Monday, November 26, 2012

English II Love Journal

Does falling in love change a person? What might motivate someone in love to behave as he or she would have never behaved before? You might think of your own experiences and observations as well as love stories you have read or seen in the movies.


  1. I think love can be interpreted in many diffrent ways, being that there are many diffrent types of loves and diffrent feeling that go along with it. love is a powerful word and can be seen as care or admiration you have for someone or something. Yes i totally think that falling in love can change a person for the better and even for the worse. For example if you encounter a bad person or someone who puts out a bad influence on you and you happen to fall in love with them that may make you do bad things or even on the flip side you may change them or they may want to change for you or because of you for the better. Love can also make people hurt or make them want to do alot of crazy things that might hurt you or others, I think thats were the term dangerously in love comes from. Love can also hate if you have a sense of love that dosent necessary mean that you love that person.

  2. I think falling in love certainly creates a new desire to become everything your partner has ever dreamed of. Also have ever wanted with there partner as in activities and things to do and just how perfect they would want their relationship to be and go . Sadly sometimes that even is a mistake because you become someone that they don't want. Meaning they love you for who you are . I've had girlfriends who completely change everything when they get with me. Their clothing styles, their taste in movies, music, books, etc. And it tends to sadden me because I don't want anyone to change. Even throughout the time if they change in a good or bad way I wouldn't want my partner to change at all I except for who the person she is. Love can hurt you badly and make you do the most crazy things you never thought you'll do. In the end, it's just about how deeply you love someone. But certainly when you do, you're willing and eager to become their dream .

    Micheal Carlon

  3. I think that falling in love with someone does change a person because suddenly their priorities change and you end up doing anything to make them happy. Love is a powerful feeling because it can make someone do crazy things. Like it could make them go against all their friends in defense for a person who isn't right for them. But love can also make them see the world differently and bring them happiness. Sometimes the desire to become everything your partner has ever dreamed of ends up bad, because you would have changed too much at a point where they might not know who they fell for anymore. For example a person might change the way they dress, act, or think to satisfy their lover. In the end, love can change a person for the better or the worse, it's just about how deeply you love someone that you're willing to become a part of their life.

  4. Love is a word that has a multitude of meanings some of which are negative due to people who haven't ever experienced it, or someone who's lives are now wrecked because of their previous relationship. Love is like receiving a lottery ticket worth a million dollars. The money may change the person one way or another, just like love does.
    It'll turn into a black whole and spit you out into a eclectic dimension filled with happiness for a while. The person they love unintentionally causes this change, and since everyone is very different the changes are different. The person they are infatuated with then start noticing these changes, but some will ignore it which is a mistake. Both people in the relationship aren't stating the obvious differences, causing an ever growing drift between them. For people who don't understand these changes but notice that their significant other would do anything for them, it causes an epiphany which leads into chaos, or happiness. For example, if a guy notices a girl doing anything for him, depending on his curiosity he'll start taking advantage of that and before the girl has time to say no she is absorbed into his schemes just to please him. Most people in a relationship are eager to please but they are ignorant to the fact that love can quickly turn into a poisonous obsession sucking the life out of them and leaving them clueless of anything else except that person. I believe it is the older generation, that understands the true pros and cons of love, since they are more experienced and and their age carries knowledge of the fact.THey also can determine t=whether or not its love, which is why they shake their heads at the blissful but imprudent teens. Teenagers in general don't want to see the cons of love they just somehow know they're in it. ( Even though they're the newbies on the planet compared to older generations desperately shoving knowledge into their minds)They are in love with an illusion. Love has two ugly cousins; infatuation and lust, and neither are equal too one another but are both equally life destroying. People need to understand what they're stepping into isn't hopscotch, for it's definitely at times that enjoyable or quick although some may wish it was that simple. Tons of people come and go but you, your thoughts, actions, and personality are forever. Is falling in love worth risking who you are as a person, and becoming a mindless minion just because you believed change was necessary for someone, you may not feel the same way about in a couple of years let alone weeks?

  5. LOVE is a big part of life because its what make most people happy. love can change people a lot because they act different and do different things when they are around love ones. love can be in different ways such as father love, mother love, brother love, friend love and boyfriend/ girl friend love. for each person you act different and show them different ways of love and even respect them different. love would make them behave different because they would do almost anything to have that person by their side. people are willing to change religions or live far from their family to be with the one they really love. love can also be bad because some people would do anything for some one that they really love and that don’t love them back because they would kill themselves or even kill some one to have love. love can be good and bad most people experience good love because they get married and take their love one for ever.

  6. Falling in love can definitely change a person. It can change the way they dress, the way the talk, the way they look at things, etc. People have the power to affect how one person or several people look at the world. They might motivate them to dress in a certain way or act in a certain way. For example, a person who was a former goth might change the way they dress because they fell in love with a person who is very simple and bubbly and happy and they might start dressing simpler and acting happier too simply because of the effect their partner has on them. He or she probably would’ve never thought they’d change the way they act for any reason before they met them or realized that they loved that person.
    Falling in love also causes the person to experience emotional changes. Another example would be like a guy named Aidan. He was somewhat a loner, liked to enjoy his own company and was a shy and quiet person. Lisa came along. She was really bubbly, happy and outgoing. People loved her. She slowly introduced people to him and he realized that people weren’t really that intimidating and some of them were actually good people. He slowly warmed up to the idea of having more friends and being more friendly and approachable. This is what falling in love does to a person. They can start to have a very different view on things thanks to the person they want.
    Then there’s this situation where you want to change because you’re competing with someone for their affection. Some people are willing to do whatever it takes to ‘win” the feelings of the person they love or like and can go to extremes just to do so like becoming a completely different person just because they think that it will get them what they deserve and who they are doing this for is completely worth it. People who fall in love also don’t want to disappoint them so they do anything they can to their power to satisfy them because they want the feeling of their significant other being satisfied and that’s what makes them happy instead of their time and efforts going to waste.
    Love is a powerful thing and it can altogether change a person, for better or for worse. It’s up to them if they want to in the first place but it’s the thought that what they’re doing is going to make their loved one happy, they can and will do anything to make sure that happens because they can’t bare with the idea of the one they love being sad and let down.

  7. Melissa Chavez

    I think that falling in love does change a person in their own way. They will usually change in behaviors or moods and not be their usual self. Sometimes a person is so dedicated to love that they change completely. Something to motivate a person in love to behave a certain way is because they want to be accepted by that person or because the person wants them to behave that way. It seems to be the connection they may have or the way that they act now that changes their behavior. Love causes people to deal with a personalty change that they are not usually aware of even if others can clearly see it. It can change different aspects such as speech, clothing, mood, and even friendships but those are only some of the effects that love sometimes causes an individual who has come across it.

  8. albert felix
    Falling in love will change a person for sure! One thing i have learned is that not all people change because their in love, some stay the same. But a lot of things might motivate someone to change in behavior, like he or she might clean more because they might not want their loved one to think of them as a sloppy pig of some sort, or someone in love might do things such as buy them flowers or bake for them. Love can and in most cases will change that person to be a better person all in all. Like my cousin who is in collage loves this girl named emily, they met in high school and their still together. But before they got together my cousin was a complete slob! And he wouldn't clean after himself and would make the biggest messes possible. Then he met emily and everything changed, he started to clean and the started to be out more. He turned into a neater guy. In a lot of movies like in "beauty and the beast" and "Shrek " it changed the guys completely.

  9. Tayler Hamilton
    Love? I believe its one of the most powerful weapon on the planet. It doesn't always have to be threatning but its very affective opon many. Emotions are a big part of your mind set. Something that could trigger your emotions can take a huge toll on you. So how this relates to love, well there are many many ways love triggers those emotions in your head. Beauty is a big controller of love, for an example someone can be as pretty or handsome as can be. This attractive person could take advantage of a partner that is fond of them but that attractive person can not to much care for that partner. This causes them to be love struck but is in the dark on whether the other person loves them or even like them. In many ways people who are in love sometimes won't act themselves because they are so adulated to their partner that they could be changed or even isolate them from family or friends. Love really affects emotions like in a movie I've seen long ago, the girl was crushed by her x-bf and she went on a rampage and killed him and his family. But in a real life situation, love even has people kill themselves and when your taking your own life over a word,and emotion, a feeling, than its a weapon which concludes my message about love.

  10. Juny Nguyen

    Falling in love can definitely change a person (for better OR for worse) if they do not have a strong will. Love for a person can bring out someone’s sweet side, where they cherish the other person and be cute and romantic and all of that with the giant teddy bear and heart shaped box of chocolates, or it can bring out someone’s overprotective, angry side – one that is seen in abusive relationships (let’s hope not). Love for a sport, or an activity can make them more inclined to do the activity. Love is not a thing, but a force. Such as gravity sticks us to the ground, love will stick us to the thing we love, making us clingy and (maybe) obsessive. When someone is obsessive, a whole new side of them can come out, and as previously stated, this can be for better, or for worse (it can also turn you into a famous pop singer such as Taylor Swift or Bruno Mars). However, the change that occurs from love, to me, is not an actual change. It’s like you’re peeling an onion and you now see another layer that was previously hidden. In other words, love cannot turn you into something else, it can only reveal what was hidden inside.
    Something that could motivate someone to behave differently is feelings. Feelings such as jealously, angst, frustration, greed – which will affect this someone negatively, and may make them lash out, or joy, happiness, eternal adulation – in contrast, will affect them positively. Other factors that can affect someone’s behavior include arousal (let’s face it, most people “in love” are just teenagers infatuated with certain body parts), sneakiness (which usually ends up with manipulation which usually ends up with broken hearts), and the other persons personality. If the other person in the relationship was a little witch, the other person in the relationship can be influenced to behave abnormally. They can become very self-conscious and scared of their lover, or they can become like their lover and they can make their own coven. The opposite can also be true. The nice person can be the witch’s knight in shining armor and he can kiss her and turn her from a nasty ol’ toad into a princess and they can ride off into the sunset.

  11. -Ishmael Rico 5th period
    Love doesn't just change a person, it molds them. In movies and even some people state that love makes people do crazy things. I dont know about crazy but i think it defiantly makes you change into the person your partner wants you to be, if you really like them. I know that even though people say never change who you are I know for a fact when i like someone my interests change and i try new things to communicate with them. For example; if the girl i like likes chinese food and i don't i might go out and try it again or try to learn to cook it so them we can talk about something. Love changes you in good or bad ways in other words. Love could make you want to try harder in school because you want to come off as smart to that person, or if that person is into breaking the rules it might drive you to do it with them because you dont want to miss out on a chance with them. In Romeo and Juliet love makes them go against their families will and try to be together, resulting in their death, but just goes to show that it makes people do "crazy things." I dont think that happens to often in real life, but i know if peoples love if strong enough, some would and will go to the ends of the earth for them. This is a very powerful thing and that is why villains in movies normally target the ones you love because they know you would do anything for them. But love isn't just for couples. I love my family so much i would trade my life for them, its a very strong bond that everyone should have with someone for a healthy life style in my opinion. The person you fall in love with will most likely affect you in every way you can think of. It could make you as happy as a fish in water or make you want to crawl in a hole and die. Either way it is something everyone probably hopes to archive and hopefully will archive. It is probably as important as breathing and people will do anything for even a little bit of it. In movies and in real life i would be very crushed to figure out that the person i like doesn't like me back, but I know that not everyone likes everyone. But the drive for people to like or love you is enough to make someone a whole different person. I know that when like this one girl she loved scary movies. I hated them, end of story. But i watch them just so that i could start conversations with her. It seems a little weird to do but if you really like someone you would do anything just to be able to talk in front of them. In the end no matter how you end up it is normally always a good and positive experience because it helps you grow mentally and even though you may not talk again it makes you always remember that they helped you grow up. Making you really grateful to love, even through the ups and downs.

  12. Freddie Kao

    Love is a very abstract subject. I do believe that love can cause a person to change in ways that would be outlandish of person’s reactions. Love is always different because of the relationship of a person. Love can be a term of close friendship but not a relationship or a great show of expression for something. Most times love is when a two people in a relationship really care for each other. At least that’s how it’s depicted in most movies. In those scenarios the people who are in love can be less concerning of what others see about the couples and that there is a sense of security in a way. Love has caused people to go overboard in situations. Sometimes love can make a person not care about him or herself and forget priorities such as school and/or work, but unfortunately love can change someone so drastically to the point of fatality. An example of this would be in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. As most people know it didn’t turn out well but it all happened because they loved each other. Most motivation that love has on a person is the companionship of two people. Love can be something that can cause a person to be angry, sad, or happy. That’s some sort of way a person can be changed by love.

  13. Nhyela Washington

    I think that their many types of love. You have family, friend, and relationship love. Love can change a person attiude toward life. It can motivate a person to do better. Most of the time people think love is just a word but it has more to it. Like when a pperson is in a relationship and they are in love it can change the person life base of how much they love their partner. In my opinion love is like a roller coaster it comes with alot of ups and down but if you really care or love someone then you would find a way to please that person because you care. Some people say love is dangerous and it can really hurt a person and so it can. If some fall in love with someone that hurts them it can really damages a person and change a person piont of view about love. Love can change a person in many ways but its how much the person love someone also.

  14. Love is a very sting word! That has a lot of meaning N Kant be played with!!some ppl takes love seriously. And I velive that in a relation ship Thers all ways a person who changes eather in a good or bad way! they change the way the are n try to be how the partner is!! I think the only reason/ thing that motivates them to change is love.because they think that's who they want n how they want to be! I know that NOt just because I seen it or heard about it! I know that' people in in relation ships do change because I been in that place. Some times it's me the one who changes n sometimes is my partner. Every one loves their one way some ppl express tHer love in a bad way n some show it differently! Falling IN LoVE can really make u think a different way! wAYS that u never thought you could think! Love kan mean for friendship n family n it all ways make some one change:)
    -joselyn Cruz per 5

    1. Juilo Richardo Esteban Perrito Gato Taco Bell II Heir to the throne JenkinsMarch 21, 2013 at 9:58 PM

      Have you reread your response at least skimmed it once? You do realize you are replying to a teacher and not to a friend, your acronyms aren't cute.

  15. Nicholas Serrato 4th period
    Love is a concept that I will never understand, many live through it with ease, while others wither in it’s woe. The influence that emotions have on someone can have enormously good and positive effects on people who could need the emotional support. On the other hand, a completely greater negative effect could potentially drive someone to the extent of insanity. Also, with the fear of banishment, neglect, or rejection does not contribute to being able to love others. Sometimes love does not love you back, in a condition of admiration of a parental figure that turns out to be somebody they are not. It is heartbreak and sometimes its manageable and other occurrences it is a hopeless effort. Love does have positive changes, which can happen to the lover, regardless of a positive outcome. For example, impressing someone for love can show some true hidden talents that have never been expressed before. A long term change will most likely happen when a positive outcome, such as changing habits or life styles for the better. A change based on love that is not for the better could result in a self-destructive habit for both people involved. Love for a family and for a relationship has different effects. Family love is very respectful and willingly open, while relationship love changes are personal and private. Who really deserves love? Families are all about love, but what is relationship love based on? Is relationship love about attractiveness or internal feelings? With that same idea, Should we give love to inanimate objects? Do we love electricity and the power lines that bring it? No, we respect things that have abilities that we, as people, do not. Love does change and also changes people who feel it, but why would you want to change yourself?

  16. Miguel Ochoa:

    Love can be lethal, and beautiful depending on how the person feels it. Lethal because people have known to kill and die for love. But also beautiful because it can change a person in a lot of different ways that aren't always negative. Love not only causes people to change, but its probably one of the main reasons why people change so all of a sudden. Also there's many types of love. one can love they're girlfriend or boyfriend so much they get married and make a family. Later, the parent loves his or her child dearly and make them have the most drastic change in personality and thought. For example, if a man didn't care much about himself or others much, once he has a child or a wife, he will probably care too much about will most likely feel that he will have to protect them more. That's when obsessive love takes over. which sometimes can turn into complete obsession. Another type of love can be for a certain activity like soccer. I love soccer a lot and I wish everything in the world was based on soccer. It's the biggest sport in the world (just saying). it changed MY life completely in different ways throughout time. I used to not care as much about my grades during middle school. Now that I'm in high school, I somehow have the urge to actually try in my classes and do my homework assignments and projects. Anybody Else's life can change in a better way if they ever became professional in soccer because the fame and fans excite them. All of this happens for love.

  17. Falling in love shouldn't really be an impulsive decision, rather being a well thought out idea before you act upon love. Whenever someone falls in love, numerous changes in behavior can occur. When it's based on an infatuation or desire, it can become a hurtful change to the person. Although they might think that they are improving towards their goals, they might be hurting their personality. Changing yourself to suit someone's needs and wants isn't ideal. Sudden changes can be very intense, so its better to slowly transition between separate personalities.
    Love tends to have a mind of its own. One day it may be present, and the other day it can vanish into thin air. For the person that has to deal with all these emotions, it can be very hard to know what to feel. So you can either fight your feelings or you can follow where your feelings lead you.
    I think that it would be useless to try changing for another person's love. If you did change, then you wouldn't be the same person. I think you should just be yourself, rather than trying to be something that you aren't. If you were to change your life for someone else, then it might make them change their idea about you.
    -Adam Warner

  18. Kamarri Williams

    Nature is full of strong forces such as gravity, friction, and even love. Love is abstract, the most powerful force created by humans and only exists in our minds. Our minds control our body, emotions, and actions. So in theory if love can control our minds, love can control us.
    Love isn't complicated but it can complicate things. For example, let's say that a boyfriend wants to please his girlfriend because he loves her. So he takes her to see some garbage at the movies (or commonly referred to as "The Twilight Saga.") He would never step foot in a theater with such a cheesy, stupid love story like Twilight showing if it wasn't for love!
    I myself have never fallen victim to the clutches of love. With the constant bombarbment of it love from the media and my first hand experience with it, I stray away from the cruelty known as love.

  19. Kelly Fung

    Love is a type of thing that can change a person. It’s not anything scientific but it is just something we feel deep inside us. When a person is in love, that person can be motivated to do something they think they never would've done. For example, a person that only cares about themselves would've never ran into a busy street to save a blind girl he is deeply in love with. Another example is a student that’s obedient and smart will be badly influenced if the person she or he loves is a bad influence and causes trouble. But this is just romantic love; other types of love can also affect a person, for example, parental love. A parent’s love, I think, is the most powerful love in the world. A parent’s love towards their child is forever and ever, and this love will never end. First, this love affects the child throughout the process of growing up; it affects their personality, their love and hates, and their future. A child with no love will wonder why they don’t have a parent that cares about them like other children; and this might lead to personality problems. A child that receives no love and is associated with violence at home might have emotions full of hate. Parents’ love affect their child’s future also; parents’ encouragement towards their child to get good grades and their involvement in their child’s school life leads their child to a successful future. Parental love doesn't just affect the child, it also affects the parent. Having a child is a big change in a person’s life, a person that’s irresponsible will have to change to become more responsible to take care of a baby. Also, for example, if a person doesn't care about anything and he or she has a child, the person will slowly feel the connection between themselves and the baby and slowly he will fall in love with the baby and the next thing you know, they’ll be the best parents ever. Love has made many changes in many lives, good or bad.

  20. Luis Rodriguez

    Love can change a person into becoming a negative or positive. Love is a very complicated if people would just do whatever they can to get the person they love. love can motivate somebody into it to a whole different person. Love is tricky I can make you do crazy stuff. In my own experience I would do anything just to get I love to pay attention to me. for example my observation I see a lot of girls trying to change a guy. If you want incounter someone thats bad if you change him or her that means they love you. love to change a person personality. if the person that you love doesn't like the way you look dress or act then you would change your self to be with them. Love me cause many problems he can distract you from your family, friends. when I'm at the first girl that I love she didn't like the way I acted treated other girls. I have to change my act an talked. I don't care how long it would take me to get her but I did whatever I can to get her. I took her out the dates and try how to make a good impression of a new me. I even tried to get her parents to like me so it can be easier to ask her out. I did a lot of new stuff with her because I wanted to show her aside that you've never seen before . This was the first girl that I ever tried my hardest to get. something about her just made me go crazy for her and I had to so that I was a better guy . Love can make you do just about anything but it's all worth it when you get the person that you love in your life .

  21. Diogo Holanda
    Period 5
    Love is the greatest drug of all, it affects the way u think, act, and behave. Love can be your miracle or your greatest nightmare. You never know which one you will get out of it. The key to love is patience, you must never rush love for someone/thing. Once your in love you no longer have full control of your body, you may want to do something and end up doing the complete opposite that’s the beauty of it. Also it has you doing things you would never do in your life ,but once love kicks in you are no longer have control and your forced to do what love tells you to do. So you do these types of thing because you want to keep a special person/thing grateful that your are involved in their life. Most people experience this with another human and some with a sport or etc… However in the end they still feel the felling of love. Like in all superhero movies the villains are only able to stop the hero by taking something they love away from them(In most cases a girl). Not only in movies but also in real life that’s also true and that’s why most conflict usually starts.

  22. Love can change a person in nnegative and positive ways dependending on how it affects you , love can change you in a way that betters you and makes you a better person for example if you have somebody you love you want them to be okay with what you do and you wanna make them happy so you make positive choices and the same can be said for the opposite if you have someone that does bad things you might get influenced to do bad things and also do those things as a way of aproval from that person. Love can be defined in many ways but the one thing it does do is change people , people do crazzy things for love , some people change completley to make the personthey love happy - aaron gaona

  23. Sharon Phan
    It’s hard to tell the difference between love and infatuation, but both can make people do crazy things. When people fall in love, I think that they get so overwhelmed with their significant other that they are unaware of the changes that they’re going through. However, change isn’t always a bad thing. When in love, people do all they can to make sure that partner is happy and content. For example, they might change their looks or buy them expensive gifts to be acknowledged. Not only do they change physically, but emotionally as well. Love can motivate people to change their attitudes or lifestyle for the person they love. They might become cleaner, improve their vocabulary or do whatever they can to meet the standards of their significant other. Some people even change their interests to be compatible with their lover. For example, they could hate cooking and learn to love it just so they could have something in common. It can also allow people to be themselves. From what I have noticed, some people can only be themselves when they’re around the people that they love. When people are in love they can comfortable and not care what others think. All in all, love is a powerful bond that can do many things, and change is one of them.

  24. Mariana Ponce

    Love can be visualized as many things not just a feeling. Falling inlove can can change a person rapidly. Not only to their actions start to change their way of being. They also start to develop a new concept in order to keep the partner happy because thats all they desire. Love can sometimes motivate a person depending on how much love they have towards someone. In some cases some lovers will do anything even kill. Which then becomes an obsession. In the beginning of a love story love is always happy But in the end someone gets hurt. I dont think love should be about changing someone to make them perfect. Nobody is perfect we all have our flaws. Lovers should love one another for who they are. Not change one another to please each other. Some people think love can be bought also. It's not about how much you give them it's about how much you show them you care. Who cares about the money.

    Love isn't always beautiful there's times when you feel rejection because the one you love might not love you back. You're love isn't always going to love you back. You will get hurt by someone but the right thing to do is to show the person how strong you really are and not let them tear you down for any reason.

  25. I believe that falling in love whit someone does change a person because many people would be willing to change for the person they really like or love for them to love them back.Also if the person is very classy,nice and very caring they would be willing to be nicer for them.What could motivate the person that is in love that they never act that way is trying to change there behavior for them if they really love the person.An example of that situation is the movie "Click" when Adam Sandler is acting really different and weird in the beginning whit his family and it caused problems whit the family like his wife and his children.Then he started understanding in the end that he was acting very different and that he had to change so his family and wife wont be jeopardize, and so his wife wont want a divorce.So therefore the point is he had to change for her because he really loved his wife.
    -Edgar Gavino

  26. I believe that love can change a person deeply. People say that love is powerful and i believe that, because a person can start acting different, changing their ways, or having a differently personality. That is powerful to do for the one you love. Love is not some kind of toy, its something that you feel inside, like some kind of instinct in a person. There are many different types of love, for example here are a few; relationship love, spouse love, sibling love, friendship love, object love,etc. When someone is truly, deeply in love, they might just change everything about them because their loved one said so. Changing for someone you love can be a good, but bad thing. For example a girl is so much in love with her boyfriend, and he tells her to change her whole personality and do everything his way. That's obviously the bad in love, and i call that controlling love, because she is in love with him, she'd change and do what he says. For the good in love, a person can change from being bad to good for someone they love. For example a person could be doing drugs, and because they love the person they'd change that and do everything to make it right. Love can also be deadly just like in Romeo and Juliet. When seeing that Juliet had "died", Romeo killed himself, because he couldn't stand the thought of not having the one he loved most not by his side. Another example is, my aunt. My aunt has five kids and a few years ago she met the man of her dreams, after dating for a while he finally proposed to her. That is true love because he made the decision of being her husband till death do them part with her five kids. He's willing to help take care of them and making sacrifices as if they were his own children. Love can really change a person in many different ways.

    - Rosalie San

  27. Jessica Ortiz

    I think love can change a person. They might not notice it until they get more into the relationship they are in, but once they start caring more and more about the person, and can't stand a day with out them, that is when you know a person is in love and they start wanting to be with that person more and more each day no matter what what time it is or anything, they just want to be with their special someone. It also changes a person behavior because for example, lets just say a this person is bad,and doesn't really care of anything of in the world, but once this person finds someone and falls in love with them, the other person might change them into not being like that anymore, they might change them into actually caring or/ and actually love might change them also, it will make them probably realize many things, that they have not realized before falling in love with a person, but love is blind, and it's a very strong thing. But then a person in love will do anything to make the other person happy no matter what it is, they will try their best to make them happy. Even if its going to do some stuff they don't like they'll still probably go with them because all they want to do is make the other person happy no matter what, and because they care a lot about them and maybe want to be with them more into the future.

  28. Paul Pappi Perilla (=

    Love is powerful in many different ways. You know love happened when you feel like everything around you changed. So yes, love can change a person. You'll feel butterflies in your stomach once it happens. It's the ultimate sensation that we feel when we find that perfect partner. You'll consciously or unconsciously try your best to give the person you love everything they wish, because when you're in love you're stuck in the moment. Love is magical, it's hypnotic. But love isn't just about Mr. and Mrs. Perfect Couple, it's also about family, friendship, or generally, it's the relationships you have with people or a significant thing. You're in love when you appreciate every single thing they do, even their wrong doings. Love can cause a person to change dramatically for the better or worse. When you fall in love, everything feels good. It's like a drug, but the most powerful drug. When love fails, it's one of the most hurtful feeling in the world. It will make a person emotional more than ever. It's cruel, but it feels good. If you haven't fallen in love, you must not appreciate your parents for bringing you into this world. They must be loved more than anyone else, other than God, because they gave you the right to feel the best feeling in the world, which is to love. But if you really haven't felt love before, it's understandable, because sometimes love doesn't love you back. If it's true love, nothing, but yourself will stop you from loving even if they don't love you back. It can fade away, but it will take time to completely disappear. Loving and being loved is an essential. It's a culture our whole world shares. It definitely changes a person.

  29. Meryl Cantoria
    Every person has different interpretations of love. Some might think that love is that nervous-heartbeat that one feels whenever they see their high school crush or giving your pet a wonderful bath or hugging your parents when they come home from work or witnessing a mother giving birth or saying 'I do' in front of your soon to be wife or husband or hearing your favorite song in the radio. No matter how someone defines love it's effects will still remain the same,it will be either positive or negative but sometimes it can be both. In the movie First Love, Nam, an ugly,short 7th grader started changing after meeting Shone who is everyone's crush in their school. Realizing that she can't win Shone's heart because of her appearance, she started changing herself. Nam studied all night, did extra curricular activities such as participating in a play and playing sports and even tried natural beauty products that her friends recommended. Because of her motivation to grab Shone's attention and with the help of her best friends, Nam became the smartest,prettiest and most popular girl in their school. Nam was devastated after noticing that Shone pays no interest to her. At the end of the movie, Nam, now a successful fashion designer is being interviewed in a show and asked what made her become successful. Nam explained them how her high school crush motivated her to change. The interviewer then admitted that Shone was invited to the show and that he is at the back stage waiting. After the show, Shone confessed to Nam that he already noticed her even before she changed and how he liked Nam ever since because of her personality. Even if Nam changed her physical self for the better, her inside character didn't change her. Nam was motivated by love and as an effect, she got better.

  30. When you fall in love you don't even know until you loose that special someone in your life. Take it from me, it did change my personality a lot,I started to notice that because either I didn't hang out with my friends that much and/or everything I did was for that special someone in my life. Yeah my friends came and told me that I changed a lot and that I didn't even kick it with them that much.I started to spend more time with the person I fell in love with, but at the same I tried to hang out with my friends. It did change me in a lot of ways, such as changing my bad ways around and going in the right way. I made promises and follow through with them. There's a big one I made, which was to stop smoking weed,and at first I thought I couldn't keep up with, but time proved me wrong because the love that I had found became my motivation. Now I could proudly say that I don't smoke, her love was like my savior because I was going the wrong way and her love made me go the right way. That was the biggest change in my life. I changed in other ways as well, such being sweet to a young lady and buying gifts for her. Take Valentines day, that was the first time I ever bought gift for a girl that wasn't my mom. I did everything to show her that I really did love her. Another thing that changed for me was that she was the first girl that I was completely honest to and didn't lie to her.Some people got problems with school and relationships, but as far for me I was able to keep up with my grades and be in a relationship. She became my motivation for everything and to become a better person. I wanted to be that person that she could proudly say that's my boyfriend.She became everything in my world and I can proudly say that she changed my world, actually she became my world. I could say that love change me for good.

  31. Marielle Lopez
    Love is an external and internal feeling that someone gets when they find a person that they believe gives them this affectionate feeling they don’t have for any other person. Love can be complicated and it differs for everyone, but it has a lot of perks and brings joy to most people. Sometimes, a person will fall so much in love with an individual that they will want to change their personal ways to be with that person. Like always, relationships are full of compromise. Both people in the relationship usually will change part of their daily lives just to make the other happier. They may change their appearance to look more attractive to each other, or it will cause them to get better grades to make them look responsible, intelligent and impressive. Love can also cause somebody to try new things, especially something they never imagined to do, just as long as they have their partner by their side. For example, a girl may conquer her fear of heights so that she can go skydiving with her boyfriend, or a guy might become a fan of One Direction after listening to his girlfriend play their songs a million times even though he told himself listening to boy bands would be a sin. A person can look up to their partner as a role model, and use them as their reason for their motivation in order to succeed in anything they wish to pursue. If two people really are in love, then even the most horrific quarrels will not tear them apart.Just as the old saying goes, love makes the world go round.

  32. katherine martinez 4th

    i think love can change the view of everything and anything. Mostly depending on the person and the person they have fallen in love with. Love is a big part of life, it can change the point of view on things . one may become more mature or immature depending on who they have fallen in love with.Love can change someone because it is very powerful. You can become what is well know "blinded by love". it changes who you hangout with and what you do. A big example is the twilight saga bella had fallen in love with edward who is a vampire and is imortal therefore, bella wanted to turn into a vampire to live with edward forever. The example states that love can make you want to turn into someone else so you can be with your partner for a long time til death seperates one another . love is a beuatiful thing but it can also be dangerous unless if its family love then youre safe. those are my thoughts of the word and feeling of love .

  33. Fiona Gee

    When people fall in love, they generally change for the better. For example, in the movie Crazy Stupid Love, Jacob Palmer aka Mr. Sexy Playboy, meets Hannah, who thought the man she loved felt the same way she did. As they spend more and more time together, Jacob begins to fall hopelessly in love with Hannah. She transformed the way Jacob lived his life before they met, from Mr. Sexy Playboy to Mr. I'm-Still-Sexy-But-Now-I'm-Committed.
    Love can change people, but falling out of love can alter ones perception of the future as well. They may feel as if they will never fall in love again, find someone as perfect (if not better) as their first love, or feel as if they let the best thing that has ever happened to them go. Don't change who you are for someone else just because there's something about you they don't like. Sooner or later, the right person will come along and fall in love with every single thing that makes you, you.

  34. Love. The definition of love can’t be defined until you truly experience it yourself. But how can you tell when its real? Love is a complicated feeling, the feeling of tenderness for someone that can even cause a person to change. Love can turn a timid person into an unreserved, outgoing person. Love can take someone with a great life, to the best life ever, sometimes so good that it appears almost a dream.
    Love for me has significantly changed the person I am today. Since no one is perfect, and everyone is unique in their own way, it has affected everything from my school to family life in a positive way. It’s the feeling of wanting to give more than 100% gratification to your significant other to make sure that at all times, they feel safe, warm, and like they have someone they can talk to. Like most other people in a serious relationship, I hold myself to these high expectations even if that involves changing schedule’s, changing my view on particular items, etc.
    With change comes knowledge. As someone is changed during a relationship, positively or negatively, I’ve found that you gain knowledge. If you change it’s usually something you haven’t done before. Experimenting with change can usually benefit a relationship.
    Having said that, love usually changes people in a relationship. The people in love usually don’t try to hurt people during these changes, but it happens. It happens in a way that the people in love sometimes don’t notice. In the end, I’ve found that things work their way out. The people that are meant to be stay. During this process people’s true colors are shown. When the time comes to fall in love, don’t pass it up. It’s an unsurpassed, once in a lifetime feeling that you won’t forget.

  35. Sergio Mariscal
    In every movie I've seen that has love in it, love always changes the person. Love is strong and can change anyone in a good or bad way. It changes someones actions. It can make people do horrible mistakes if things go wrong with their partner while he/she is in love. For example in Romeo and Juliet, Romeo killed himself when he thought Juliet had died. Love can also change someone to the point where they only focus on their partner and forget about friends and family. This means love does really affect someones actions if they are deeply in love with their partner. It doesn't always go the wrong way when you are deeply in love. It could turn positive for someone. It would be positive if both partners feel the same way about each other and nothing goes wrong. In my opinion love always changes some but it may vary if it changes the person in a positive or negative way.

  36. I think love is the most powerful feeling in a humanbeing because someone will do anything to be with their loveones and sometimes love overwelms the brain they don't think about anything but that pearson they love. But when that pearson they do love does not love them back that changes their whole feelings about the pearson it makes them want them more. So I think that people shouldn't love someone unless that pearson loves them back and loves them for who they are and not what they have.

    Love can motivate actions you have not done when you were not in love like spending a amount of money on the pearson they love instead on your beloved family members.But love can be a beautiful thing if its real love not that fake love who love each other beacause one is rich. I have an uncle who is really poor but my auntie loves him no matter what he has in my opinion thats true love.

    -Eric Sowho

  37. Diana Carabajal

    Falling in love can change a person.Some people can change in a good way and other in a bad way.People can take love in a way that makes them stop thinking clearly and can affect them in their life in a bad way.For example if they are in school the can stop doing their work because they are only thinking about love.Other people can be in love and not be changed at all.There are some people that can act in a negative way that can be bad and can affect both people.It can affect both persons if one is a very jealousy or obbsevive person. This can lead to hurting the other person by not trying to.

  38. Love can motivate someone to do just about anything. There is a difference though between love and obsession. People will don anything for the one they love, even if it isn't necessarily orthodox.You could be the kindest, most angelic person anyone could ever know, but when it comes to love, you may do things that you would never think of doing. From past observations I see a lot of people fighting and stealing over their love. Love can also make you change in a positive way. Like in Catching the Moon Luis used to be a trouble maker, gang affiliated, and Lazy until he met Naomi. When he met Naomi he became a changed person. He started organizing his dads hubcap pile which he was too lazy to do before. Another example is in the movie Edward Scissor Hands when he falls in love with Winona Ryder he breaks into a house to show his love for her and ends up getting in trouble for it. We all know that love changes people but does it change us mostly for the better or the worse?

  39. Tiffany Tran
    Love can be seen in multiple ways, such as a dedication for an activity or a relationship with another person. "Love" for an activity could be dedication for what they do and make them want to be better in what they do. A person can practice more than they usually would because they see that activity as their first priority. When a person falls in love with another individual, they can become better or worse as a person. Love can make a person change their appearance, actions, and personality to match the person they love. If the individual they fell in love with were a bad or good influence, they would change their personality to match theirs so that other partner would love them back. A person might want to get better grades and be more mature because that other partner likes those kind of people. Love can make people do things that they have never done before because the person they love does that. For example, that person that they love might like roller coasters, but it might be their biggest fear. That person would go on the roller coaster because of their "love" for the other person. A person could try to dress more appropriately to appeal to the person that they may have a crush on. They could also try to act more different than they usually would to appeal to them. Love can also be an adulation for a famous person. They can see that famous person as a role model and try to behave just like them. Love can be a complicated thing to understand and is a very strong emotion. Love is what motivates someone to become better or worse in their appearance, actions, and personality.

  40. Wesley Wong aka (SuperBeast)November 29, 2012 at 10:11 PM

    Wesley Wong

    Love can be interpreted in many ways; love can symbolize many things that hold dear to a person. Playing with love is like playing with fire, you never know when you are going to get burnt. Falling in love with another person can affect the person that is falling in love in many ways. It can make them crazy with affection, change habits that they normally would have, or they could stay the same as they are now. It can greatly change on how a person feels both positively…and negatively. When a person feels the love for another, he/she can be livelier and happy, more upbeat. The person in love may do things that they have never have done in their lives. Firstly one reason that a person would do such things for another is because they may not be the only ones that have feelings for that girl/guy. The person that is in love can do crazy stuff for the girl/guy just to get an upper hand in the competition for his/her love. Some things that they might do vary depending on each person. Another reason for why a person might do things for who they love is that maybe their lover is in a dire situation; like if he/she is dying and if doing crazy stuff to get the only antidote to cure the rare illness, that person would seize that opportunity if it could save his/her lovers life. But as I have said earlier, love can be very dangerous, if a person who doesn’t get loved in return they can go into a great depression or not.

  41. Jennifer Vu

    Every person has a different definition of love. Love can change a person in many different ways. It can change you into a better person or worse. There are things you can imagine yourself never doing, but when you're with the person you love, you can find yourself wanting to do it just to be with them. It can bring out a different side of you that you've never been comfortable with around other people. Love can change your whole life, it can make you feel like you’re the happiest person on earth. People would do anything to be with the person they love, for example, if the person you loved lived across the country from you, you’d follow them to be with the person you love the most even if you have to leave everything behind like your family, friends, and job to have a good future with them. People would give up everything for the person they love, even if it means death, they’d do anything to make the person they love happy. For example, In Catch the Moon by Judith Ortiz Cofer, after Luis’s mom died, he never let his emotions out to anyone, his relationship between his dad was bad, he broke into somebody’s house, and was in and out of juvenile hall. After he met Naomi, his whole life changed. He’s let his emotions out for the first time after his mom died and done something nice for the first time in a long time. Overall, I do believe love can change a person, even if it has changed your life for better or for worst.

  42. Love is a very deep word. It can cause many problems or it can fix them in the most amazing way. It can really change many peole who are really deeply in "love". In the story "Catch The Moon" Luis changed his behaviors when he say Naomi from a distance, he believed in love at first sight. It made him change because towards the end of the story, it says that Luis had not done anything nice for anybody in a really long time. Love cannot only change a person in a positive way, but also in a more negative way. For example, they will probably be too focused on that person and they will start blocking other things that are important like school, friends, and family. to me Love can be the cure to many problems that is wrong with the world or it can be the complete opposite in some cases and be the poison to a humans body. A really good motivation for somebody to change if they are really in love is because they simply would not want to loose the person who they are in love with. So love is very strong and should not be messed around with.

    -Noe Delgadillo

  43. Love is a special thing. You should celebrate and appreciate it. Not everyone experience’s love, sometimes it’s just lust or infatuation. It’s mostly arbitrary, you can fall easily in love, but much more difficult to fall out of it. Love can drastically change the person in many ways. One example is about this older high school student. No one liked him very much, and everyone complains on how annoying the guy is. Then out of the blue this nice,happy girl who doesn’t complain much, comes into his life, and he falls completely head over heels for her, that he asks her out in only a week, and the girl says yes just to get rid of her last boyfriend, but completely regrets it after since his attitude got the best of her and got her to break up with him as well.
    Another example is about this one guy Edwin who has these two friends Janice and Cherry. He had no intention of falling in love with either of them, but what all three of them didn’t know that a love triangle was forming. Cherry was Janice’s best friend she told everything to Cherry, but Cherry didn’t feel the same trust toward her so she kept most of her secrets isolated, but the one she was the most surreptitious about is her liking Edwin since Janice said that she likes him a lot. Late night Edwin confesses to Cherry that he likes her, and she confesses to him as well, but when the next day comes and she sees Edwin, Janice pulls her away before she can even say something to him and she tells her that Edwin and her are going out. Cherry pulled out her cheerful smile and said that she was so happy for her, but inside she was furious and wanted to cry. The guy that loves her the most betrayed her for her best friend.
    One day Edwin comes to school early and texts Cherry on where’s she is at and asks if he could meet up and talk to her she says yes and meet her at her locker. He goes up to her locker where she was standing there about to close her locker when he sneaks up on her, and drops her books on the floor. He starts giving an apology to cherry in which she didn’t listen to. She slammed her locker shut, and when she turned around he was facing her, gazed into her eyes and kissed her on the lips. Cherry was shocked and hit him on the shoulder, but covertly she loved the fact that he kissed her especially the fact that she was his first kiss
    Cherry felt guilty around Janice and how Edwin is cheating on her, but she loved him so she didn’t care. After the 3rd day of seeing each other Edwin tells Cherry that he wants to end things with Janice and that they should be together. Edwin breaks up with Janice and turns into a wreck she calls Cherry and met her in the bathroom where she found Janice sobbing she comforts her and asks her what’s wrong and Janice told Cherry that they broke up and she acted surprised and told her that she shouldn’t be crying over it and that she should go home. When Janice leaves Cherry tells Edwin that they can’t be together, because she didn’t want both of them to look bad. Instead they decided to be together in secret.
    People can and will do anything to get the person that they love. Even if it means to ruin a few friendships along the way.

  44. Love is a feeling that people are mostly misguided to thinking that they feel that way. Love is constantly substituted for lust. Love can greatly change a person if the person loved them back, because if that person is truly in love then they would have to first of change their "single" way meaning how one acted before the began feeling that emotion. The person you are in love with can also be motivation for change because you want to please them, and you previously havent had anyone to please.

  45. JaTaya Patton
    Love is a powerful thing, and it can do a lot of things to a person. When people say love is blind, it is a true statement. It changes a person sometimes for the good but also sometimes for the worse. It can bring the abusive and obsessive nature out of people but also a caring and nurturing side. When people are blinded by love, they aren’t always the same person they were before and it also can change the person they will become. Stories like Romeo and Juliet give love stories a negative connotation and stories lie when they say there are fairytale endings in life. Love isn’t just a horrible situation either, there are many good things that come out of love. Marriage and family is a good outcome of love. Love is also in many forms such as love for your boyfriend or girlfriend, love for your parents or child and even love for a sport of job you do. When you a passionate about something , there is a sign of love for it.

  46. We're not in love just because we enunciate it to the world via. Facebook, your friends, and your partner. We infatuate the IDEA of being in love because of how undaunted the media displays love to us. It's developed into a long list of chores which now dictates how we act while in a relationship. We're not satisfied just by being told we are loved, we have that general mindset that the person must show us throw actions. This is the core of how many people who claim to be in love act differently, because of these prerequisites which consequently motivates us in the end.

  47. Robin Alarcon

    Falling in Love clearly can change a person. some people tend to be nicer and more respectful while others won't like to show it and would actually get meaner. the motivation for a person that would cause them to change is the feeling of being wanted and the feeling of having someone to love you, want you, and most importantly listening to you and helping you with problems. our generation of child's is different than any other. we fall in love more easily but honestly not all of know the real feeling of love. i have been through these experiences a few times and i changed the way i acted because i had someone to love and love me back. i became more nice , more relaxed, and more helpful. so the thing that motivates us is a simple feeling that many of us believe we experienced but in reality haven't.
