Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Fate vs. Free Will

Free will is the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion. Fate is the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power Was there a time in your life when someone told you that something improbable would happen and it did? Did the fact that the event was predicted cause you to act differently in order to make the prediction happen? Do people try to make predictions come true? Is this freewill or fate?


  1. There was never a time in my life when somebody told me something improbable was going to happen to me and then it happen. But I do believe hat people would try to make the prediction come true. Like for an example personally if somebody told me that I was going to be an NFL player when I'm around 22after they saw me play I would try my hardest to try to make it there. I will play football for a school, or play for a ream outside of school (if not both) especially if a football coach told me that. And I believe that it is a little bit of both fate and freewill. The free will part by me trying to make it and practicing; and the fate part by just looking at the odds of playing football by it being out of 1 and 35 people making it to the NFL. Artreau Sheppard per.5

  2. There was a time when someone told me that me making good grades this year and last year was big shift and that I thought I not able to pick up grades until this year. The thing that happened is that I was told that no one could tell, “You nothing is impossible.”
    This moment in my life was a goal for me to achieve so I went on to fulfill my goal and till I succeed. This time frame was making me able to act different and I was strongly appreciated. When people make a prediction and they think it comes true most of the time it does cause my prediction came true I'm proud about it too this is what you call free will when someone is freely able to make their own predictions.
    Grant Antoine per.4

  3. There has never been a time when someone told me something improbable was going to happen. Its never made me think differently about freewill or fate. i do people try to make the prediction true by working on it and making it happen. If someone thought there friend was going to play basketball professionally based off the potential they see in him, the person might work harder or keep putting in work to make it happen. I think people act differently about the prediction because it is possible if you make it happen. Therefore, i think it is mostly freewill because if you wanted to get in shape , its not your fate to get a six pack and your eating donuts every week. if you want to get a six pack you work on it.
    brandon biddle 5

  4. There was a time when someone told me something improbable was going to happen. For example, I ran for Sophomore Class VP last year and I actually got the position. My friends did 'predict' that I was going to win the election but it was definitely not fate but free will. Their prediction was more motivational rather than it affecting my actions to achieve it. Regardless of them making the prediction or not, I would've still tried my best to win the election. That position isn't just going to come and ask me if I want it, it's free will that makes me work for it and achieve it. People think of things being 'fate' to escape from the truth and to comfort themselves from things that are either good or bad. I personally believe in free will(actions) than fate(mindset).

    Vivian Ye 5

  5. A few times in my life I believed that i would never get to where I am today. When I was in the fifth grade I was immensely overweight and it seemed impossible to ever lose it. Some of my family told me it would happen but from the looks of things that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. Despite how things looked at the time I decided to believe them and just hope for the best. From that point I started joining more sports like basketball and other recreational activities in the area. I would be going to practice for basketball one day and be in swimming the next. I remember only having one day of rest which was on Sunday just to let the whole process repeat again. As the years went on I stopped basketball and swimming then moved on to tennis. I played that just as much as swimming and basketball combined in the later years of middle school. However when high school came around I decided to join the wrestling team and that is when the prophecy my family had told me really came true. By the end of eighth grade I was 180 pounds which is much more than someone of my height, but when I joined wrestling my weight went all the way back down to where I was in fifth grade only this time it was not all fat. So in a sense I would think that this would be fate's work. The reason being that it was probably my fate that this would happen to me. Free will was partially used in making my decisions but everything was already scripted to happen, the 30 pound weight loss being an example of things to happen but being led by my will to lose the weight. Being told that things would change gave me a sliver of hope and led me to work hard to get me to where I am today. In the end it would seem that what happens in the future seems to be a mix between fate and free will. Meaning that we control the decisions we make using free will but all the things that were scripted to happen will happen because of fate.

    Angelo Belenson
    Period 4

  6. There has been numerous times where people have doubt in me or have improbable thoughts upon me. But that's what drives me more into proving them wrong that I can do it from my free will. Though, I do it from my own consent but that's what makes fate such a thing. I'm a big dreamer and I plan to accomplish everything I'm currently aiming for. During these past few years my perspective has changed on what impossible actually is, and how I could actually get around and achieve on what I work for. But this all comes from free will at first, but when it concludes that's what you can call fate. You may lose a basketball game and call that fate, but from what happens in the past is what leads up to that specific moment. Whenever someone tells you something that's gong to happen to you, could make you react different. You may work harder or slouch more on what that future event will. Anyone has the power to change anything that stands within their mind. When people try to make predictions happen, they believe in some type of source that makes them think they this certain type of way. The mind is a very powerful thing in the way you use it, but actions from what you make are the consequences of it. In the end of all this, without free will there wouldn't be any type of fate to conclude that particular sequence.

    Elon Hufana
    Period 4

  7. There was never a time in my life when someone has told me that something improbable would happen. Nevertheless people hear what they want to hear and if someone tells them something that they want to happen they will try their best to make it come true. If someone keeps thinking that they want something to happen they will do whatever is in their power to make it happen. This is freewill because if someone is constantly fighting for something to come true how can it be fate. If a person knows that something is going to happen its not fate it's freewill. People use fate as an excuse to help them cope with the reality that is going on in their lives and is keeping them from dealing with the reality. If someone wants something to happen so badly that thats all they focus on its bound to happen because of the determination that they feel towards what they want. If someone doesn't put forward some effort for something its freewill that it probably won't happen.

    Melissa Martinez
    period 5

  8. I remember that once a teacher said that if I studied really hard and passed the ELA test that i could get out of resource. Yeah i think the fact that the Teacher told me that their was possibility that this could happen, it made me wanted it more and caused me to studied really more. I think yes people do try to make predictions come true because the prediction sounds like music to their hears. If you want something than your gonna work for it right? I think that's what people are doing since its what their manipulated into wanting. I think its fate in disguise of freewill; since, your not really doing something you want on your own since fate is also involved. Fate is involve because you already know what you want and your going straight to it like fate. Fate is like a straight line and Freewill is all over the place like scribbles.

    Nini Tran


  9. I don't recall a time in my life where someone told me something was improbable would happen. Of course you see it many times in the media. Some examples would be people in weight loss journeys. They were bullied into thinking that they could not shed the weight but in the end they perservere.
    i believe that you act differently in order to make prediction happen. It takes even more hard work and ill to reach that certain prediction. You want to prove that person wrong and even go that extra mile to make a statement. This is not fate but instead a free will. A fate is more inevitable in my opinion. Especially in greek mythology fate can bring people together or death. Freewill is more effort in proving the improbable possible.
    I think media especially has given us goals or standards to set just become "one of them". If you have enough passion, you desire the goal more so making it freewill. They or we choose to break the impossible. Negativity and hatred only fuel us. You try so hard to prove them wrong. In the end you prove your point and gain respect.
    Fate is more exaggerated. A simple action can break the fate. But fate is excuse for some that it is inescapable. That it's bound to happen. For example couples brought by "fate" just another name for soul mates. the only fate that is true in death. Eventually we will all die despite technology advances. But fate does not require as much as freewill. For fate you wait for it to happen where as freewill is hard work and accomplishment.

    Ariel Williams
    Per 5

  10. I have never had a prediction or a wish really come true before. However, this does not mean that descisions aren't left to fate, or "destinies". People always tell you that everything happens for a reason, especially if you lose something.. This means that every win, loss, victory or defeat, happens for the greater good. "We are all chess pieces in jesus and satans little backgammon game".

    Anyways... A persons destiny has to do with religion, right? I beg to differ. What if a persons fate was genetically plot out for them since childbirth? A person could be unwillingly compelled to follow a certain dream or desire. What im trying to say is that I believe in both concepts, but I lean towards the free will idea more. Fate and Destinies seem more like wishful thinking at best.

    Michael Lee
    Period 5

  11. There was multiple times and still today that people would tell me something improbable would sucks to hear how doubtful people can be toward someone especially a family member. yea sometimes it gets to me, but then again i put that aside and i try my best to prove everyone wrong because theres nothing better than that !and i will continue to prove them wrong . like for example like the middle of last year i was really chubby , it was a hard thing for me because i actually used to be really skinny and well all of a sudden i started gaining weight i gained about a good 30-40 pounds, i did get made fun of, i would get told that i wasn't going to loose any weight because i was"too lazy" until then i started getting into dance class i was dance 5 times a week and boy did that help me ! and now i stopped but i continue to work out and I'm proud of how far I've came. so i think this is fate because it was fate that i would do this for myself and in the end only i believed in myself.
    Jailene Garibay
    period 4

  12. My first interaction with my estrange father was freewill. I chose freewill over fate due to my curiosity to meet my father & understand where i come from.

    It was summer of 2010, my mom & i were driving home from having brunch, When all of a sudden i received a call from my aunt. She was inviting me to my cousins birthday party, but warned me that my father was going to be there. Although, i had never meet my father & had always imagined my first encounter with him to be when i was older, I had always believed that fate would bring us together in the future once I grew more mature. i decided that this was a good opportunity to meet him. Although, i was feeling kind of scared & nervous of meeting my other family. I went along with it & summed up my courage.

    I was feeling anxious the day of the birthday party it had finally arrived & scared as to how he would react when he saw me. As i was greeting my family members my heart was racing.Since i didn't know how he looked i didn't know when exactly i would encounter him. I reached out to give this man a hand shake when all of a sudden he embraced me, gave me a strong & long lasting hug, and that's when i realized he was my father. Instead of waiting & hoping that fate would bring us together i decided to take charge and pursue the person i was longing for.

    Paulina M- Contreras
    period 5

  13. There was a time in my life when someone told me that something improbable would happen. It was a recent situation when my dad told me I couldn't go to a concert, because I had church that day. Since my family is highly religious, I gave in ,and chose the right decision to go to church. I was disappointed at first, because I bought these tickets months before the concert, and I was really looking forward to going. My parents told me that if I made the right choices in life, I'll get a better outcome, just like good karma. My friends, and family did predict that something better would happen once I made the right decision, but I believe that it was free will, because I chose to go to church over a concert. My parents motivated me to do the right thing, but I made the decision on my own. It does tie in with fate too, because what are the chances that the performer, Dom Kennedy got injured the day of his concert by falling off his skateboard? The concert was soon then postponed to March 16, and I was able to go.

    Lauren Adona
    Period 4

  14. There was times in my life when i was told improbable things that actually came true and for a minute it questioned my thinking on fate and free will. I personally do not beleive in karma or any of that crap. Reasons why i dont beleive in karma is because i have seen way too many good people have bad things happen to them and i have seen way too many bad people have good consequenes for their wrong doings. and in the end lets be honest not everyone gets what they deserve good or bad. So is there really a such thing called karma? To me religion is fate but also free will. Free will because you have a choice to be in a certain religion and you also have a choice to beleive whatever you want. Its fate because in religion everyone beleives in something that they have never experienced before or actually even seen with there own two eyes. Religion is a prediction a prediction based on faith and what you beleive to be true. I remeber people used to tell me when i was younger that i was weak in football and how i was too slow or to short and to fat. i can honestly say i proved those people wrong because the more i heard that the angrier it made me and the better i got at football. Til this very day i still hear the hate and i still get some comments that arent so great. But the thing is predictions are just predictions its only an opinion of someone. But now its up to you if you want that prediction to become true or not.

    -Mosiah Yearwood (period4)

  15. There have been many times in my life when someone told me that almost impossible things would happen to me and they did, many of those things are either very personal or pointless things that I have forgotten about. I have heard of psychics who read your future and people who claim that those foreshadowed events did happen, my mom for example. She believes in psychics although they are against our religion, and many of the psychic's predictions have came true. I believe that no matter what happens your future will not be disturbed only because you know about it. Things do happen for a reason and God (or whoever is up there) knows why they put a psychic in your path or why he didn't; therefore, the fact that an event was predicted does not cause people to act differently just to make that even happen. There is only so much that a person can do to make predictions come true, and people by themselves can't change their pre-planned path/life that God chose for them. Fate is real, freewill is just an illusion to make people feel free. I believe in fate from personal experience and religious influence on me.
    Period 4
    Alexa Flores

  16. I don't think there has been a time when someone told me the improbable was going to happen and it did. I don't think people try to make predictions come true as prophets or fortune tellers predict your future but they do not do anything else to make it true as seen in movies. My auntie once sought advice from a hard to find fortune teller and all the predictions she told her came true even though it was not anything positive. I believe in fate where your life is laid out for you by God and whatever happens has a reason behind it. I also believe in karma, as what goes around comes around. If you do something bad eventually it will happen to you and it's what i always believe in when something unfortunate happens to me. I believe free will is a person's ability to make their own choices but fate is predetermined therefore in the end you will still be at the spot you were destined to be in. I believe you are destined to meet certain people, do certain things, and lose and gain things in life. If life is unfair, people that believe in fate know that eventually they are suffering for a reason because of God. I accept fate and the thought that everything happens for a reason as God works in mysterious ways.

    Allison Zheng
    Period 4

  17. In my life there was a time that somebody told me that something improbable would happen and it did. Throughout middle school i didn't get horrible grades but i also didn't get the best of grades. My parents would always tell me that i will get better grades than the ones i had. If it was my destiny to get better grades then that must mean that i could have just sat around on my behind and get better grades just because. However, life doesn't work that way. In life, if you want to achieve something you have make an effort to go out and get it. Nothing in life will come to you just because. I then began staying after school and getting help from teachers in the subjects that i needed to improve my grades in. Obviously my grades didn't improve overnight but slowly they were rising. when i noticed, all of my grades were either A's or B's. This drastic change in my grades didn't happen because it was my destiny, it happened because i chose for it happen. The fact that my parents told me that i would get better grades made me change my habits and ways of doing school related things. When somebody tells you that something great will happen to you, you want it to happen. Therefore, people will stop at nothing to make it happen. That only shows that it is free will.

    Oscar Perez
    4th Period

  18. To put it bluntly, I don't believe fate exists. There is no gene in our bodies that has already set up our life, nor is there somebody who has the power to decide upon our life events. Those decisions can only be made by ourselves. How can you believe in fate and think, "everything happens for a reason," when there are people in other countries starving to death? They didn't do anything to deserve that reality. All they did was be born which is out of their control. As a Catholic, I am faced with mixed ideas of fate. Priests and nuns have told me countless times that God has a plan for us all. This suggests that everything that happens to us is fate. However, in the bible, it is said that humans were given free-will. If everything is planned out, do we truly have free-will? Because of this conflict, I have decided to push my religion aside for this topic and only focus on my own thoughts. I only see the idea of fate as a sugar coating on reality. It's a way for us to accept things easier and believe that good will come from everything. Some people never get to see the good side of the bad and they face suffering. The concept of fate then becomes empty to those people. It's truly just a belief just as religion is. There is no evidence to prove that fate is real. As someone who aspires to become a scientist, I feel that concrete facts are the only reliable source. However, my view shouldn't be pushed onto others. If others wish to put a sugar coating onto reality, I will not be one to stop them. They can control their lives and I can control mine. By the way, we are able to control our lives due to free-will. Fate does not exist.

    Lara Friedlund (period 5)

    That was such a sassy conclusion.

  19. When something happens after someone has told me that its going to happen to me I think that it’s fate. I strongly believe that fate is real. My belief for fate is mainly because of my religious point of view. In a situation where something happens that isn’t planned I definitely think its because it was meant to be that way and that god planned it. For example, if I wanted to get a job and the interview didn’t go well I would probably say that it wasn’t meant to be and that the job wasn’t for me. When people say that its “meant to be” it sounds like an excuse to make yourself feel better and it is an excuse, but it can also be true. Another example of fate is when you find someone you’re in love with and you end up being with them then I think that fate. Love is one of the many times when I actually believe that fate is real. If fate wasn’t real then why do things happen? Fate is the reason why things happen. If it wasn’t meant to be then what’s the reason?
    God plays a big part in fate. A lot of people say that things happen because of god and I believe that that is true. Being religious definitely effects my beliefs in fate. Having a traditional strict family also effects how my beliefs are. My mother and grandmother always say that when things happen its because its meant to be. If my family had not taught me to believe that way I think that I would have a different perspective of how I believe in fate.
    Jodie Antonio
    Period 5

  20. The fact of an event that was predicted happening could be because of fate or freewill. It all depends on a person’s interpretation when it comes to reason. Personally I believe in fate since when you think about the reason of things you are using much time just thinking about one simple thing that has happened to you such as receiving a hug from a girl you like. So simple, hugs are given out every day, but some people might over think it, waste their time, and might bring a false surmise. Fate is the easiest answer and the worry free answer. I know I’m wrong in the opinion of someone else who is reading this, but honestly in the end of the day which opinion matters the most your own opinion or what someone else tells you? (You know you will probably forget what that other person’s opinion was within a week) The last time that I remember someone predicting for me is when many of my classmates telling me that I was going to lose in the 1st round of influential debates for Mr. Ocon since I had the father of modern bodybuilding the most influential person to ever live. Their prediction did not come true; I lost in the 2nd round. Sure you can say that free will caused me to have the drive to make in past the 1st round, but I say it was fate for me to win the 1st round and lose the 2nd. Since someone told me that I was going to lose I tried to win, and that is because to me, fate as made me the way I am. I am the type of person that loves to prove a person wrong and is joyful when it does happen; I say Boom right after as well. I am happy with knowing that there is a simple reason for winning and losing. When you believe in free will being the cause of something that happens to you, then you get upset and feel bad about yourself. When you believe that fate caused something to happen to you, then you are satisfied and you feel decently good about yourself. Which one is the most logical to most that are willing to think, free will? Which one brings the easiest satisfaction to most willing to believe in it, fate? Am I just a foolish stubborn guy unwilling to think about an opinion that is not his own, or am I a wise teenage boy that sees the easiest method of thinking? You can contradict me or rebuttal my opinion as much as you want, think whatever you want, criticize me however you want, or make fun of my naive opinion as much as you want. I might not have something to counter your opinion quickly since I think slowly. However, an hour and so later I will think of something clever to say even though it would be too late and teenagers today would call me slow, a try hard, or lame when I say my counter after the argument/debate "ended". In addition, I am still going to believe in my opinion as much as I want; that’s what matters most to me, thanks to my stubborn mindset. Thank you fate for giving me this way of thinking and belief. ^-^
    Romney Cola

  21. There has not been time in my life were someone predicted an improbable future for me and actually happened. Many people have predicted the improbable to me such as finally getting a growth spurt to go over five feet, that I’d one day become athletic, be valedictorian of my middle school and actually start to like sushi if I tried it. All these predictions gave me the idea that it would actually happen. I felt feelings such as anticipation and confidence when I thought one of them would come true. An example is when I continuously drank growth supplements everyday of my middle school life hoping that I would not be the shortest in the class anymore. My aunt predicted this because there wasn’t really anyone in my family that was less than five feet. Not only did this prediction give me hope, but also made me intensely strive for it so I would definitely reach it. After puberty my doctor said that I wouldn’t grow anymore, which devastated me on how the prediction did not come true.
    I believe that people do try to make predictions true because it can give another person happiness for either you or for others. Your actions are out of your own free will and direct your future. Free will is what directs your future because based on what your conscience and actions leads you to, will be the result. Having self-consciousness over something that is predicted makes it likely to happen, increasing the chances. This self-consciousness affects the conscience, which explains why free will is the answer.
    Diana Grande
    Period 4

  22. I do not remember when there was a time someone made an unlikely prediction for me and it came true. I do believe that people work harder for a predicted event to come true. It psychologically gives people more motivation. I'd like to believe that free will is the most influential factor in life. Hard work will always pay off. Throughout history, many inventions, scientific discoveries, and human achievements, like going to the moon, were the result of hard work and, and very rarely, pure luck. If fate exists, it is cruel to many people and there would be no point to try in life if you were destined to do or be something.

    William Ma period 5

  23. there has been times when people tell me I can't do something. The fact that they tell me I can't do something makes me want to do it, to prove them wrong. Like this year I was told that I couldn't do good in school because the 1st semester I did bad. because they kept telling me that I couldn't do it, that gave me the motivation I needed to do good. When people are told that good things are going to happen I thing they try extra hard to try and make that prediction come true and that goes for when they are told that something bad to them will happen. They try hard to avoid the bad thing from happening. I think that things happen because of free will. Peoples actions then leads to other things to happen. It is all free will.
    Vanessa Chavez
    period 4

  24. I strongly believe that fate doesn't exist in the world. Everything is done by the people's actions not by the development of events beyond a person's control. Not everything happens for a reason because there is a lot of poverty and murderous intentions that wouldn't be done by fate. The act of having your whole life planned out isn't believable. Hard work and aiming for a greater future helps drive or control their life. Free will is based on how you would perceive your actions to affect the future you want to be in, not to have fate decided what your future shall be. A person can't achieve something by sitting around waiting for someone or something help our their problems. This can be only achieve through There wasn't a time in which a person told me that something improbable would happen. I seen people who overcame this statement through determination and hard work. The fact that someone would predict something improbable would happen, causes people to either give into it or maybe overcome to reach the goal. People make predictions in order to make them feel better about themselves. Be the way you want it to be by your own actions not by planned predictions.

    Period 4+

  25. I strongly believe that fate doesn't exist in the world. Everything is done by the people's actions not by the development of events beyond a person's control. Not everything happens for a reason because there is a lot of poverty and murderous intentions that wouldn't be done by fate. The act of having your whole life planned out isn't believable. Hard work and aiming for a greater future helps drive or control their life. Free will is based on how you would perceive your actions to affect the future you want to be in, not to have fate decided what your future shall be. A person can't achieve something by sitting around waiting for someone or something help our their problems. This can be only achieve through There wasn't a time in which a person told me that something improbable would happen. I seen people who overcame this statement through determination and hard work. The fact that someone would predict something improbable would happen, causes people to either give into it or maybe overcome to reach the goal. People make predictions in order to make them feel better about themselves. Be the way you want it to be by your own actions not by planned predictions.

    Period 4 Re-post due forgetting to put my name

  26. There was never a time in my life when someone told me that something improbable would happen. Although if the time comes that someone tells me I can’t do something, I’ll do anything to change the way they view or think about me. I will not do it just because I want to prove them wrong but also because I want to prove to myself and to others that I can be whoever I want to be and that I’m not always a failure. I do believe that everything happens for a reason but I also believe that this is freewill. Predictions happen not because people make them happen but also because they spend so much time thinking about it that it just happens by nature. For example, if you go to a forecast teller and they tell you that you’re going to die because of a car accident, of course you’ll start to get paranoid every time you ride your car because you think that you will die from a car accident anytime. It’s your freewill to choose if you’re going to believe it or not but in my opinion, they’re just predictions and you shouldn’t really believe them. Reality should still come first and that should be your main belief because reality actually exists in the present. Therefore, I believe that this is freewill and not fate.

    Norielle Lopez
    Period 5

  27. LeAnne Chingcuangco
    Per. 4

    There was never a time in my life when someone told me something that was unlikely to happen occurred. I believe that the fact that people get to hear a prediction naturally causes them to make a move for it to occur or make it cease to happen, especially when they find it unsatisfactory. For example, when people hear that they only have a short time to live due to a heart disease, they will do their best to oppose it by eating healthy or by taking care of their bodies. Also, people do try to make predictions come true; in fact, when some are given good prophecies, people are encouraged by it and they would do their best to accomplish it, treating it as a goal. It is both freewill and fate. It is fate when we step outside of the box and take action to make our own choices for something happen. And, it is also fate because we are all predestined. The Master Planner has a unique plan for each of us. It's up to us how we get there; and, that is what we call freewill. We make choices on how we navigate our lives the way we want to live it.

    In my opinion, fate or destiny is a certain place where we are supposed to go, and freewill is a path or vehicle that will lead us to that place.

  28. I don't really believing fath because we are all human and we make our own actions throughout our lives. Even though I don't believing it when I first went to the 9th grade my mom told me that I would get good grades. Just because she told me that I tried my best and I actually did better then the year before, and she was happy. It's not like we have our whole lives planned out on a piece of paper and someone is going to read it and say it's going to come true, I think it's all of our own actions and we work hard to follow our dreams in life. For people who do, maybe they do believing fath but they still have to put in work so is their even a such thing as faith.
    Treyvon brown walker

  29. The fact of an event that was predicted happening could be because of fate or freewill. It all depends on a person’s interpretation when it comes to reason. Personally I believe in fate since when you think about the reason of things you are using much time just thinking about one simple thing that has happened to you such as receiving a hug from a girl you like. So simple, hugs are given out every day, but some people might over think it, waste their time, and might bring a false surmise. Fate is the easiest answer and the worry free answer.
    I know I’m wrong in the opinion of someone else who is reading this, but honestly in the end of the day which opinion matters the most your own opinion or what someone else tells you? (You know you will probably forget what that other person’s opinion was within a week) The last time that I remember someone predicting for me is when many of my classmates telling me that I was going to lose in the 1st round of influential debates for Mr. Ocon since I had the father of modern bodybuilding the most influential person to ever live. Their prediction did not come true; I lost in the 2nd round. Sure you can say that free will caused me to have the drive to make in past the 1st round, but I say it was fate for me to win the 1st round and lose the 2nd. Since someone told me that I was going to lose I tried to win, and that is because to me; fate has made me the way I am. I am the type of person that loves to prove a person wrong and is joyful when it does happen; I say Boom right after as well. I am happy with knowing that there is a simple reason for winning and losing.
    When you believe in free will being the cause of something that happens to you, then you get upset and feel bad about yourself when something bad happens to you. When you believe that fate caused something to happen to you, then you are satisfied and you feel decently good about yourself when something bad happens to you. Which one is the most logical to most that are willing to think, free will? Which one brings the easiest satisfaction to most willing to believe in it, fate? Am I just a foolish stubborn guy unwilling to think about an opinion that is not his own, or am I a wise teenage boy that sees the easiest method of thinking? You can contradict me or rebuttal my opinion as much as you want, think whatever you want, criticize me however you want, or make fun of my naïve opinion as much as you want. However, I am still going to believe in my opinion as much as I want; that’s what matters most to me, thanks to my stubborn mindset. Thanks fate for giving me this way of thinking and belief. ^-^
    Romney Cola
    Ps. Re-post into multiple paragraphs

    1. Pss. When i say I know I'm wrong in someone else's opinion, that's where i start a new paragraph.
      Romney Cola
      Per. 5

  30. There hasn't been a time in my life where someone has told me something will happen and it did. But I do know that throughout my life I have had hardship, and that faith and prayer brought me out of those situations into something brighter with positive outcomes. I don't believe in a scenario such as you tell me I'll win the lottery and I will, but I believe in feeling or emotions. You feel something positive will happen in your life soon, and you get a B in a class you've been failing but have been working hard to bring it up. Blessings don't just come to those who wait upon them, they come to those who go after them and appreciate all that they have, but know they need more. And why do people feel they need more? But when they get more it isn't enough? Is it greed?This is a question I seem to never be able to answer. I feel that predictions come from a mental and spiritual side of a person, where God is present, and people try too hard to keep there life on a certain path with restrictions and rules. Your life in certain times will be thrown off balance, not because you did something wrong, but because people affect your life on a day to day basis. It's constant persuasions in the world that make you who you are, you just have to live and learn from your mistakes. It's insane how people blame heaven or hell on certain situations in there lives. God put human beings on this earth and we chose to destroy it with greed, corruption, and pollution. I wouldn't be surprised if we went extinct in the next decade, all we do is consume and destroy, and it really amazes me of why god hasn't wiped us out of the planet already. Sometimes our freewill isn't always in the best judgments, but it's wrong to do evil and just find someone to blame for it.

  31. Something improbable that happened to me was my mom told, me I left my glasses in irresponsible places and it would break. One afternoon when playing basketball with my friends. My friend shot the ball then it bounced off the double court rim and hit me right in my face. Even though my mom predicted the event of me breaking my glasses did get me to think. But it did not change my view of when she predicted it. I thought it was just something moms say. Actually a lot of people try to make prediction happen when its a successful one. When someone tells you you're going to be king or president you will try as hard as you can to become that. But everything that happens is free will. If someone predicts something for you you try to make it happen so that's free will. Any thing you do is free will, so everything that happens has to be free will. When someone predicts something for you thats there free will. So when the prediction happens you did something to make it true so free will is the only concept.
    Hanad Jama per 5

  32. I cant think of a time that someone has told me something improbable. I think that when someone is told that they cant do something they try to prove someone wrong. If a person told me that I couldn't do something I would take it as a challenge to prove them wrong and actually do it. Free will is also like self determination so when a person is told they can't and they do they take a persons negativity and use it as motivation. I don't think that its fate because if someone tell you "oh you can't play basketball" you would try to prove them wrong. It wouldn't happen naturally you would make it happen, it wouldn't be dentin to happen. Fate happens without saying it is or isn't gonna happen, it just happens. No one has control of fate, its natural its your spirit.

  33. My family are the only ones who has told me something improbable. That im going to get bad grades all through high school and that hurts me so much knowing that they dont beileve in me but so far this year i have been getting good grades. Not perfect but they are passing. I dont like it when people predict stuff thats going to happen in my life or any ones like because that is just going to be in their head. Good or bad. If its good, its all that they are going to think about and they are going to make it happen. If its bad then they are going to want to make it happen. So i say Free will.
    Natalie Rodriguez

  34. There was a time in my life when something improbable happened. My sophomore year, I wanted to join the San Leandro High School volleyball team. At first, I wasn’t sure if I was going to go through with it. It didn’t help that both some of my family members and friends didn’t believe I could accomplish making the team as well as balancing it with my school work. I had doubts because of the lack of confidence, motivation, and experience. In the past, I played volleyball for my eighth grade year unfortunately it wasn’t a very established team. Instead it was more of a club due to prior registration for John Muir Middle School to participate in the volleyball athletics program. I can admit I wasn’t the best student grade wise, but because of my passion for volleyball I encouraged myself to try to obtain the required grades in order to participate in the sport I love. Even though I was unable to attend conditioning or practice in anyway before tryouts I believe that the fact that people close to me didn’t think it could happen, it caused me to try out and change what I thought about myself to make it happen. I was accepted on the junior varsity volleyball team and successfully was capable of balancing my studies and physical education. I think people try to make predictions come true depending on it becoming a good or bad outcome to pursue or to change it. Their belief in being able to have a choice is also a possible excuse. I believe that everything has its purpose. As a catholic I have strong faith in my god that he has a plan set for everyone. He gives you the choice during decision making times but is always one step ahead of you through every outcome possible.

    Jericah marquez

  35. I am believer of fate taking place in my life. However I don’t believe it works in magically ways such as in Macbeth, or in an upfront way. I believe fate happens in your life in vague ways. Being an orthodox Christian, I know that God has a clear path chosen for everyone on this earth, but it is up to us to live up to it and become who we are supposed to. Everyone should aim to make impact in positive ways in this world, regardless of what is. And I think everyone has a specific one based on our experiences. Therefore I am ambiguous about this debate. When things go wrong and the door closes on something you felt passionate about, another door will open that lead to you to what you might not have seen. In my life, I have always been into sports ever since I was 7. I started by playing soccer. It didn’t end well, with me always being Goalie. When I didn’t do well in soccer, my 7 year old self thought I was a failure because my entire family loved soccer. But one day I saw a flier to register for San Lorenzo Softball league. I instantly loved the sport and the wonderful people there. Ever since then I’ve played softball and am still close friends with the girls who grew up with me. The point is to never feel like you’re done with life when something doesn’t work. It’s best to go with the flow and seize opportunities that come to you.
    -Maggie Mehari
