This is an online journal for Mr. Lucero's English classes. Students should leave their responses to weekly prompts as comments. Their responses will be graded twice a month.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Animal Farm Journal II (English II)
What is the power of a flag? Why do countries need flags and how do they use them? Is a flag a sign of control or independence? Why do politicians use so many flags when they speak?
A flag has a power that could only be given to it by the people who believe in what it stands for it was power to organize to worship and also to manipulate the mind with what it "stands" for. Flags have the power to lead people into the belief of others or to put labels to rewrite history with symbolism a flag only has as much as the people who believe in what it stands for does. Country's use their flags to promote themselves , to label its citizens politicians and other members. America uses their flag to promote freedom and love hence the use of hundreds of flags during elections, so the government and the voters feel a connection and to win people over. A flag could be sign of control or power all depending on the view of the believer , America uses its flag to promote freedom and Independence but others might say it uses the flag to brainwash the people to glorify the county and make it seem better than what it really is. a sign of hop or a sign of control all depends on how you were taught to look at the flag Mauricio Orozco Period 5
The power the flag has is to give people something to believe in and make them think what the flag symbolizes . The meanings of flags have to do with the beliefs of the people who made that flag and what they wanted people to believe. The flag was made for people to have something to something to follow. The meaning can be good or bad it is just a symbolic meaning. Countries use flags to represent a country's history and what they have overcome in the past. Countries need flags in order to show what their country represents and what they stand for. A flag is a sign of either control or independence because a flag is not more than a piece of colorful cloth. People chose what they want to be on the flag and they chose the meaning that will be behind it as well as what they will make people believe with the flag. Melissa Martinez period 5
The power of a flag can be used to symbolize and represent where someone is from.If the flag is shown throughout where your from ,it gives you power and shows what your country represents.Countries need a flag to show who they are and represent there country. It shows there history.
A flag is a sign of independence.I think this because if every state or city has a flag it shows there independence. You can put your flag up in land to show you own it. I also think a flag can be a sign of control because if you see he flag that is ruling some people wont agree with it but you have to follow it because there could be consequence. Politicians use there flags when they speak so they could speak on what they believe from the political stand point.If they speak on what they have to say with there flag with them, people can see what hispoint of view is because of his poilitical beliefs. Brandon Biddle period 5
The power of a flag can show what somebody or even a whole county stand for in many ways. An example is the confederate flag. When it was 1st used (by the South) it showed/stood for them wanting to keep their slaves. Countries need flags to show & tell other countries what they stand for & can even be a symbol. An example is when people from other countries meet up in a world meeting they bring their county flag to show who they are. A flag can be a sign of control & independence. An example of independence is like when America was 1st created it showed that it separated from a different bigger country & they had a flag that showed it. An example of control is in a dictatorship when a dictator put up a flag & show that he or she controls everything. Politicians use so many flags when they speak because they want to get in touch with the nation. Artreau Sheppard Per. 5
It's power is to symbolize what you believe in. They need them to have a symbolic thing that separates them from other countries. A flag can mean anything you want it to mean. A flag can have many powers. This actually means what you believe in. A flag can separate and be the difference of there country and another country. Some of the flags powers are strong like the one used in the movie The Dukes of Hazard. It symbolizes the south and the civil war. The flag is like a characteristic that you have but does not represent an individual person. It represents a whole country. A flag could mean control, if you put like a persons face on the flag. It could also mean independence like our flag with fifty states and thirteen colonies which are now independent. Politicians use so many flags when they speak to not disrespect anyone. They would also be trying to prove a point when they speak. The flags would help a lot when speaking. Manuel Carrasco p.5
The flag has the power to make high school students do an online journal about flags. The flag signifies a feeling of nationalism. It has manipulated the thoughts of the citizens within the flags' reach. They feel connected to the flag, they feel unified due to the flag. Countries need flags to trick their citizens into feeling unified. That power is control or a false independence.
A while back Mr. Lucero gave us a lecture that stated that we are shaped into the person we are now. Our experiences have made us think the way we do. If a person I taught to believe in the symbolism of the flag subconsciously then they start feeling pride and a connection to the flag when they are a little older. The people that have made the flag had the goal to manipulate how their citizens and future generations will think. They have succeeded evidently with the confederate flag.
Any person that leads a country knows if your citizens don't feel unified and one with the country they will be harder to control. A county wants smooth sailing, the leader wants the citizens to do what they want and think like them more. In order for them to do that then they need to manipulate. And the flag gets the job done. Every proud citizen of a country loves their flag, it is a part of them. The flags symbol and background is also a part of that proud person, no matter how negative its background maybe.
Politicians use flags because they are aware of this manipulation factor that is a part of the flag. Proud citizens like their flag, so people who use their flag "proudly" are well liked by those prideful citizens. In high school, most students follow who they like. That's true outside of school and that's true in politics. We vote for people we like, that's the point or voting. Followers vote the person because people they like is voting for him/her in election year. I bet that most people only like the flag because people around them like the flag and it is considered normal or patriotic. A smart leader will use that fact to his/her advantage and use as many flags as possible to woo over a crowd Romney Cola Per. 5
The power of a flag is the people who supports and believes in it. Countries need flags to symbolize who they are and to distinguish themselves from others. I believe that the flag is a sign of both control and independence.
The power of the flag is basically the representation form of the people supporting it. The power is from the people that supports and believes in it. Flags are symbolic and to classify where people belong and to distinguish them from others. I think that countries need flags to symbolize who they are and what they represent. The flag is the face of the country and to show the other countries/people what powers they have.
I believes that a flag is a sign of both control and independence. The flag controls the group of people that support and believes in it. They don't realize that they are under control,they see it as independence. People see it as a way to show their freedom. The meaning of the flag is different from the perspective you're looking at it from.
Politicians use so many flags when they speaks to represent and show what they stand for and their power. It is to show pride in something which will also attract others that believe in the same thing. Politicians use flags to convince people that they are on the same side and that they are together as one. I think that politicians use flags as a strategy to get people to support them. People aren't really supporting the politician, but the idea that they believe in, the flag.
The power of the flag is a show of Might, of Independence. However, It's also a show of control over the people, too.
A flag represents Independence for whatever it represents. Whether it be a corporation, a country, or even a little tree house. It can mean that you can sustain yourselves in your territory and dont need any outsider help. In the example of America, we separated from the British in the Revolutionary war in the mid 17th century. We separated because we wanted our independence from British rule. Shortly after, we put up a flag to show just that.
It works both ways too. Independence will mean total control over your civllians. Civillians trust the flags of countries because they were taught to trust them. Flags are placed in battle grounds whenever we secure a territory during wartime. However, it doesnt mean the rulers wont abuse that control. An example of corrupt communism right now is North Korea. Citizens worship Kim Jong un because he he controls a communist government.
Politicians use so many flags during their speeches because they represent the country that they are referring to. Citizens become enrages if any represenatives for the govenment are not showing off the Flag of their country in some way.
The power a flag possesses is the ability to symbolize and stand for the people of a country. Countries need flags as a visual representation of its people and to distinguish them from other nations, it is a code of honor and when someone sees a flag of their country they are reminded of their country and fellow citizens. Flags can be used to unite and bring a sense of pride to the people, with symbols and designs that stand for important or historical characteristics of that country.
A flag is a sign of both control and independence for manipulating the people and also enabling the people to feel like they belong to something and feel free and content with their country. A flag can manipulate the people by making them think the officials are doing the right things to benefit the country when they are not, blinding them with the excuse that everyone is one under the nation. They can reason their decisions using the flag and persuade the people how long the country has come in order to receive the flag. The independence of the flag is important to a country as the citizens know that they are all under one leader and feels protected with the sense of people watching over them. America declared their independence from Great Britain with the flag and people take pride in that knowing they are not under the control of other countries.
Politicians use multiple flags when they speak so they can win the support of as many people as possible. Most countries are very diverse with multiple ethnicities many who take pride in their race, knowing that a politician supports and acknowledges their country makes the people interested and like them. The people may know little or none about the politician speaking but seeing that he or she is speaking with their country's flag behind him will most likely win their support over someone who is speaking with only their own country's flag.
A country needs a flag to represent its independence from other countries. The power of a flag is that it can symbolize many beliefs and ideals. A flag can have many meanings, ideals, and virtues of the country associated with it. Many flags have long histories with it. For example an American flag shows the idea of capitalism and democracy to many people around the world. Burning of a flag is very controversial because it shows that you either do not agree with these ideals or just hate the country for whatever reason. A flag is both a sign of control and independence depending on the point of view. For a country, it shows independence since the flag is a representation of them. They have their own systems and citizens separate from other countries. However, a flag can be a sign of control since all the citizens have to follow the laws and rules set by the country. Usually the citizens are happy with the country, so it isn't that big of a deal most of the time. Politicians use many of their country's flag when they speak because it shows nationalism. The citizens love nationalism and will usually just follow along with the ideas of a politician who is very nationalistic than one who isn't. A flag also shows devotion to ones country, so having a lot can show that you really love the country. Having many flags is an easy way to win over some citizens.
I think a flag symbolizes the independence of the country. It shows everyone who they are and what they stand for. A flag has its own background history and the power behind it.
Countries need flags because it tells other people the power that they have, the history behind the country. For example the U.S. has the 50 stars because we have 50 states. Thats he history behind the flag and stars. A flag represents a whole country. They show control and it also shows that you own it.
I think a flag shows independents but also control. I think its independents because that flag is only named one country and only one. It shows control because people know you own it and you make the rules.
The politicians use flags when they speak because they are represent the country. They are trying to let everyone know where they are sticking up to. Natalie Rodriguez P.5
The power of a flag is used as a symbol or emblem to represent the people in the country. Countries need flags to represent it's people, and to differentiate them from other countries or flags.
Think of it this way, like how school's have mascots. School's have mascots to represent them, and bring them pride. It's also like playing on a team sport, and there's different names. For example, "Warriors." Why do teams have names? To represent them.
A flag is a sign of control and independence. It's a sign of both, because as a sign of control, it's manipulative. It manipulates people in a way, by everybody thinking that we're under one nation or leader. Not just that, but also since we have to obey the laws of the flag, like not being aloud to burn it. A flag can also be a sign of independence, because it represents just that country. It shows freedom to the citizens, and pride.
I believe that politicians use flags when they speak, to show equality. When there's a whole bunch of flags in the background when politicians talk, it shows people from other countries, and people from the same country that we're all one/ equal. When people see that we're equal, they start to follow the ideas of the politician to all be on one side.
The power of the flag is to stand for the people of the country and symbolize the bliefs and the rights of the people that it stands for. Countries need flags to have a visible and concrete representation that will set them apart from other nations.
Countries use them to show independence and pride of what they believe. Counties all have their own flags to represent them and what they stand for. countries distance themselves to become one nation with those who agree with their believes.
I believe that politicians use lots of flags when they speak to show that their not threat and that their trying to gain your trust. Politicians use this manipulating technique to get people on broad and manipulate them into thinking that we're ll equal.
The power of the flag is the fact that everyone looks up to it. Everyone praises it depending on the place that they live in.
Countries need flags because they represent who they are and what they believe in. A flag shows a sign of independence and also control because flags are mostly used to show pride and freedom which takes part in independence. It is a sign of control because it basically controls the societies beliefs and what they stand for.
Flags represent what they believe because of the symbols and colors of a flag. Everything about the flag is symbolic for something the place has been through. A flag can show a sign of both independence and control due to the population of people who cherish the flag. People wave flags around to show that they have pride and freedom. The power is the flag is very strong. If a flag was ever mistreated or not present at a certain event, many people would be concerned or even outraged by it.
Politicians use so many flags when they speak to show that they support the many countries. Politicians want everyone to like them and support their ideas so of course they will use many flags. Countries will acknowledge the fact that they support them so they will support the politician back.
The power of the flag of a nation can be interpreted very differently. If you look at it from the perspective of a proud citizen, it can be a figure of unity and give a sense of pride. But if you look at it from the stand point of a person who has become victim to a corrupt government it is viewed as something that is used to blind and control the people. Some look at the flag and feel a swell of pride that they are part of such a magnificent country and can use the same symbol as the fellow people of their nation. It is something that represents coherence and a wholeness. Why does a piece of cloth trigger such strong emotions? Why do people feel such fury at those who disrepute it and throw their flag to the ground and light it on fire? It is because the flag is something that represents their pride and their love for their country. But some look at the flag and feel resentment and wariness. In most cases, the flag is something that is used by politicians and the government to cover up their corruption. It is something that they use to show, “Hey I’m an equal member of this nation just like you, we both share pride for the same piece of cloth”. As they promote many things positive with the flag, that is never the whole story. When people see simply that their leaders are as proud as they are, they begin to ignore the little minutiae conflicting their life caused by the crooked leaders of their nation. But since they are blinded they do nothing. This is how a flag can manipulate the public. Maggie Mehari Period 4
The power of the flag is significant in every country. Countries would need a flag to distinguish a territory of society/race. A flag can be a sing of control and independence. Politicians use so many flags when they speak to be more patriotic and visually appealing to the public voting for him or her.
A flag can distinguish another country from another. It can also differenciate different races from each of their territories. It can unify a country or destroy another. Politicians use flags to be patriotic. If they don't have flags then it shows that they are not interested in being a part of that country. It is also visually appealing to the voters of his or her side.
A flag is very versatile It can be a sing of independence and a sign of control. It can be s sing of dependence when a another country splits like when the US split from great Britain or when Brazil was no longer part of Portugal. That country is no longer in that country's territory.
The flag can also be a sing of control when two countries are at war. A flag is set on the opposing country to signify control and dominance. The flag is also a sign of control because the opposing country now rules over the victim country "gaining" more territory.
Flags are a sign of both control and independence, in a sense they are also used to unify an entire country therefore showing its power. Examples being in political campaigns, politicians talk to their nation with a background of flags to symbolize the countries values and increase the odds of persuading the people to do what the politician wants. As previously stated flags are a powerful way to unify a country or even as a sign of independence. Examples being with patriots and teenagers. A patriot that fought and won would be proud to wave the flag around as a sign of independence. Although patriots would be proud of it the future of people might not be so into and proud of the flag. Many high school kids don't even say the pledge of allegiance these days. This may most likely be because we already know how independence feels like since we've been independent out whole lives where as the patriot had to fight for it. However when it comes to politicians they use flags for controlling purposes more over than independent purposes. Almost everyone has their own motives for things and in many cases it is usually to gain more power of some sort. Using flags controls and persuades people to vote for them without necessarily caring about the flag itself. The flag shows they "care" about the country when in quite a few cases they only care about their own power and ranking. This may not be the case all the time but it does happen none the less.
The power of a flag is to make people think they are all united under 1 country. Countries need and use a flag to unite people and make them think they are all the same. In a citizens eyes the flag is a sign of independence and patriotism but in the eyes of politicians, the flag is a sign of control. The flag is just an object used to brainwash people's brain. Politicians use it against the people, and making the people vote for them. For example when the citizens see a politician with the flags all around him they think that the politician(s) must think like them and vote for them. I do believe the flag was invented to signify freedom but that's not longer the case. The flag used to mean freedom but now we've lost our freedom to politicians and giving them the chance to take advantage of our naivety and gullibility. Politicians use so many flags when they speak to make people believe that everything they're doing (politicians) is only for the good of the country and not for the politicians selfish needs. The flags are an object that a politician uses to manipulate people to think that because they share a flag, they think alike (citizen and politician). In other words politicians use the flags to cover up their bad intentions. Alexa Flores Period 4
Ahmad A. Period 4 A flag has the power to control people or make people feel very powerful.A flag can be used to make people feel united as one and free people.Countries also use it to identify themselves and to tell that they are separate from the countries around them.Everyone looks up to their flag, respect it,and follow what it means.A flag can be used to persuade people to do something like vote someone into the position of president or congress,or to start a revolution for the future of the country and to make it a better place from the corrupt government.When America was going to take the 2nd amendment away from its citizen because of the misuse of weapons,people disagreed and said that "this is america,and we are free",because their flag represents freedom and that is what they believe.A flag can also be used to do something negative,like start a war to get the benefits of only a couple of people.A flag can also be used to have people follow you blindly.You can easily persuade a group of people to do something by telling them its for your country and tell them to represent their country by holding their flag.Countries need flags to inspire people and the troops to make them have hope in the country.Politicians use flags alot when they are making speaches to tell the people that they are Americans and that they are loyal to the American people,that they will do anything for the country and its people.
The power of a flag is what the people of a nation or country make it. A countries leader can say blue, red, and white represents our unity as a country and our freedom such as the U.S, and most common uneducated people would agree with out any hesitation. But where is there any freedom in our country when millions of young colored men are being locked away in a jail cell ? Where is the unity when their is racism in every corner? You can say oh I"m not racist but when you tell your opinions about 9-11 you start off saying " Not to be racist but" and finish your hatred lines of people from the middle east.
Now to me in today's society a countries flag is just a cover up for their leader's impurities and destruction that they contribute, and it's not just the U.S. In my opinion countries don't need flags, they're just a meaningless piece of material made in another country brought to a different country to represent them. What kind of sense does that make to have your nation's flag made in a whole other country, then brought back to home base to be used at a sort of unforgettable trophy. It just takes all the value from it. If you actually care for your country and take pride in it wouldn't it make sense to have YOUR flag made in YOUR country?
A flag can be a sign of control or independence all depending on it's leader. But most leaders or presidents aren't going to come out and say this flag represents my control over all of you and i can do as i wish. They say this flag shows our independence and freedom as one, but behind closed doors theirs wars happening just to steal and conquer another countries resources which the U.S does all the time. But they back it up saying its for the good of the country and we are all equal and all that crap. Now politicians are a huge factor in this game we call life. They use 100's of American flags to speak to the common U.S citizens because they want you to believe everything they do is to better our lives and the lives of our children. They claim America to be the best country in the world and tell people to come invest in our country so they can continue to grow their immense profits from us. But how can it be the best country when there number 1 export are weapons? The U.S was founded on using manipulation and violence to gain control and conquer over it's people and others. We all play into their game, when that classic line is said " to liberty and justice for all", there just laughing on the inside watching us all like pieces of a chess board. They say only the strong survives< but there are millions of strong brave people in the U.S today who are dirt poor just trying to get by day to day than the weak selfless 1% of people who are rich and prospering in their greed and wealth. You tell me, who's surviving?
A flag in general exposes the characteristics behind each country's flag. It may indicate there strengths or weaknesses on what they've been through, a flag is needed to symbolize the respect they hope to obtain, a flag shows independence which shows equality to do as they please.
When I mean the flag indicates their strengths or weaknesses on what they've been through I mean that what lead them to create that specific flag. For example, the American Flag has 13 strips due to the first 13 colonies an the 50 stars because of the 50 states. A flag represents a whole country, it shows control, & it also makes you proud to be in this country. Flags are used for many occasions like politicians use flags during their speeches to indicate where they come from or represent.
A flag Is a sign of independence & control at the same time. It's a sign of independence because it shows people power within themselves & proudness. For example, America uses it's flag showing freedom & independence for a u.s citizen. A flag may also indicate control because one May be forced to follow their country. It may also be used to control the people making them think their country is the best.
The power of a flag distinguishes the country that you're living in or the country where you're from. Having a flags means that you have your own country and all the citizens are united as one. Countries need flags because you gain respect and dignity from it. Without a flag, the citizens wouldn't have anything to be proud of and your country would be nothing because it wouldn't symbolize anything. Each individual country has a story behind their flags and they are used depending on the country. In America, everyone puts their hand on their chests to represent the love for their country and only one person sings the anthem while the rest sings along in their head.
Based on my own opinion, I think that a flag is a sign of independence. I don't think a flag controls neither the citizens nor the countries because it is a non living thing so how can it control anyone. I'm going for independence because having a flag gives you independence and it shows that your country is independent. Burning the flag is hideous to many, especially Americans. Let's just say that if you burned someone else's flag, then a lot of people will hate on you because even though it's just a thing, it plays a big role in our society. Politicians use so many flags when they're speaking to represent the nation that they are speaking for and about and also because when you're speaking, you want to represent your country and be proud of where you came from or where you're standing.
Although a lot of nationalities didn't originally come from their original home land, I believe that you should be proud not only of the country you're stepping on but also the country where your history came from and you should not be ashamed of it.
Flags have a lot of power in a lot of different ways. Only those that believe what that flag represents will be controlled by this particular flag. Countries use flags to show that they have accomplished something, and/or believing something for example slavery. They also use flags to show that something belongs to them. Flags are a sign of both control and independence. Our flag has 50 different meanings of things that it stands for, but it’s more of a flag for independence. The flag that Mr. Lucero showed us in class stands for slavery which is not anything good and stands for a sign of control. In my opinion Politicians use so many flags when they talk because they want to show that they care, but I think they’re really trying to get the vote.
The power of a flag is what it means, represents, and its purpose. Countries need a flag to unify its citizens and express control over them. A flag is able to express its power by a having a meaning behind itself. Examples can be independence, revolution and unity. It is represented by pictures and colors that make the meaning powerful. Every time someone sees the flag, these symbols express the movement of what it stands for and is conveyed to the viewer.
Many countries use flags to unify and control their citizens. Advertising these flags all around their country shows the citizens that are part of this country and not another, which unifies them as a whole. A flag is also able to control the citizens in which it reminds them that they are under what it represents and stands for.
Politicians use so many flags when they speak to forcefully gain the trust and support of people throughout the country under those flags. This gives the audience a constant reminder that he is a part of them and is working for the benefit of their country.
A flag stands for independence and power. The power of a flag is to represent your countries nation power and independence. Countries need flags to show who you are what you represent and and pride for what you are mostly your country. In certain places like the U.S we have stars and stripes to show what we represent. A flag is a sign of both control and independence because thats when we talk about what your flag is. Plus for addition politicains use so many flags because if you were to say you had none of your flags that show that show your country than that's when they say who at you with amd what county. Grant Antoine per.4
The power of a flag is nothing more that a way to say, this my country and this symbolizes on how my country was established. The flag is a representation of the country and it helps build confidence and courage within our people. Under the flag helps citizens feel proud and unified as a whole. The flag in each nation is a important and valuable to each countries because the flag is like your body and soul. Countries would need to use a flag in order to differ from other nations and to represent their territory. Without having a flag, there wouldn't be a way to identify on which country would be which. I believe that the flag is both a sign of control and independence depending on the situation. A flag may be used as independence when the country breaks off from other country when it was being conquered. A politician would use many flags because it helps generate a sense in which people would want to vote for them. The use of many flags makes someone think that the person cares and loves the country very much. The amount of citizens that have "pride" in our modern day society would easily be manipulated into voting them.
A flag has the power to represent a country and its inhabitants. When you see a flag it instantly projects the image of a certain country and its history, it is used universally by other countries. A flag is used as a representation, to be exposed and identified as a strong competitor in a global competition. Countries use a flag by bringing its presence during an achievement, whether it's big or small.Even in the past when countries invaded a country and colonized it they would raise their flag up high to declare their presence in the land.
A flag symbolizes both independence and control. When you see a flag in a country it represents freedom from other nations' grasp. Also, a flag represents the rules of the country, it reflects the governance of the country, which then symbolizes control over the people. Politicians use a lot of flags when they speak to show their pride of their country, like the people of the land, and to show that they represent the people by having similar interests and mentality.
A flag's simple purpose is to give people a sense of pride and unity. The flag contains no physical value, nor does it have the ability to force people into unity. People are almost brainwashed into thinking a flag is important. If you really evaluate it, you'll realize that a flag is just a piece of cloth with design. It is no luxury fabric, just simple cloth. Yet, people give their respect to it and sometimes even treat it as an idol. We are taught to praise the cloth and what it represents. Some, if not most of us, often forget what it represents and only honor it because society calls for us to respect it. This is basically brainwashing. If I were to burn an average piece of fabric, I would be called a pyromaniac. However, if I burned a flag, I would be viewed as a criminal or an enemy. No matter how insignificant its physical properties are, it always comes back to its worth. A flag's worth is only a concept.
Politicians use flags as a way to sway the people into being on their side. From a young age, Americans are taught to pledge their allegiance to the American Flag. They grow up with the mindset that the flag is significant and of high status. This kind of brainwashed community will be more drawn to a politician who respects and pledges their allegiance to the flag. It makes them seem more reliable and dedicated to their country. Having flags or not is a large deciding factor in whether or not a politician is worthy of a high role. In reality, what does a flag have to do with a person's ability to lead people? It has no effect on that ability whatsoever. Whether a politician hangs flags or underwear, their views and skills would be the same. In this way, politicians use flags as a form of propaganda. Lara Friedlund Per.5
The power of a flag is to symbolize some specific area you want to represent. Such as countries, they completely use flags to represent that country as a symbol for people to visually see. The history of flags goes back into times where they took that significant piece of information and put it on the flag to symbolize something. In a way flags could also mean nothing to you if you have no idea about where this thing came from and what it really means. And it’s the way you actually you receive the image of your flag that contains the power in your mind. I also believe that politicians use flags as a way to reveal what they are basically representing. An example is when someone runs for president and you may see them give a speech on TV. Usually you’ll find multiple flags in the background of them. It’s a great strategy if you think about it, because it will reach out towards people you may not have affected before that now wants to work with you to help society be better. Therefore, getting an easier score for taking power and ruling for what you are running for. I also believe that that the flag represent a type of independence toward that area. And each one of these places distinguishes themselves completely different from one another. They all have a set of their own rules which is where the control comes into action. Although the flag can show that particular place to be independent towards anyone else, many pledges and such are taken place with flags as control into how they want you to think. And if no one really knew they history, information about those flags and what they mean; it’s completely pointless and changes everything about what the flag represents and stands for.
A flag has the power to bring people togethwer. it can unite a great amount of people for a good or bad purpose.. A flag has the power to make poeple risk life a limb for basically a colorful piece of cloth.
Flags are needed in countries to remind the population what they stand for and the great place they are a part of. it reminds people what they live for and who mthey are. glag are used tp persuade people. they are used to comfort people. flags can also anger peple and be used a pshycological weapon to a weak mind. For instancwe, in the wa game hamburger hill two fighting teams race to the top of a hill tyo take control for the remainder of the game. thwe taking team puts their flag on the pole to show that they have pwer or rein over the hill. And the flag alone represents the team and their values. a glag isalso a sigh of independence. for istance the beautifiul a,erican flag has 50 stars and stripes to represent our fiftey free independant states.politiains use flags as propoganda to persuade the audience that they have the same values as you and they stand on the same ground as you. Basically saying they are on your side.
The power of the flag unites the people with in a nation. Flags symbolize liberty, independence, strength, and unity. Countries need/uses flags to show what their people’s beliefs are and what they represent. A flag in my opinion is a sign of mostly anything. A flag to me could be Independence, finishing a race, penalty, a sign of surrender, directions, mark territories, peace, a representation of a country etc. For example waving of the white flag simply means that the individual or group agrees to surrender to the other. With regards to racing green flag meaning go red meaning stop. Football referees throw flags on to the ground to signify a penalty towards a player. The united states flag; each star symbolizes the different states while each stripe symbolizes the thirteen colonies. Politicians use many flags when speaking to show togetherness with one another.
A flag is more than just a sign of unification between a group of people. A flag is a sign of being part of something. Countries use flags to get this group of people to follow the rules that the country wants them to follow. They make the group of people feel special and a part of something. Then they go in for the kill. They brainwash you to do whatever they want you to do. They start putting the flag everywhere you go. Once you start to see the flag all over the place you begin to think that its a big deal. So whenever the country needs you to do something all they need to do is put a flag in front of you and you'll most likely do it. As you can see the flag is a sign of control. Politicians use so many flags when they speak because they want you to know that they are part of this "unique" group of people. So therefore flags are used to control people like it or not.
The power of a flag is to represent the country that your leaving on. Countries need a flag because we each need to identify different countries and a flag is the visual representation of a country,also it is to show what country they are.They use the flag to honor or when your country is in war ad that is going to show others where your from. I think a flag us a sign of control because if your in a country that has a flag that means you have to obey the laws in that country that your in. I think politician use many flags because they're talking about their country and there's this term called political color that represents a political party and different flags that their involved with.
A flag has a power that could only be given to it by the people who believe in what it stands for it was power to organize to worship and also to manipulate the mind with what it "stands" for.
ReplyDeleteFlags have the power to lead people into the belief of others or to put labels to rewrite history with symbolism a flag only has as much as the people who believe in what it stands for does.
Country's use their flags to promote themselves , to label its citizens politicians and other members. America uses their flag to promote freedom and love hence the use of hundreds of flags during elections, so the government and the voters feel a connection and to win people over.
A flag could be sign of control or power all depending on the view of the believer , America uses its flag to promote freedom and Independence but others might say it uses the flag to brainwash the people to glorify the county and make it seem better than what it really is. a sign of hop or a sign of control all depends on how you were taught to look at the flag
Mauricio Orozco
Period 5
The power the flag has is to give people something to believe in and make them think what the flag symbolizes . The meanings of flags have to do with the beliefs of the people who made that flag and what they wanted people to believe. The flag was made for people to have something to something to follow.
ReplyDeleteThe meaning can be good or bad it is just a symbolic meaning. Countries use flags to represent a country's history and what they have overcome in the past. Countries need flags in order to show what their country represents and what they stand for. A flag is a sign of either control or independence because a flag is not more than a piece of colorful cloth. People chose what they want to be on the flag and they chose the meaning that will be behind it as well as what they will make people believe with the flag.
Melissa Martinez
period 5
The power of a flag can be used to symbolize and represent where someone is from.If the flag is shown throughout where your from ,it gives you power and shows what your country represents.Countries need a flag to show who they are and represent there country. It shows there history.
ReplyDeleteA flag is a sign of independence.I think this because if every state or city has a flag it shows there independence. You can put your flag up in land to show you own it. I also think a flag can be a sign of control because if you see he flag that is ruling some people wont agree with it but you have to follow it because there could be consequence.
Politicians use there flags when they speak so they could speak on what they believe from the political stand point.If they speak on what they have to say with there flag with them, people can see what hispoint of view is because of his poilitical beliefs.
Brandon Biddle period 5
The power of a flag can show what somebody or even a whole county stand for in many ways. An example is the confederate flag. When it was 1st used (by the South) it showed/stood for them wanting to keep their slaves. Countries need flags to show & tell other countries what they stand for & can even be a symbol. An example is when people from other countries meet up in a world meeting they bring their county flag to show who they are.
ReplyDeleteA flag can be a sign of control & independence. An example of independence is like when America was 1st created it showed that it separated from a different bigger country & they had a flag that showed it. An example of control is in a dictatorship when a dictator put up a flag & show that he or she controls everything. Politicians use so many flags when they speak because they want to get in touch with the nation.
Artreau Sheppard
Per. 5
It's power is to symbolize what you believe in. They need them to have a symbolic thing that separates them from other countries. A flag can mean anything you want it to mean.
ReplyDeleteA flag can have many powers. This actually means what you believe in. A flag can separate and be the difference of there country and another country. Some of the flags powers are strong like the one used in the movie The Dukes of Hazard. It symbolizes the south and the civil war.
The flag is like a characteristic that you have but does not represent an individual person. It represents a whole country. A flag could mean control, if you put like a persons face on the flag. It could also mean independence like our flag with fifty states and thirteen colonies which are now independent.
Politicians use so many flags when they speak to not disrespect anyone. They would also be trying to prove a point when they speak. The flags would help a lot when speaking.
Manuel Carrasco
The flag has the power to make high school students do an online journal about flags. The flag signifies a feeling of nationalism. It has manipulated the thoughts of the citizens within the flags' reach. They feel connected to the flag, they feel unified due to the flag. Countries need flags to trick their citizens into feeling unified. That power is control or a false independence.
ReplyDeleteA while back Mr. Lucero gave us a lecture that stated that we are shaped into the person we are now. Our experiences have made us think the way we do. If a person I taught to believe in the symbolism of the flag subconsciously then they start feeling pride and a connection to the flag when they are a little older. The people that have made the flag had the goal to manipulate how their citizens and future generations will think. They have succeeded evidently with the confederate flag.
Any person that leads a country knows if your citizens don't feel unified and one with the country they will be harder to control. A county wants smooth sailing, the leader wants the citizens to do what they want and think like them more. In order for them to do that then they need to manipulate. And the flag gets the job done. Every proud citizen of a country loves their flag, it is a part of them. The flags symbol and background is also a part of that proud person, no matter how negative its background maybe.
Politicians use flags because they are aware of this manipulation factor that is a part of the flag. Proud citizens like their flag, so people who use their flag "proudly" are well liked by those prideful citizens. In high school, most students follow who they like. That's true outside of school and that's true in politics. We vote for people we like, that's the point or voting. Followers vote the person because people they like is voting for him/her in election year. I bet that most people only like the flag because people around them like the flag and it is considered normal or patriotic. A smart leader will use that fact to his/her advantage and use as many flags as possible to woo over a crowd
Romney Cola
Per. 5
The power of a flag is the people who supports and believes in it. Countries need flags to symbolize who they are and to distinguish themselves from others. I believe that the flag is a sign of both control and independence.
ReplyDeleteThe power of the flag is basically the representation form of the people supporting it. The power is from the people that supports and believes in it. Flags are symbolic and to classify where people belong and to distinguish them from others. I think that countries need flags to symbolize who they are and what they represent. The flag is the face of the country and to show the other countries/people what powers they have.
I believes that a flag is a sign of both control and independence. The flag controls the group of people that support and believes in it. They don't realize that they are under control,they see it as independence. People see it as a way to show their freedom. The meaning of the flag is different from the perspective you're looking at it from.
Politicians use so many flags when they speaks to represent and show what they stand for and their power. It is to show pride in something which will also attract others that believe in the same thing. Politicians use flags to convince people that they are on the same side and that they are together as one. I think that politicians use flags as a strategy to get people to support them. People aren't really supporting the politician, but the idea that they believe in, the flag.
Vivian Ye
Period 5
The power of the flag is a show of Might, of Independence. However, It's also a show of control over the people, too.
ReplyDeleteA flag represents Independence for whatever it represents. Whether it be a corporation, a country, or even a little tree house. It can mean that you can sustain yourselves in your territory and dont need any outsider help. In the example of America, we separated from the British in the Revolutionary war in the mid 17th century. We separated because we wanted our independence from British rule. Shortly after, we put up a flag to show just that.
It works both ways too. Independence will mean total control over your civllians. Civillians trust the flags of countries because they were taught to trust them. Flags are placed in battle grounds whenever we secure a territory during wartime. However, it doesnt mean the rulers wont abuse that control. An example of corrupt communism right now is North Korea. Citizens worship Kim Jong un because he he controls a communist government.
Politicians use so many flags during their speeches because they represent the country that they are referring to. Citizens become enrages if any represenatives for the govenment are not showing off the Flag of their country in some way.
Michael Lee
period 5
The power a flag possesses is the ability to symbolize and stand for the people of a country. Countries need flags as a visual representation of its people and to distinguish them from other nations, it is a code of honor and when someone sees a flag of their country they are reminded of their country and fellow citizens. Flags can be used to unite and bring a sense of pride to the people, with symbols and designs that stand for important or historical characteristics of that country.
ReplyDeleteA flag is a sign of both control and independence for manipulating the people and also enabling the people to feel like they belong to something and feel free and content with their country. A flag can manipulate the people by making them think the officials are doing the right things to benefit the country when they are not, blinding them with the excuse that everyone is one under the nation. They can reason their decisions using the flag and persuade the people how long the country has come in order to receive the flag. The independence of the flag is important to a country as the citizens know that they are all under one leader and feels protected with the sense of people watching over them. America declared their independence from Great Britain with the flag and people take pride in that knowing they are not under the control of other countries.
Politicians use multiple flags when they speak so they can win the support of as many people as possible. Most countries are very diverse with multiple ethnicities many who take pride in their race, knowing that a politician supports and acknowledges their country makes the people interested and like them. The people may know little or none about the politician speaking but seeing that he or she is speaking with their country's flag behind him will most likely win their support over someone who is speaking with only their own country's flag.
Allison Zheng, period 4
A country needs a flag to represent its independence from other countries. The power of a flag is that it can symbolize many beliefs and ideals.
ReplyDeleteA flag can have many meanings, ideals, and virtues of the country associated with it. Many flags have long histories with it. For example an American flag shows the idea of capitalism and democracy to many people around the world. Burning of a flag is very controversial because it shows that you either do not agree with these ideals or just hate the country for whatever reason.
A flag is both a sign of control and independence depending on the point of view. For a country, it shows independence since the flag is a representation of them. They have their own systems and citizens separate from other countries. However, a flag can be a sign of control since all the citizens have to follow the laws and rules set by the country. Usually the citizens are happy with the country, so it isn't that big of a deal most of the time.
Politicians use many of their country's flag when they speak because it shows nationalism. The citizens love nationalism and will usually just follow along with the ideas of a politician who is very nationalistic than one who isn't. A flag also shows devotion to ones country, so having a lot can show that you really love the country. Having many flags is an easy way to win over some citizens.
William Ma period 5
I think a flag symbolizes the independence of the country. It shows everyone who they are and what they stand for. A flag has its own background history and the power behind it.
ReplyDeleteCountries need flags because it tells other people the power that they have, the history behind the country. For example the U.S. has the 50 stars because we have 50 states. Thats he history behind the flag and stars. A flag represents a whole country. They show control and it also shows that you own it.
I think a flag shows independents but also control. I think its independents because that flag is only named one country and only one. It shows control because people know you own it and you make the rules.
The politicians use flags when they speak because they are represent the country. They are trying to let everyone know where they are sticking up to.
Natalie Rodriguez
The power of a flag is used as a symbol or emblem to represent the people in the country. Countries need flags to represent it's people, and to differentiate them from other countries or flags.
ReplyDeleteThink of it this way, like how school's have mascots. School's have mascots to represent them, and bring them pride. It's also like playing on a team sport, and there's different names. For example, "Warriors." Why do teams have names? To represent them.
A flag is a sign of control and independence. It's a sign of both, because as a sign of control, it's manipulative. It manipulates people in a way, by everybody thinking that we're under one nation or leader. Not just that, but also since we have to obey the laws of the flag, like not being aloud to burn it. A flag can also be a sign of independence, because it represents just that country. It shows freedom to the citizens, and pride.
I believe that politicians use flags when they speak, to show equality. When there's a whole bunch of flags in the background when politicians talk, it shows people from other countries, and people from the same country that we're all one/ equal. When people see that we're equal, they start to follow the ideas of the politician to all be on one side.
Lauren Adona
Period: 4
The power of the flag is to stand for the people of the country and symbolize the bliefs and the rights of the people that it stands for. Countries need flags to have a visible and concrete representation that will set them apart from other nations.
ReplyDeleteCountries use them to show independence and pride of what they believe. Counties all have their own flags to represent them and what they stand for. countries distance themselves to become one nation with those who agree with their believes.
I believe that politicians use lots of flags when they speak to show that their not threat and that their trying to gain your trust. Politicians use this manipulating technique to get people on broad and manipulate them into thinking that we're ll equal.
Nini Tran
period: 4
The power of the flag is the fact that everyone looks up to it. Everyone praises it depending on the place that they live in.
ReplyDeleteCountries need flags because they represent who they are and what they believe in. A flag shows a sign of independence and also control because flags are mostly used to show pride and freedom which takes part in independence. It is a sign of control because it basically controls the societies beliefs and what they stand for.
Flags represent what they believe because of the symbols and colors of a flag. Everything about the flag is symbolic for something the place has been through. A flag can show a sign of both independence and control due to the population of people who cherish the flag. People wave flags around to show that they have pride and freedom. The power is the flag is very strong. If a flag was ever mistreated or not present at a certain event, many people would be concerned or even outraged by it.
Politicians use so many flags when they speak to show that they support the many countries. Politicians want everyone to like them and support their ideas so of course they will use many flags. Countries will acknowledge the fact that they support them so they will support the politician back.
Jodie Antonio
Period 5
The power of the flag of a nation can be interpreted very differently. If you look at it from the perspective of a proud citizen, it can be a figure of unity and give a sense of pride. But if you look at it from the stand point of a person who has become victim to a corrupt government it is viewed as something that is used to blind and control the people.
ReplyDeleteSome look at the flag and feel a swell of pride that they are part of such a magnificent country and can use the same symbol as the fellow people of their nation. It is something that represents coherence and a wholeness. Why does a piece of cloth trigger such strong emotions? Why do people feel such fury at those who disrepute it and throw their flag to the ground and light it on fire? It is because the flag is something that represents their pride and their love for their country.
But some look at the flag and feel resentment and wariness. In most cases, the flag is something that is used by politicians and the government to cover up their corruption. It is something that they use to show, “Hey I’m an equal member of this nation just like you, we both share pride for the same piece of cloth”. As they promote many things positive with the flag, that is never the whole story. When people see simply that their leaders are as proud as they are, they begin to ignore the little minutiae conflicting their life caused by the crooked leaders of their nation. But since they are blinded they do nothing. This is how a flag can manipulate the public.
Maggie Mehari
Period 4
The power of the flag is significant in every country. Countries would need a flag to distinguish a territory of society/race. A flag can be a sing of control and independence. Politicians use so many flags when they speak to be more patriotic and visually appealing to the public voting for him or her.
ReplyDeleteA flag can distinguish another country from another. It can also differenciate different races from each of their territories. It can unify a country or destroy another. Politicians use flags to be patriotic. If they don't have flags then it shows that they are not interested in being a part of that country. It is also visually appealing to the voters of his or her side.
A flag is very versatile It can be a sing of independence and a sign of control. It can be s sing of dependence when a another country splits like when the US split from great Britain or when Brazil was no longer part of Portugal. That country is no longer in that country's territory.
The flag can also be a sing of control when two countries are at war. A flag is set on the opposing country to signify control and dominance. The flag is also a sign of control because the opposing country now rules over the victim country "gaining" more territory.
Ariel Williams
per 5
Flags are a sign of both control and independence, in a sense they are also used to unify an entire country therefore showing its power. Examples being in political campaigns, politicians talk to their nation with a background of flags to symbolize the countries values and increase the odds of persuading the people to do what the politician wants.
ReplyDeleteAs previously stated flags are a powerful way to unify a country or even as a sign of independence. Examples being with patriots and teenagers. A patriot that fought and won would be proud to wave the flag around as a sign of independence. Although patriots would be proud of it the future of people might not be so into and proud of the flag. Many high school kids don't even say the pledge of allegiance these days. This may most likely be because we already know how independence feels like since we've been independent out whole lives where as the patriot had to fight for it.
However when it comes to politicians they use flags for controlling purposes more over than independent purposes. Almost everyone has their own motives for things and in many cases it is usually to gain more power of some sort. Using flags controls and persuades people to vote for them without necessarily caring about the flag itself. The flag shows they "care" about the country when in quite a few cases they only care about their own power and ranking. This may not be the case all the time but it does happen none the less.
Angelo Belenson
Period 4
The power of a flag is to make people think they are all united under 1 country. Countries need and use a flag to unite people and make them think they are all the same. In a citizens eyes the flag is a sign of independence and patriotism but in the eyes of politicians, the flag is a sign of control.
ReplyDeleteThe flag is just an object used to brainwash people's brain. Politicians use it against the people, and making the people vote for them. For example when the citizens see a politician with the flags all around him they think that the politician(s) must think like them and vote for them.
I do believe the flag was invented to signify freedom but that's not longer the case. The flag used to mean freedom but now we've lost our freedom to politicians and giving them the chance to take advantage of our naivety and gullibility.
Politicians use so many flags when they speak to make people believe that everything they're doing (politicians) is only for the good of the country and not for the politicians selfish needs. The flags are an object that a politician uses to manipulate people to think that because they share a flag, they think alike (citizen and politician). In other words politicians use the flags to cover up their bad intentions.
Alexa Flores
Period 4
Ahmad A. Period 4
ReplyDeleteA flag has the power to control people or make people feel very powerful.A flag can be used to make people feel united as one and free people.Countries also use it to identify themselves and to tell that they are separate from the countries around them.Everyone looks up to their flag, respect it,and follow what it means.A flag can be used to persuade people to do something like vote someone into the position of president or congress,or to start a revolution for the future of the country and to make it a better place from the corrupt government.When America was going to take the 2nd amendment away from its citizen because of the misuse of weapons,people disagreed and said that "this is america,and we are free",because their flag represents freedom and that is what they believe.A flag can also be used to do something negative,like start a war to get the benefits of only a couple of people.A flag can also be used to have people follow you blindly.You can easily persuade a group of people to do something by telling them its for your country and tell them to represent their country by holding their flag.Countries need flags to inspire people and the troops to make them have hope in the country.Politicians use flags alot when they are making speaches to tell the people that they are Americans and that they are loyal to the American people,that they will do anything for the country and its people.
The power of a flag is what the people of a nation or country make it. A countries leader can say blue, red, and white represents our unity as a country and our freedom such as the U.S, and most common uneducated people would agree with out any hesitation. But where is there any freedom in our country when millions of young colored men are being locked away in a jail cell ? Where is the unity when their is racism in every corner? You can say oh I"m not racist but when you tell your opinions about 9-11 you start off saying " Not to be racist but" and finish your hatred lines of people from the middle east.
ReplyDeleteNow to me in today's society a countries flag is just a cover up for their leader's impurities and destruction that they contribute, and it's not just the U.S. In my opinion countries don't need flags, they're just a meaningless piece of material made in another country brought to a different country to represent them. What kind of sense does that make to have your nation's flag made in a whole other country, then brought back to home base to be used at a sort of unforgettable trophy. It just takes all the value from it. If you actually care for your country and take pride in it wouldn't it make sense to have YOUR flag made in YOUR country?
A flag can be a sign of control or independence all depending on it's leader. But most leaders or presidents aren't going to come out and say this flag represents my control over all of you and i can do as i wish. They say this flag shows our independence and freedom as one, but behind closed doors theirs wars happening just to steal and conquer another countries resources which the U.S does all the time. But they back it up saying its for the good of the country and we are all equal and all that crap. Now politicians are a huge factor in this game we call life. They use 100's of American flags to speak to the common U.S citizens because they want you to believe everything they do is to better our lives and the lives of our children. They claim America to be the best country in the world and tell people to come invest in our country so they can continue to grow their immense profits from us. But how can it be the best country when there number 1 export are weapons? The U.S was founded on using manipulation and violence to gain control and conquer over it's people and others. We all play into their game, when that classic line is said " to liberty and justice for all", there just laughing on the inside watching us all like pieces of a chess board. They say only the strong survives< but there are millions of strong brave people in the U.S today who are dirt poor just trying to get by day to day than the weak selfless 1% of people who are rich and prospering in their greed and wealth. You tell me, who's surviving?
A flag in general exposes the characteristics behind each country's flag. It may indicate there strengths or weaknesses on what they've been through, a flag is needed to symbolize the respect they hope to obtain, a flag shows independence which shows equality to do as they please.
ReplyDeleteWhen I mean the flag indicates their strengths or weaknesses on what they've been through I mean that what lead them to create that specific flag. For example, the American Flag has 13 strips due to the first 13 colonies an the 50 stars because of the 50 states. A flag represents a whole country, it shows control, & it also makes you proud to be in this country. Flags are used for many occasions like politicians use flags during their speeches to indicate where they come from or represent.
A flag Is a sign of independence & control at the same time. It's a sign of independence because it shows people power within themselves & proudness. For example, America uses it's flag showing freedom & independence for a u.s citizen. A flag may also indicate control because one May be forced to follow their country. It may also be used to control the people making them think their country is the best.
Paulina M-Contreras
Period 5
The power of a flag distinguishes the country that you're living in or the country where you're from. Having a flags means that you have your own country and all the citizens are united as one. Countries need flags because you gain respect and dignity from it. Without a flag, the citizens wouldn't have anything to be proud of and your country would be nothing because it wouldn't symbolize anything. Each individual country has a story behind their flags and they are used depending on the country. In America, everyone puts their hand on their chests to represent the love for their country and only one person sings the anthem while the rest sings along in their head.
ReplyDeleteBased on my own opinion, I think that a flag is a sign of independence. I don't think a flag controls neither the citizens nor the countries because it is a non living thing so how can it control anyone. I'm going for independence because having a flag gives you independence and it shows that your country is independent. Burning the flag is hideous to many, especially Americans. Let's just say that if you burned someone else's flag, then a lot of people will hate on you because even though it's just a thing, it plays a big role in our society. Politicians use so many flags when they're speaking to represent the nation that they are speaking for and about and also because when you're speaking, you want to represent your country and be proud of where you came from or where you're standing.
Although a lot of nationalities didn't originally come from their original home land, I believe that you should be proud not only of the country you're stepping on but also the country where your history came from and you should not be ashamed of it.
Norielle Lopez
Period 5
Flags have a lot of power in a lot of different ways. Only those that believe what that flag represents will be controlled by this particular flag. Countries use flags to show that they have accomplished something, and/or believing something for example slavery. They also use flags to show that something belongs to them. Flags are a sign of both control and independence. Our flag has 50 different meanings of things that it stands for, but it’s more of a flag for independence. The flag that Mr. Lucero showed us in class stands for slavery which is not anything good and stands for a sign of control.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion Politicians use so many flags when they talk because they want to show that they care, but I think they’re really trying to get the vote.
Treyvon Brown Walker
The power of a flag is what it means, represents, and its purpose. Countries need a flag to unify its citizens and express control over them. A flag is able to express its power by a having a meaning behind itself. Examples can be independence, revolution and unity. It is represented by pictures and colors that make the meaning powerful. Every time someone sees the flag, these symbols express the movement of what it stands for and is conveyed to the viewer.
ReplyDeleteMany countries use flags to unify and control their citizens. Advertising these flags all around their country shows the citizens that are part of this country and not another, which unifies them as a whole. A flag is also able to control the citizens in which it reminds them that they are under what it represents and stands for.
Politicians use so many flags when they speak to forcefully gain the trust and support of people throughout the country under those flags. This gives the audience a constant reminder that he is a part of them and is working for the benefit of their country.
Diana Grande
Period 4
A flag stands for independence and power. The power of a flag is to represent your countries nation power and independence. Countries need flags to show who you are what you represent and and pride for what
ReplyDeleteyou are mostly your country. In certain places like the U.S we have stars and stripes to show what we represent. A flag is a sign of both control and independence because thats when we talk about what your flag is. Plus for addition politicains use so many flags because if you were to say you had none of your flags that show that show your country than that's when they say who at you with amd what county.
Grant Antoine per.4
The power of a flag is nothing more that a way to say, this my country and this symbolizes on how my country was established. The flag is a representation of the country and it helps build confidence and courage within our people. Under the flag helps citizens feel proud and unified as a whole. The flag in each nation is a important and valuable to each countries because the flag is like your body and soul. Countries would need to use a flag in order to differ from other nations and to represent their territory. Without having a flag, there wouldn't be a way to identify on which country would be which. I believe that the flag is both a sign of control and independence depending on the situation. A flag may be used as independence when the country breaks off from other country when it was being conquered. A politician would use many flags because it helps generate a sense in which people would want to vote for them. The use of many flags makes someone think that the person cares and loves the country very much. The amount of citizens that have "pride" in our modern day society would easily be manipulated into voting them.
ReplyDeleteFrancis Diza Period. 4
A flag has the power to represent a country and its inhabitants. When you see a flag it instantly projects the image of a certain country and its history, it is used universally by other countries. A flag is used as a representation, to be exposed and identified as a strong competitor in a global competition. Countries use a flag by bringing its presence during an achievement, whether it's big or small.Even in the past when countries invaded a country and colonized it they would raise their flag up high to declare their presence in the land.
ReplyDeleteA flag symbolizes both independence and control. When you see a flag in a country it represents freedom from other nations' grasp. Also, a flag represents the rules of the country, it reflects the governance of the country, which then symbolizes control over the people. Politicians use a lot of flags when they speak to show their pride of their country, like the people of the land, and to show that they represent the people by having similar interests and mentality.
A flag's simple purpose is to give people a sense of pride and unity. The flag contains no physical value, nor does it have the ability to force people into unity. People are almost brainwashed into thinking a flag is important. If you really evaluate it, you'll realize that a flag is just a piece of cloth with design. It is no luxury fabric, just simple cloth. Yet, people give their respect to it and sometimes even treat it as an idol. We are taught to praise the cloth and what it represents. Some, if not most of us, often forget what it represents and only honor it because society calls for us to respect it. This is basically brainwashing. If I were to burn an average piece of fabric, I would be called a pyromaniac. However, if I burned a flag, I would be viewed as a criminal or an enemy. No matter how insignificant its physical properties are, it always comes back to its worth. A flag's worth is only a concept.
ReplyDeletePoliticians use flags as a way to sway the people into being on their side. From a young age, Americans are taught to pledge their allegiance to the American Flag. They grow up with the mindset that the flag is significant and of high status. This kind of brainwashed community will be more drawn to a politician who respects and pledges their allegiance to the flag. It makes them seem more reliable and dedicated to their country. Having flags or not is a large deciding factor in whether or not a politician is worthy of a high role. In reality, what does a flag have to do with a person's ability to lead people? It has no effect on that ability whatsoever. Whether a politician hangs flags or underwear, their views and skills would be the same. In this way, politicians use flags as a form of propaganda.
Lara Friedlund Per.5
The power of a flag is to symbolize some specific area you want to represent. Such as countries, they completely use flags to represent that country as a symbol for people to visually see. The history of flags goes back into times where they took that significant piece of information and put it on the flag to symbolize something. In a way flags could also mean nothing to you if you have no idea about where this thing came from and what it really means. And it’s the way you actually you receive the image of your flag that contains the power in your mind.
ReplyDeleteI also believe that politicians use flags as a way to reveal what they are basically representing. An example is when someone runs for president and you may see them give a speech on TV. Usually you’ll find multiple flags in the background of them. It’s a great strategy if you think about it, because it will reach out towards people you may not have affected before that now wants to work with you to help society be better. Therefore, getting an easier score for taking power and ruling for what you are running for.
I also believe that that the flag represent a type of independence toward that area. And each one of these places distinguishes themselves completely different from one another. They all have a set of their own rules which is where the control comes into action. Although the flag can show that particular place to be independent towards anyone else, many pledges and such are taken place with flags as control into how they want you to think. And if no one really knew they history, information about those flags and what they mean; it’s completely pointless and changes everything about what the flag represents and stands for.
Justin Cooper per 4
ReplyDeleteA flag has the power to bring people togethwer. it can unite a great amount of people for a good or bad purpose.. A flag has the power to make poeple risk life a limb for basically a colorful piece of cloth.
Flags are needed in countries to remind the population what they stand for and the great place they are a part of. it reminds people what they live for and who mthey are. glag are used tp persuade people. they are used to comfort people. flags can also anger peple and be used a pshycological weapon to a weak mind. For instancwe, in the wa game hamburger hill two fighting teams race to the top of a hill tyo take control for the remainder of the game. thwe taking team puts their flag on the pole to show that they have pwer or rein over the hill. And the flag alone represents the team and their values. a glag isalso a sigh of independence. for istance the beautifiul a,erican flag has 50 stars and stripes to represent our fiftey free independant states.politiains use flags as propoganda to persuade the audience that they have the same values as you and they stand on the same ground as you. Basically saying they are on your side.
The power of the flag unites the people with in a nation. Flags symbolize liberty, independence, strength, and unity. Countries need/uses flags to show what their people’s beliefs are and what they represent. A flag in my opinion is a sign of mostly anything. A flag to me could be Independence, finishing a race, penalty, a sign of surrender, directions, mark territories, peace, a representation of a country etc. For example waving of the white flag simply means that the individual or group agrees to surrender to the other. With regards to racing green flag meaning go red meaning stop. Football referees throw flags on to the ground to signify a penalty towards a player. The united states flag; each star symbolizes the different states while each stripe symbolizes the thirteen colonies. Politicians use many flags when speaking to show togetherness with one another.
ReplyDelete-Jericah Marquez
per. 5th
A flag is more than just a sign of unification between a group of people. A flag is a sign of being part of something. Countries use flags to get this group of people to follow the rules that the country wants them to follow. They make the group of people feel special and a part of something. Then they go in for the kill. They brainwash you to do whatever they want you to do. They start putting the flag everywhere you go. Once you start to see the flag all over the place you begin to think that its a big deal. So whenever the country needs you to do something all they need to do is put a flag in front of you and you'll most likely do it. As you can see the flag is a sign of control. Politicians use so many flags when they speak because they want you to know that they are part of this "unique" group of people. So therefore flags are used to control people like it or not.
ReplyDeleteThe power of a flag is to represent the country that your leaving on.
ReplyDeleteCountries need a flag because we each need to identify different countries and a flag is the visual representation of a country,also it is to show what country they are.They use the flag to honor or when your country is in war ad that is going to show others where your from.
I think a flag us a sign of control because if your in a country that has a flag that means you have to obey the laws in that country that your in.
I think politician use many flags because they're talking about their country and there's this term called political color that represents a political party and different flags that their involved with.
Jamela Gaddi
5th period