Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Fear, Control, and Puritan Sinners (English III)

Many people would agree that fear is one of the most powerful motivators in human behavior. Jonathan Edwards and other pastors at this time used harsh warnings in their sermons to make sinners understand the precariousness of their situation by actually making them feel the horror of their sinful state. Do you think fear is a great motivator?


  1. Is fear a great motivator? To anybody that know fear would say yes. But to actually know why one must know what fear is. Fear can be in the subconscious mind from what happen to you as a child or from a previous experience.
    To be afraid of something it can mean that something happen to you as a child. An example of this can be one scared of a vacuum because as a child it look like a monster and is super loud and it might of sucked up a toy yo could of liked as a child. An other reason why is because something can alarm your senses.
    A way fear can alarm your senses is by something not looking, sounding, tasting, or feeling right. Mainly it how something looks and sounds. When something looks scary and have a high or loud noise with it can cause a person to not think straight or be stuck and can't move.
    For fear to be in your subconscious mean something happen to you but you forgot about it and it got stuck in your mind so when you see something it might trigger your mind to make you remember what scare you. A other fear is being scared to talk to somebody you like so you get nervous. So fear can make you do certain things.
    All the things I said can control you. The way fear control you is it making you do certain things. When something is really scary and you think your in danger fear can make you tense up and not move. When you talk to your crush a person can stutter and over think because they are scared of what their crush will think of them.
    So in the end no matter what type of fear it is a person will get controlled by it.

    Artreau Sheppard Per.3

  2. Is fear a great motivator? Can fear turn you into a different person in a matter of seconds? Or is it just a word that explains a feeling of misunderstanding? It can be all.
    Fear is a feeling you get when you know too many things and also when you nothing of. People get fear of anything and if somebody told you that they have never had fear of anything they are lying. In my opinion, fear is everywhere and everybody uses it in different ways. Schools use fear as a way to show kids to go to school and learn and not start problems like giving suspensions, referrals and expulsion. Police use this as well to a harder extent by prison, tickets and death.
    People get fear from being unaware of their surroundings. If you were to start school somewhere new with a different culture and they spoke a totally different language some people could face fear of not making friends, not being able to adapt to the culture or simply fear of how you will be treated.
    If you know too much that could also be one of a person’s fears. For example, if somebody knows something that is going to happen but nobody else knows they could go into shock or feel bad through fear. A common example I see throughout the US is cancer. If you know you have it, someone could feel bad and not feel comfortable about it, I think its because there fear of death.
    Brandon Biddle 3

  3. Is fear a great motivator? Fear in many ways is a great motivator in many ways. Fear can push people to accomplish goals that they never knew that they had. Most people do things because their actions of not doing something will have consequences if it is not done. Like when a person is choosing their classes for a upcoming year people do it for different fears that they have as an example one person might choose particular classes in order to get into a good college, while on the other hand a different person might do it to graduate from high school.

    Fear is something that can come from our self conscious from being unsure of something that will happen. Fear is a powerful thing that can make people step out of the comfort zone and do things that they never thought they would do. Everyone has a different fear something that they don't want to happen or change because of the consequences that will come from it. If fear were not to exist then people wouldn't be motivated to do things because their would be any consequences to follow.

    Fears can virtually come from anything a person does. Also fear of not getting into a good college can cause a person to take harder classes and to push himself into doing extracurricular activities all being motivated by that one fear of not getting into a good college. Even a person who fears something like not doing well in a sport is motivated to do better and excel in that sport. Being told the consequences of something can drive a person to avoid those consequences at a cost. All fears may be different but they are all motivated by the consequences of that fear and that is something that will not change regardless of what that fear may be.
    Melissa Martinez Per. 3

  4. Ahmad Odeh (period 3)

    Many people will agree that fear is one of the most powerful motivator.In the past and still now, all kinds of people talk about sins and that they should repent and stop committing sins, or they will suffer in the after life.while others would scare and threaten people to make you do things for them.In the past oppressors and dictators would put fear into people's hearts to make them not rebel or disobey them.They would execute anybody that would speak bad of them or go against them.People were frightened and did whatever the oppressors asked so they would not be harmed.Some will tell you of what will happen in your future if you dont do some things to scare you so you will make the right choices.Schools teach kids about what happens when people use drugs.They teach about how they become poor from spending all their money on drugs and how their life got messed up and how their families left them.They also scare you by informing you about prisons and that it is a harsh place where people will have it very hard to live in so they will not commit any crimes.Fear is not the most powerful motivator.In the past people have overthrown kings knowing their rebellion/revolution would cause them to be tortured and publicly executed if they even talked about it.But no matter how much fear you try to put in someone they will do what their heart wants them to do.Some people feared oppressors and feared their threats while others didnt and followed what their heart and intentions were knowing the consequences.Fear cannot control or motivate someone by itself, there always has to be something or someone else that makes the person scared and makes fear motivate him.If a football coach is always mad and screaming at the players when they make a mistake or when they are losing then when they play they will be scared of making mistakes and that will cause them to make too many mistakes because there will be too much on their mind.But if a coach say good things to the player and not be angry when the player messes up a play or drops a pass then the player will think that the coach is proud that he is trying and he will keep practicing because he will think he is making progress unlike when the coach yells, it makes the player think he is useless and not good at the sport.So fear is not the most motivator.

  5. Mosiah Yearwood (period 3)

    Fear is a great thing, but it is also a scary thing. fear can be good, but fear can be bad. It all depends on how you take fear and how you analyze how you face it. without fear this world would be pointless. if everone was brave there would not need to be a reason to be brave in the first place. Fear is a great motivator because it also stops bad things from happenng. for instence say a burguralry was occuring aand the cops never showed up. the thiefs would have no fear and they would get away with the crime. As a child i grew up being very afraid of scary movies such as scream, halloween or the grudge. i mentally had to learn to stay strong and train myself to not be afraid anymore. it wasnt easy but ii had to learn that fear is all in the head, nothing more. we need fear to motivate us to be better people, not only that it helps us see our strengths and weaknesses and things that we need to work on. Fear is the most motivative.

  6. Fear is a noun and only can be described as an action when something triggers something in somebody body and makes them act a certain way and be considered as being scared. Fear is also a trigger to alert us that something or someone is dangerous and that we should stay away before that person/object gets hurt. Fear is natural it can't be contained because most people are afraid of something or someone. Fear is like a phobia that you will be naturally afraid of. There was a time when I was afraid of the dark but it was just a natural fear and so I tried realizing that it happens to a lot of kids under the age of five years old. Fear can motivate by telling like when I was told I'm such a baby or your to scared to walk in the dark this was when I was five years old and I overcame my fear by walking in the dark and walking back out without any trouble and that how a fear can motivate someone by using fear as a threat and overcoming it with your inner self confidence. Grant Antoine p.3

  7. Are you scared of anything? If so, what do you fear? Fear is an emotional feeling that is caused by someone’s thinking. Fear is caused by a lot of things such as family, friends, school, peer pressure, etc. Fear is seen as an unpleasant feeling but sometimes, it is a great motivator. It is a great motivator in a way because it pushes you to accomplish things and become careful with your decisions.

    There are a lot of things that people have fears of. School is an example of what students fear of. They’re afraid that if they don’t do good in school, then they will fail and not succeed in life. Some students fear that they won’t be able to have a good career since they can’t afford college. Teenagers fear of getting pregnant especially teenagers who are sexually active and doesn’t use protection. Another example is losing someone very important to you and the never ending list goes on and on.

    In my opinion, fear have both sides to it. It is a great motivator but at the same time it’s not. Fear motivates you in the beginning but later on, you become immune to whatever you're afraid of and fear doesn’t last forever.

    Norielle Lopez (Period 3)

  8. Ariel Williams Per 3

    There are two types of people in this world. the people who flee or face their fears. Using fear as a motivator can go both ways depending on the type of person and how big your fear is. For the people who face fear, they want to overcome it because if they hold onto that fear any longer. Or ironically Fear Factor for example they use fear to motivate the contestant to win the money. usually they are more willing to let go of that fear rather than the people who flee
    from it. From getting over that fear, they most likely expect an outcome of courage or a prize.

    The people who flee might be so afraid of the fear they do all means to avoid it. For example a person who is scared of spiders is told to pick up one for ten dollars, they wouldn’t do it simply because it sickens them to do such a thing holding the very thing that causes uneasiness in the night and day. Their fear was based off a traumatic experience but really all fears derived from moments we wished we hadn’t experienced. For that person it may control them for a period of time or their whole time.

    But in reality, fleeing from your fear is the first step to recognizing it. All fears come in shapes and sizes intangible or not. The person motivating you with fear is probably a tyrant or your best friend trying to make you eat a bug for a couple bucks. You then have the decision to strike up the courage to do so or avoid it. Especially people with phobias. Jonathan Edwards motivated people to recognize their sins using fear. As a result many people became religious and in some cases made the non believers believe.

  9. Fear is an emotional threat that runs your mind and is powered by what our brain’s lead us to believe. Why do we let fear take over our minds? Fear can be both a motivator and something that can push you down. When I say that, I mean not only can fear impact your life but it can change it positively or negatively. Whether it’s running away from traumatic events from past experiences or just being scared of a test, fear can change how you act entirely.
    How might fear be a motivator? Fear, for example can change your outlook of things. If you’re scared to do something but end up overcoming it that could lead you to having more confidence to believe in yourself. Being able to overcome something you never thought you could do it can definitely motivate you to try new things that you were scared of before because now you have a sense that you can do it. Fear can also motivate you through not wanting to show that failure at a certain situation. If you’re playing a video game and you have the fear of messing up, then that’s going to motivate you not to lose the game because you’re too afraid to mess up.
    Although fear has it’s way of motivation, it can definitely bring a person down. Having the fear of losing something or someone can make a person have less motivation because they’ll end up being depressed due to the fact that they can’t do anything about the situation. Fear is powered by our brains and sends us signals that we should be scared of something, therefore if a someone is scared of something they’re not going to want to face it because they’re afraid of what will happened to them. Fear can be something as little as a spider or the anxiety of being alone and dying soon. People don’t like to overcome their fears because it creates more stress and paranoia that they don’t want to add on to their huge fears.
    Jodie Antonio
    Period 3

  10. Have you ever been scared? Or afraid what will happen to you in the future? Fear is all around us and
    each and everyone of us will face it at some point in our life time. At certian points it will be a great
    motivator for some humans. Fear is something that our brain stimulates in our minds. But is it really just
    our brains, or things that were not use to being around.People fear many things such as failing in school
    which is a pretty common one, learning to drive, and also traveling to new places, or experiencing new
    things which could actually be really scary.
    Learning to drive can be a very stressful and scary experience. But learning how to drive is a
    test of facing your fears and will determine your future. some learn how to drive in as little as a month
    where others take years because their not to confident in their self which could lower their self esteem
    because their behind everyone. When i was learning how to drive it was very scary, my dad was yelling
    because I’m not doing the right thing, people honking cause your going to slow, and on top of that the
    fear of getting pulled over by the police which would not be fun. Its like doing an assignment and
    worrying about the teacher, other students, and following the right directions. All the fears that come
    along with driving just wants to make you learn it quicker so that it can all be over with.
    Moving/Traveling to a new place is the not the best experience for some. when I first moved to
    San Leandro from Hayward i was so scared and did not know what to expect. My whole life changed
    in a matter of days doing things such as catching the bus, and going to a whole new school with kids i
    didnt know. It wasent a big move but moving about 4 exits down is scary. You have to learn how to
    step out of your comfort zone and talk to people, and joining clubs will help a lot.
    In my oppinion fear is the best motivator that you will ever have. It will always be on your side
    and will never give up on you. But you can also depend on your self and family.
    Treyvon Brown Walker .3

  11. Is fear a great motivator? Fear is a way to get someone going and accomplish many things that they can’t do normally. Fear is a primal instinct that boasts up your ability to do something as a reaction. When a person is put into a situation such as running out of your house because of a wildfire that happened to occur nearby, the prime instinct is fear, and the main thing that is set into the person mind is to survive out of that conflict alive. This makes the person experience the fear of dying and allows the person to potentially survive.

    Fear is emotion that can help a person during desperate needs. The fear of doing something new or even the fear of losing someone you love is something that stimulates on how you would function. A motivation to move on with your life and become a person you are today. Fear comes in different shapes and forms. Fear can also be used as a motivation for doing the wrong things. A person being threatened by fear would cause the person into doing what the mastermind would tell them to do such as robbing a bank or kidnapping a person. Overall, fear can be used for the greater good or for the bad.

    Francis Diza P.3

  12. Is fear a great motivator? In many ways it would be yes and no. Fear can be used to help someone get better at something or finish important things. But fear is always described with a certain object or thing. Fear is something we all need its a necessary emotion unless we all want to be robots.

    Fear is something implemented in your mind and makes you scared of the smallest things. It can come in tangible or intangible objects its how you view the item. So whether you are using fear to take their stuff or using to help them get a better grade. Fear might be one of the best motivators.
    Hanad Jama per 3

  13. Michael Lee

    What's Fear exactly? Fear is simply the idea that something terrifies you. In fact, the mere mention of something that you fear can send shivers down your spine. I think that fear is a popular tool to get people to do powerful things, good or otherwise. In everyday life, fear is a common tool used by students and employees in order to meet a certain quota such as a good grade or a deadline for paperwork. However, fear can be more commonly used to advance one's agenda through physical means. This includes school bullies, mobsters, and tyrants.

    Fear can be helpful in a way. It can motivate you to try something that you have never done before. Whether it be speaking in front of a audience, or skydiving off a cliff, the fear itself will keep you going to accomplish your goal.

    What I mean by physical fear is using violent actions towards others to get what you want. In grade school, bullies will threaten to harm you in order to get your homework or money. You'll comply because you fear getting hurt badly. Gangs of criminals will shake down entire neighborhoods for money. Again, you'll give in to them because you fear for your life and your familys.

    One very prominant example fear through physical means would have to be occupied Europe in the early 40's. Hitler and his german army invaded neighboring countries without much of a fight. Why? When news of Hitler's invasion of nearby countries began, many Jewish fled. They feared that they would be sent to concentration camps. Those who could have stayed to defend the countries that they grew up in rapidly fled. Instead of staying to defend or fight, they fled in fear of nazi oppression. Thats how fear will control your better judgment. It will cause you to do powerful things, for better or for worse.

  14. Mosiah Yearwood (period 3)

    Fear is a great thing, but it is also a scary thing. fear can be good, but fear can be bad. It all depends on how you take fear and how you analyze how you face it. without fear this world would be pointless. if everone was brave there would not need to be a reason to be brave in the first place. Fear is a great motivator because it also stops bad things from happenng. for instence say a burguralry was occuring aand the cops never showed up. the thiefs would have no fear and they would get away with the crime. As a child i grew up being very afraid of scary movies such as scream, halloween or the grudge. i mentally had to learn to stay strong and train myself to not be afraid anymore. it wasnt easy but ii had to learn that fear is all in the head, nothing more. we need fear to motivate us to be better people, not only that it helps us see our strengths and weaknesses and things that we need to work on. Fear is the most motivative.
    To me though i feel like you have to get rid of fear sooner or later. maybe not completely rid of it but you have to finsd some sort of way too tell your mind that you will no longer take this fear of whatever you are afraid of and that you will stand up to your fear and face it. I know for a fact that fear has helped me become a better person and there is no doubt about that. I have made mistakes in my life and fear is what ended up making me correct those mistakes by making wiser decisions. Fear to me all starts off with bad experience. To me if youve had a bad experience with whatever you're afraid of most likely your going to be scarred of it. but if the case was that you had a good experience with that topic then you would not be so fearful in that area. Fear is all in the head, its a mental thinking process that then later leads to other thoughts that occur. Fear is what makes us become better people. it is a weakness but that where we come in to fix that weakness. It can cause greatness, for bad and for good.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Is fear a great motivator? Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. No matter how old you are, you're probably afraid of something.

    Fear can either have a positive or negative impact in your life. It's all about how you control it, and what you choose to do to act upon it. But how might fear be a motivator? For some people, they might want to overcome that fear, because they can't hold onto it any longer. Others will just choose not to act upon it.

    Everyone has different fears. Either if it's someone that's scared of spiders, heights, passing a test, losing their loved ones, or even just falling in love again. Fear can really hurt someone, and make them have different outlooks on situations.

    With losing someone, or even being afraid of falling in love again, can scar someone which causes them to have doubts, because they wouldn't want to be hurt again. In reality, it's easy to ignore our fears and just hope that they'll go away. But really, they rarely do. When fear starts affecting our daily lives, we have to do something about it.

    In my opinion, I feel like you have to overcome your fear someday. You have to face yourself, and take a minute to stare this concept in the face. It's all about progress, and just rewiring your mindset. I believe that fear has made me a better person. Overcoming obstacles that I never knew I would overcome, has gave me a different outlook on life. One of my biggest fears, is not only losing my loved ones, but not getting accepted to my dream college. This motivates me to do better in school, so I can leave footsteps for the younger ones in the family. Fear inspires action, and builds confidence. Without fear, you will not succeed. Learn how to embrace your fears.
    "Without fear, we wouldn't have known to run away from that saber-toothed tiger or step back from that thousand foot drop."

  17. Can fear actually be a motivator rather than a hindrance? There are numerous debates whether so, but fear can be seen as a main factor in controlling human behavior. Depending of how a person takes it, fear can cause either negative or positive outcomes. Through the examples of Nelson Mandela, Maya Angelou and everyday life scenarios, one can recognize how fear can motivate people to do numerous things in life.

    Nelson Mandela’s feelings of fear during his time in prison caused by the South African government provoked him to ameliorate himself, eventually allowing him to become the president. Mandela, a well-known social activist in South America, saw the corruption of his country’s government and wanted to make a change. He started his own movement to stand up for his race’s rights and to install equality for all. Mandela’s actions eventually lead to him being detained for 15 years by the South African government. Although he discovered great fears during his time in prison, Mandela was able to use these fears to motivate himself for the better. Rather than fearing the guards, he befriended some and eventually got out of jail early due to his plan. He befriended numerous politicians and eventually their threats and attempts to scare him only boosted his confidence to the point to where he was elected president of South Africa. Another example where fear can actually motivate a person is Maya Angelou.

    Maya Angelou’s fear of speaking allowed her to find other ways to express her feelings through writing and reading; She became a renowned author today for her numerous works in literature, and will be remembered as she rests in peace. Angelou at a young age was raped and eventually became traumatized due to the death of her rapist. She became so traumatized that she feared speaking with others. During this period, this fear allowed her to spend more time reading books and permitted her to become diverse in literature. With these events, Angelou was able to communicate her feelings through writing, which eventually led to her accomplishment as a renowned author today. Her fear of speaking, rather than hindering her, actually led her to a new path of inspiration and hope. However, Maya Angelou is not the only example that displays how fear can motivate a person.

    Everyday life scenarios shows how fear can be used a motivator, in which it can control us in the opposite direction of what we fear. Fear can be something inherited such as ideas/ideals that are passed on. We can fear death, rejection, and losses, but these feelings can actually be for the better. With fear, one can forget and try to avoid worst scenarios and lead one to success. For example a student is afraid to fail a test and is then motivated to study a week ahead of time, allowing him/her to ace the exam. Fear permits one to imagine the worst outcome and make the future different/better.

    Fear can motivate us to do numerous things in life, which can be seen through the examples of Nelson Mandela, Maya Angelou, and normal life scenarios. With fear comes opportunities, you can either give into it, leading yourself to failure or you can accept it as a motivator towards success. The way you view fear and approach it motivates you to success or to certain outcomes. Do you believe fear can motivate, or is it just an impediment?

    Diana Grande (Period 3)

  18. Manuel Carrasco

    Most people would agree that fear is a powerful motivator. Fear is what drives most people to do things that they thought they couldn't do. Whether it be trying to fit in with society to a fear of heights or a fear of the dark. Fear is held in so much by people that one day they crack and all the fear is released by doing the thing you thought you couldn't do. I have seen it happen over and over again. Fear is an emotional feeling that's always going to be exist in your life. It's how you overcome this fear is how it motivates you. People have other motivators as well as not just fear, but those motivators don't last long. Fear is forever lasting, like you're always going to be afraid of something even if you overcome what you think is a big fear. Once you overcome it there is always going to be something to replace it.

    When Jonathan Edwards used harsh warnings in his sermons it made people feel terrified of what would happen if they ever sinned. Other pastors used this method as well. Without fear there would be no point in living. The death toll of the world population would increase dramatically because people would just do things without having a care in the world, one of those things being dying.

    Fear is a great motivator because it drives people to do things people would of never thought you could of done. Now you might miss a couple of great opportunities in life because of it, but once you overcome it even greater opportunities will come your way. Life is all about fear and how you overcome it. There is nothing more motivating than a challenging fear. My question to you now is do you think fear is a great motivator?

  19. Whether or not fear is a great motivator, I have no simple answer. However, I acknowledge that it is an effective motivator. It manipulates human behavior which could be considered good or bad, depending on perception. Fear can be used as an outside force or a personal motivator.

    We are all too familiar with the school system, where fear is used to steer us in "the path we want." Many, and probably majority of, students attend school, read books, and do homework simply out of fear of failing and not going to college to study for a high paying job. They may also be afraid of detention or how their parents will react. School has become less about education and more about fulfilling what is required. While it's good to take control of children's education to ensure a brighter future, it has taken away many people's desire to learn for the sake of learning.

    Students also use fear as their personal motivator. Due to pressure and fear from exterior sources, many students develop their own ideas of success and push themselves to meet goals. For example, I push myself to study for AP Chemistry because I want to ace the class and become a successful scientist in the future. This is my personal motivation, but surely it can be linked back to exterior fear.

    Is fear a great motivator? In many cases, fear can be considered great. It encourages people to pursue education. Some may argue that it forces people to go down a path that they do not actually long for. It can also be harmful. Fear can lead to anxiety and stress which affect a person's mental health. I believe that fear as a motivator is mostly great. It helped me to be successful and find a path that I want to pursue. It has also caused me a great deal of stress, but that just makes me work harder.

    Lara Friedlund p.3

  20. If you know anything about fear or instilling fear on others, then you would know how powerful it can be. It can be so powerful that you could motivate or control another person or group of people. In this case, Johnathan Edwards seems to be using fear as a way to motivate people, however if you look at it from another perspective is it not just a means to control or persuade the people into having the same ideology as him? Whether or not fear is a great motivator seems to depend on the person putting fear into others.

    In sports you might see coaches yelling at their athletes and saying harsh things. From an outside perspective you might think that’s an extreme thing for athletes but from the athlete’s perspective, it could be seriously motivating them to try harder (differs in effect from person to person). The coach’s intention would be to just bring the kids up and make them the best person that they could be. In most cases the kids are scared of punishment for failing the coach and will give it their all. That fear put into the kids adds extreme amounts of stress but as the saying goes, “You got to do, what you got to do.”

    Personally for me I can say that I have used fear as both a motivator and to a certain extent as a means to control people unintentionally. I’ve used it to motivate friends into giving it their all for the better of them. But other times it seems that when I try to motivate them, it looks like just a way to control them into doing what I say. In a sense you could say that it did motivate them and it is something other people can question for themselves if fear really is a motivator or a means to control people, in my opinion it is a great motivator.

    In the end whether or not fear is a great motivator is something that has no definite answer. It is great in the sense that it gets people motivated to do things, but justifies tyranny being a good thing. For me I think it is a great motivator and can be shown through some of my actions as well as coach’s actions. It is great at motivating people to a certain extent; otherwise it is just controlling people into doing what you say. There is no simple way to say if fear is a good motivator so it is something people are left to speculate on. It really just comes down to how you fear, in this case do you view fear as a good way to motivate people?

    Angelo Belenson
    Period 4

  21. We are all different people and we all have our different opinions, fears, and ways to approach fear. To many people’s eyes it is preferable to not have feel fear at all. Personally, I think we need fear. An obvious reason for that is so that we don’t do incredibly ridiculous things that could possibly result in death while pretending to be Superman since he is “brave”. I think it is brave to admit and understand your fears. Not completely force yourself to get over every single one of them. Maybe I’m just saying this since I’m a scaredy-cat that has way too many fears to name, but I prefer having fear since it keeps me safe while still trying to reach my full potential. Fear motivates me to reach my absolute limits and to try to slowly go past my limits when I’m ready. Fear of your own safety is a common fear amongst people; we don’t go around with the intent of injuring ourselves. We want to stay safe and avoid breaking bones or worst. Broken bones cost a lot of money even if you have health insurance. This fear is reasonable, and it motivates people to try to stay out of dangers way. Another fear that most of us live with is the fear of losing someone we care about and love. We all need family and companions to share our life with, someone to talk to, and someone to be there for you when you need it. This fear motivates people to protect their loved ones to the best of their ability and/or enjoy and appreciate every moment with them because there are things in this world that we have no control over. This is a great motivator for people that realize it can be. Lastly, there is the fear of being in a situation that you would prefer to avoid. You simply don’t like the feeling you get in those situations such as roller coasters or public speaking. In my opinion, this fear is the easiest to become a hindrance instead of a motivator, but it can still motivate you.
    Romney Cola Per. 3

  22. Throughout life we all go through things where we have a one on one situations in our mind. From our each individual past is what influences how we act in the present time. Our surroundings influence us so much, that it shapes us to think what is right and what is wrong. We shape from opinions and thoughts that are imprinted slowly in our mind subconsciously. No matter what, we will always have some type of fear running laps in the back of our head.
    We all put limits on ourselves, but people also put pressure and opinions onto others. Fear is a great motivator and everyone goes through it regardless of any situation that pops up. We force ourselves to do things we aren't comfortable to do and are scared of having something so horrific that we set ourselves on another side to be against it. Fear is an everyday thing, and subconsciously we always do it. As time ticks away we only have a certain amount of time to get a tricky task done. Although a lot of us may overestimate something we have power to conquer by applying our own actions.
    People use fear to manipulate others and to control the weak minded to get something from them. There's a ton of people that get so afraid without even knowing what's right or wrong, that they rush into doing something do don't know if they should or not. Corruption overpowers with a lot of negativity throwing off people's minds into a dark bottomless pit. Fear is injected into us so we turn around and create the action to move forth what a higher power wants. In the end, fear does push us further to motivate us into doing things we are uncomfortable with. Besides, without fear how would we get by in life everyday? Everything has a consequence.

    Elon Hufana Period 3

  23. Fear, what is it and how does this intangible thing have such a huge impact on our lives. Fear is given to everyone in different doses wither it's mental or physical. But fear, when triggered it's usually very unpleasant. There are any factors to why fear is not a good motivator, here are some, anxiety, overworking, and the risk of your health.

    Fear is basically a very unpleasant feeling that make you feel very unsafe and scared. Sometimes it get so bad that people do things they would never think they would ever do. Also people that uses fear as a way to motivate then self usually ends up overworking themselves

    Fear sometimes pushes people to hard, sometimes even to the point of death. Imagine someone being fuel by anxiety and stress everyday or even years. That's not good right? Stress and anxiety also lead to bad health and bad eating habits.

    Being driven by fear doesn't just effect you on the outside but also in the inside to. Usually people start to reject food and slowly start developing eating disorders due to the stress. Eating disorder are never good because as growing humans we need as much nutrients to survive and live. Because of this your heal will slowly deteriorate and you'll eventually collapse.

    Fear is the feeling of being unsafe and pressured. It leads to many bad factors that aren't good for you. It's definitely would be better and smarter to have a better or more alternative motivator.

    Nini Tran

  24. Fear is most definitely a motivator in life for every human being in this world. We all try our best to make ourselves and the people we care about happy. However the thought of being sad or causing sadness in other lives scares everyone to the point where they would do anything to avoid it. I believe that all humans are motivated in everything they do simply out of fear. We strive for success and money from the fear of disappointment and future hardship. We are programmed from the being to be successful and rich. To find a fitting partner and to start a good family. However we are also programmed to fear living an average life. We fear being alone and not being extraordinary. However fear is also in our lives for good. Our brains have implanted the instinct of flight to protect ourselves and this is usually one of the main factors that keeps us alive. Some of my most vivid memories are born from fear and those memories are the most impactful in our day to day lives. Nothing makes us more uncomfortable or more motivated than fear. Fear of Failure is something that everyone goes through no matter what. It is something inevitable. It is how we deal with this failure that determines our success and our actual loses. Fear of failure is ultimately a waste of time and opportunity. Failure actually can bring light to bigger and better things. It can show you who you’re real friends are, and bring better opportunities for you and your future. Everyone show find it within themselves and to not be controlled by fear but to accept it.
    Maggie Mehari
    Per 3

  25. LeAnne Chingcuangco

    I beg to disagree to some people who argue that fear is a great motivator. It is certainly not!

    Fear is a negative thought. Negative thoughts magnetize and invite negative outcomes. No one should either entertain or welcome it into their system. It should not exist at all.

    When a person fears something, he worries and is not able to think right. Worrying does not solve anything; it only worsens the situation. To be able to think right, one should have a relaxed and a clear mind. When something is bothering you, you feel anxious which could even lead to panic attack where there could be no room for you to be logical. Without logical thinking, you are most likely to make unwise and irrational decisions which could lead you nowhere but into deep trouble. That is uncalled for.

    In the presence of fear, a person is being forced rather than being inspired to accomplish, achieve or fulfill a task or a goal. In the process of doing so, there is no sense of happiness, enjoyment, and fun because it was never done out of his freewill or strong desire. He feels no satisfaction.

    Where there is fear, there is danger. Someone feels unsafe. There is no sense of security. That is not the right way to live. The way to live is to have an inner sense of peace that is worry-free.

    When you love and enjoy what you are doing, you keep on doing it. You never get tired of doing it. It keeps you going. You get motivated. You get to accomplish, achieve, and fulfill a task or a goal. It could even lead to the realization of your dreams. It gives you a sense of happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment, enjoyment, and self-actualization.

  26. Fear is an amazing motivator. Fear is something many people avoid at all costs. People don't want to feel fear, and anything that causes fear is something they don't want anything to do with. When people are afraid there is apprehension and doubt. There is also a lot of uncertainty and uneasiness involved with the situation. It is usually accompanied with a huge dislike. When people are afraid they do things they normally wouldn’t because they want to keep themselves safe from any potential danger. Fear is something that can easily be used to manipulate other. It brings out a selfishness in people because they feel a need to protect their own well being.

    Fear can motivate people to do many things. It can be a fear of failure, a fear of bodily harm, or a fear of the unknown, but it almost always gives people a purpose. It's the one good reason people have to keep going. A lot of people run on fear alone. Until we're 18 a lot of people do everything because of fear of their parents or fear of the law. Fear motivates me to do a lot things, and sometimes I use fear to motivate other people. It makes it easier for me to get them to do what I want or to do something they don't want to. That's also pretty much what my parents do. However, I don't think that fear's always negative. It helps support rational thinking. A little fear can be helpful; a lot of fear can be paralyzing. It's something we need.

    Kariauna Gomez p.3
