are the ones being governed, so they have the right to stand up to a law or act that they see as unjust. Just like Thoreau says we should be able to govern ourselves without a government, the same concept applies to the people. Even though we do have a powerful government, we can still govern ourselves by coming together as one to stop the unfairness that was bestowed upon us. Some may see this as patriotic or some may see this a criminal offense. Yet it depends the way you see it. If I were to cross the street when I'm not supposed to crosswalk because this is a free country and I can do whatever I want, then many people would say that it is very criminal like. But others who are rebellious or patriotic would say that I am only doing as what the country gave us;the freedom to do anything. Even though I may be injured, beat, or even imprisoned, I am only fighting for what is right. It is my duty as a citizen to be able to stand up against the government when needed so. Don't label me a criminal, but label me as a patriot.

  26. Steffon williams

    Civil dis-obedience is a non violent way to protest, rebel and make change. Thoreaus ways of civil disobedience inspired many, like the great Gandi Martin luther king and Cesar. He was imprisioned fore dis obeying the law and the government. He didn't like taxes so never paid his taxes and he was jailed for this. This definetly an example off civil disobedience.
    I think performing civil dis-dobedience I think it helsp people take responsoble for there role in society. Most people would agree with me and say that people of civil dis-obedience are patriots. Technically by law civil dis-obedience can have some illegal acts of rebellion, so the can also be seen as criminals instead of patriots.

  27. Dustin Piring

    There are many different definitions for the term and phrase civil disobedience. To me the phrase means to fight for what you believe in. People like Martin Luther King, Ghandhi, and Caesar CHavez all followed this. People that perform acts such as boycotts, rebellions, and protests are not abusing their power because every citizen has the right to pretty much do whatever they want. If there is a problem with a specific rule the government enforces, then they have the right to express their feelings about it. They should let the government hear their words. So civil disobedience to me is fighting until you get what you want and deserved. People should begin to follow this more often because then they will never get what they believe they deserve. You should go out and be a leader becuase if you cant speak out for yourself, then you become a follower, and when you are follower, you dont get what you want. Speak out and be a leader, not a follower.

  28. One can not simply lean to either side of this argument. Civil disobedience is justified based on the context in which it is practiced. Even though civil disobedience is a nonviolent act, it can be a nuisance to people in society. An example is the Occupy Movement. Sure the protesters had a valid reason but soon enough the protest became annoying to people and their point was no longer getting across. They were definitely abusing their roles as a citizen with rights. On the contrary there have been numerous instances in history where the acts of civil disobedience were beneficial to everyone or even a certain group of people. Like the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the Civil Rights Movement, 1961 Freedom Rides, 1963 Birmingham campaign, 1965 Selma Voting Rights Movement and the 1966 Chicago Open Housing Movement. All of the situations benefited the people who were negatively effected by any injustice beforehand. These types of civil disobedience were very successful and they were able to prompt the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1968. When protesters accept beatings, imprisonment, and death as a consequence for disobeying laws I see them as neither a criminal not a patriot. You must accept the outcomes of all of your actions regardless if it is good or bad. If you decide to break an enforced law then you must be ready to deal with the consequences of your actions. There are some activists that I do in fact see as patriots. Those include MLK and Gandhi because they sought out and made changes in a responsible and reasonable way and their legacies will always live on

  29. Adrian Almaraz
    I believe when citizens protest against for what they believe is unjust, they are fulfilling their role of a citizen. Not only are they speaking out against what they don't believe in, but also doing it in a respectful way towards their target. Those who get locked up or are given consequences from the government are patriots rather than criminals. A criminal is one who commits a crime, and there is no crime in civil disobedience. Giving consequences to the citizen for not agreeing on a law or act should be considered as a crime treating them as they were all lower in rank. Shouldn't the nationa be considered as the criminal?

  30. Civil disobedience is not an act of crime, but just a display of what someone is willing to stand for. These people who are willing to accept beatings and be tried as criminals are very passionate in what they believe. Most people who participate in these semi-rebellious acts are very full hearted people and respect the people around them and the people they might be fighting against. It is not injustice to stand up for what you believe in, hence the 1st amendment: freedom of speech. There may be those protesters who take things too far and put bad impressions on people who in the future, want to prove points by speaking out against what they don't believe in.
    Marquis Corpuz

  31. In my personal opinion people who hold rallies, boycotts, or hunger strikes today to protest a perceived injustice are fulfilling that role in a responsible way. They are standing up for what they believe in a way that shows maturity and respect. The care enough not to be violent and to not make them selves look bad in the process of demanding justice. I think if people don't stand up for what they're passionate about then all we would have us a society full of silent conformist. Which will get us nowhere and there would be no moving forward towards something positive. There are so ma u things wrong with society and the world that we need people to engage in acts of civil disobedience just to show that we are decent people. Its only right, depending on where you stand on the injustice. I do not agree with some protests that people hold but I still respect it because not everyone will have the same opinion as me. When protesters accept beatings, imprisonment, or even death as a consequence for disobeying laws they view as unjust, I see them as patriots. No matter what you're fighting for, if you're can die for it then you deserve to be noticed for that.
