This is an online journal for Mr. Lucero's English classes. Students should leave their responses to weekly prompts as comments. Their responses will be graded twice a month.
Monday, April 29, 2013
English II Journal (Angels & Demons)
Do you believe in angels? Why/why not? What do angels look like? Why are angels depicted as humans with wings? Why does every culture have certain gods with wings? What would you do if a wounded angel fell in your backyard?
Yes I do believe in angels because, there are so many evil people in the world today doing sinful acts (like ribbing, murdering, blowing things up, etc.) there has to be good people to balance out all the evil. This idea goes for angels and demons too for, they hold our world’s balance when they are balanced and there is not more angels than demons or vice versa, whether we believe it or not. Angels are humans with gigantic, pearly white wings, gold and lucid halos around their heads, and flawless hair with flawless skin. Society likes to have a hero that is different than them, but also one that they could relate to. For example, Superman had tons of magnificent power however; he was human nonetheless which we were able to relate to. Angels are depicted as humans with wings because when we die, we want people to keep the memory of us alive and not be thrown into some unknown universe. We want them to turn into a beautiful angel who we can relate to so we are not creped out by the difference (which is where the human part takes place) and the wings are the main difference between us besides their looks. It signifies freedom. Other cultures have gods with wings because, for them it signifies power and immortality. It makes them feel that they are all mighty because of the wings and the ability to fly anywhere and not be part of a chaotic, human world. If a wounded angel fell into my backyard I would take care of him/her and slowly nurture them back to health and let them tell me their story of how they fell from the sky, kind of like Frankenstein, without the monsters. I would consider them a fallen angel and observe their actions. My mind would be filled to the brim with questions, occasionally overflowing and spilling over yet, my mouth would be shut for I would not want to pester them with questions. I would treat them like an elder, full of respect, kindness, and understanding. I would to guard my fallen angel as they have always guarded me.
Are there really beings that people call angels real? I think that angels are real in many people’s minds but I don’t really believe in “angels”. I do believe there is a reason why many cultures have gods or angels with wings are connected but it’s hard to believe something if no one has any hard evidence that angels are even real. Angels are depicted as a human being with wings I bet because when they saw a giant alien with wings they went crazy and their primitive minds just created an image of what they really wanted to see. Like what evidence have people gathered about angels? A person “saying” they have seen it, spoke to them, touched and even loved them, but where is the true physical evidence. There are books and some sort of evidence where it says that angels came down from heaven and saved humanity and such , but what if the angels ancient civilizations and today’s society are not who they really are. We are a planet amongst millions, billions; it’s hard not to think that there are intelligent life forms other than ourselves that might’ve came to earth maybe as angels. Many theorists had said extraterrestrial beings have visited earth before and all the ancient writings show many shapes and forms of angels and gods and demons. Maybe some aliens cloaked their figure to help cope with human’s minds so they would freak out. Maybe some aliens did not want that and stayed in their original forms and scared the heeby jeebus out of them, that’s why demons have those distinct figures. Who knows? And if a fallen angel had fallen into my back yard I would be like “HOLY COW! IT’S A PERSON…with wings?” then I’d ask who they were, and they would say “I am a fallen angel because I stood against God telling him his actions were not wise blah blah” and then God decides to punish him and whoevers helping him (me) but we fight back. And we won because the devil isn’t as bad as people say he is and I got a hot girl at the end like all movies.
Yes I do believe in angles all my life I have. I believe that angles have wings because they might mean that they can come to us for any trouble or if we need them. As what I believe is that they can come to us to help us or if were lonely we will have the feeling someone is with us. If an angle were to be in my backyard wounded I would try all I can to help out. I would call my family since me and my family believes in angles we would help all we can so it can get back for what it was doing. I believe in all culture that some people with wings are special because they have the power to fly and to connect with god and people as like if they were messengers. Not only because they can do that and travel since there angles also because they also can connect with people spiritually that you or others can connect with them. In my culture and my religion I believe there small children with wings happily fly next to god and with other children with wings. I believe in angles because of my family because since they believe in them I was born and raised to believe that they can protect me from evil or anything that can harm me spiritually.
Freddie Kao Period 5 Personally I don’t know what to think about “angels.” They seem to be something or somebody that was to be seen as perfect, feared and/or loved. There have been different descriptions of angels, ones coming from the religious perspective while another from scientific theories; both talking about a being that came through the heavens to earth with wings who were worshipped. I think that the reason why angels are depicted as humans is because there wasn’t any other way to describe them or maybe perhaps they did look like humans but in a different form. There aren’t really any specific reasons that I think are for why every culture has a higher being that has wings besides that the being seen by the people of that time. Seeing something flying in the air was alien to an ancient society because it was new and never seen. Some theorists have said that they were advanced beings that were to have landed and provided the societies of earth with technology to advance them. In culture, it’s different. Often times the angels are god like beings that can were a mix of man and god that had wings to be seen as different, that could travel in between worlds that delivered messages, guide mankind with morals, test someone’s faith, or protect them. If an “angel” were to have fallen in my backyard I would be generally afraid because a human being with wings attached to their bodies as appendages would be completely alien to what I would be used to see. I guess I would make sure it was well but would always be cautious having it around me.
Diana Carabajal I do believe in angels.I believe in angels because i think that god chooses them to take care of us the living people in the world from any bad things.I believe that they help people out when they need it evn though some may not notice it. I think that angels look like normal human beings with wings and dresses in loose and long clothes.Angeles are described as humans with wings because that is how images and other peopple describe them as.Certain cultures have gods with wings because they believe that they have the power to help other.If one day a wounded angel fell in my backyard i would be speechless and shoked.The first thing i would do is ask the angel if its okay and would bring it inside.I would try to get it help in a way it wants it if there is a particular way it wants it. I would do as much as i could to help it and to get it back where it belongs.I would give it respect so that it doesnt feel harmed by me.
Unfortunately I do believe in angels mainly because god made these angels to protect us people from any danger. We can't really tell how these angels look like because they are not able to be seen but we describe a person with wings. The reason why I think an angel is a person is because when a sibling or friend dies they go into the second world and turn into a powerful angel with wings. The wings has to do something with flying they say either to come down on ground and go up into the sky to heaven. Each culture has its own god maybe because each culture had its own person so who was a absolute being to the people of his/her. If an angel was to fall in my backyard I would be shocked out of my mind that I think I wouldnt be able to move because of seeing an unbelievable thing right outside my house. I would probably try and walk slow to it and see what injuries the angel has so I can try to help it. Like an angel is there to help and protect us so should I do the same for them when needed.
I do believe in angels. I believe in angels because we should all have something safe to believe in when their is so much bad that happens in our world everybody should get to feel like they are being protected and watched over. Angels look like anything we want them to look like because that's our interpretation of them as being used as a symbol. Angles are depicted as humans with wings because it represents our freedom and that we should be able to fly away from bad things.other cultures have some type of winged god because it still represents our freedom its just that different cultures interpret it differently than others do. If an angel ever landed in my back yard i would freak out first because that would be crazy then i would try to help it and see what it needed and see if it was okay.
I believe in angels.I know that theres someone here protecting me, even though no one can see them not even me i believe eather you have an angel that god sent to you for protection or a loved one that passed away and they became angels just for you. I also belive angels are represented as humans with wings because in my belief the people that passed that want to protect you or are assigned to were actual living people who loved to help people/kids and want to keep doing it after their death. they have wings for three reasons one: to get from heaven to earth and wherever we go two: to show that they are not regular humans and not just an a sort of ghost and three: its a very important symbol it represents how they use them to cover you and protect you. Many gods around the world and in all religions have wings and again i think its a symbol of who they are and what they do. I have no idea what i would do if an angel fell in my back yard i would be happy i guess i mean actualy seeing an angel ! i would help it and i know eventually he/she would have to go. it would be amamzing though.
I do believe in angels as well as demons and simply because I am christian, so it is part of our doctrine. No one knows what angels look like, but I think they are depicted as humans with wings because they appear in the Bible as humans and they always come from the sky whenever they are introduced. Every culture may have their own reasons for having winged gods, but I think it is because feathered wings add more divinity to any object. If an angel appeared in my backyard, I would definately ask them a lot of questions and be immensely fascinated like the people in the short story.
Angels? Angels, I don't believe there are beautiful nonbelligerent creatures or whatever they may be are real. I Believe they are created through the mind because they want things like that to be true. Honestly people throughout history and life dream to fly and have wings, so why not depict the perfect being.Why not believe in something so perfect that you've never seen. Due to what i watch in recent movies and shows, angels are scary infamous beings who don't serve for humans but for the earth. I still see them as humans, with wings and or without. I'm not the expert, I am just a victim of perception. If a angel fell in my back yard I would hide it from the public, take care of it but keep it in a cage to keep my distance. I don't know what the angel would do to me or could do to me. To conclude, once I get to know this angel that fell in the back of my apartments I will probably let it be.
I do believe in angels because when i was younger i remember hearing story about angels. They story went like this; A young girl was walking home from school and as she walking a man from a distance had the intention to do harmful things to the young girl. She saw him and she was scared, she knew his intention. When he got closer he was ready to attack but he saw these human like angels. The angels were side by side next to the girl and the man just kept walking staring back in shock of what he saw. Every since i heard that story from a family member i believe in angels. I think angels look like humans with wings dress in white, very beautiful. Every culture have have their own reasons how angels look to them. If an angel was to appear in my backyard i'll ask questions, and look at it until i feel like its really an angel.
I do believe in angels as part of my faith. There are many angels to give guidance to you if you need it. Angels are typically described as wearing white togas or dresses, glowing, with big feathery bird wings, and sometimes with a halo floating over their head. From what I learned as a child, angels are humans who have previously passed away who wish to accompany society and do deeds out of their good nature. Sometimes in pop culture, angels are even seen as regular humans that causes miracles towards people around them. Many cultures symbolize their angels and gods this way maybe because it gives a sense of purity in that. White is the color of purity and innocence, whereas the feathery wings can represent divinity. These are common characteristics associated with the typical angel. If an angel were to be found in my backyard, I would be very skeptical. The world isn't very safe anymore, so I would call someone in my family to check up on them with me just to be safe. After reading "The Very Old Man with Enormous Wings," I wouldn't expect the angel to be very miraculous, but I'd still be very curious as to why he was there. I probably would help take care of it by feeding it and giving it a place to rest. I'd help it until it was healthy and could go on its own way.
I do believe in angels. Ever since I can remember my parents and grandparents from both sides of my family have always told me stories and the stories passed down to them that made me believe in angels. I also believe that angels exist because my catholic religion consists of many angels that you can then pray to for many reasons. I believe that angels are depicted as human-like with wings because of the many historical drawings and pictures seen drawn by many of the most famous and recognized artists of all time. We usually get a certain idea of what ancient things look like based on drawings. In my opinion, many cultures might have Gods with wings because most religions have to have some sort of figure that represents a rescuer or a guard. If an angel fell in MY backyard I think i would only tell the people i trust and not let the government take him or her away. I would want to ask it what it does, what its job or duty is and why is fell out of the sky. I would probably even ask it how to become and angel.
Ishmael rico 5th period Angels ayy? Well like you have stated in class your perception on angels was drawn by the events you have encountered in your life before. Angels I vision as pure white humans with dove wings who follow people around and help them when they are in desperate need of assistance. I see them this way because that is how they were depicted in movies I have watched, books I have read, and other forms of media that have put this image in my mind. Demon I see as red humans with horns that roam around causing mischief and other demon deeds.Though I don't believe in Demon all too much. Demons to me are just things that people have made up in the past to justify what they can’t see. They use this being of fear to give their nightmares a face because nobody wants to fear nothing. They want to put a mask on it so they have something to fear even though it is all in their head. Even though I know this to be true it doesn’t mean I do not fear them. I to also give my fears a face since I don't want to fear illusions in my head and other irrational visions i think I see as I fall asleep. That is why if I saw an angel in my backyard I would be hospitable but I would be suspicious because if demons are fallen angels wouldn't that mean they were bad to begin with? So technically not all angels are good because a piece of them caused them to be bad. I would first probably need to conduct a series of test to make sure they are good and then move on from there. From there I would help him or her and then I would proceed to trust the supposed angel. though I do believe in good and a place in heaven I don't 100% believe in angels but 99% of the time I do. But i am very skeptical when it comes to demons, because like all our irrational fears, you have to remember that it is all in your head. Other cultures probably have god with wings because wings lead us to believe in new highs only achievable with flight because it “brings you higher.” Wings are like the symbol of higher class, and since wings aren’t natural in humans it makes us feel as though they are a new more perfect embodiment of us and they should be respected. Atlas that it was I get from there ideologies.
I’ve never really thought about the existence of angels so I don’t exactly believe in them. I don’t believe in them because I don’t know much about them and they just seem fictional in my opinion. Angels are depicted as benevolent spiritual beings that have white wings, clothes, and occasionally halos above their heads. I describe them this way because when they appear in movies that’s how they look. Angels are known for protecting people and making miracles happen. From what I’ve heard about angels, they make the impossible become possible and give hope to others. They are described as humans with wings because they are supernatural spirits that resemble purity, a sense of security, comfort and consolation. In every culture I think they have a god with wings because wings give a sense of power. If a wounded angel fell in my backyard I would try to help it. I’d take care of it until it could go back to where it came from. I think I would keep it a secret so that nobody would hurt it and try to take it away.
Kelly Fung-4 I do not believe in angels at this moment. But if I ever see one, I may believe in them, though I doubt this will happen because I don’t think that they exists. Angels are presented in movies, books and other arts as a human with white skin, wearing white (sometimes gold), blonde hair and more importantly, with wings. Wings are an important part that distinguishes a normal human being to a god, angel or demon. The wings provide them with the ability to fly, something that a normal human being can’t do. I believe that a god, angel or demon with wings mean that they can fly to places that a normal person can’t go to. This place might be why people believe in it because this is the place where people believe that gods, angels and demons get these “powers.” These places can be like Heaven and Hell, though I’m not saying that these places don’t exist, but we never know if they do. They are interpreted as humans because people believe that human beings are the superior organism over other organisms. Another reason is that only humans can communicate with humans. Every culture has a god with wings because everyone believes in the same concept that a human that can fly to other places and have special powers is a god. They chose to believe in this because they have fear, as does anyone on earth. But their irregular characteristic of their wings and the “powers” let people think that gods have the ability to get rid of this fear. This is also why angels and gods are presented with light and has the characteristic of love, while demons are dark and evil. If a wounded angel fell in my backyard, I would be surprised and a little scared but I would treat the angel with all my respect and care as I would with anyone or anything that needs help.
When I was younger I did believe in angels because my parents would always tell me about them. As a catholic, I guess people are expected to believe in angels because it is their orthodox religion beliefs. From this point in my life I honestly still believe in them.
I've been told that every single human being on earth has a guardian angel. I believe this is true because people that survive any type of accident realize how lucky they are and they thank their angel for giving them a second shot at life. People also tend to pray to their angels about things they may feel apprehensive about, or just to give thanks. There is a book which proves that angels do exist. I have not read this book, rather I’ve been told about it. The thing that makes this book whet is that it goes into detail about angels. This august book says that everyone has their own angel (as mentioned before). According to this book you can find your inner angel by doing special spiritual mind exercises.
Furthermore, Angels are depicted as human beings with wings not only to stand out from the rest of us, but to represent swiftness from heaven above. We are all aware that there are two types of angels. These two are the good angels and the bad angels. We can distinguish the two pretty well because the good angels have dove wings as well as halo's. The good angels wear white and gold and they mostly all have light hair. But just as we know the descriptions of a good angel, we also know how bad angels look like. The dreadful angels or demons, are portrayed to have bat wings and a goat face, and we can distinguish them from the good because of their dark features. But in truth no one can refute that this is how good and bad angels look like because no one has ever seen an angel physically.
In continuation, I cogitate that almost every religion has humans with wings because wings symbolize freedom and they help you fly higher and higher to a better place in life. Therefore every culture has gods with wings to make them different from us, but to symbolize that they are guarding us from above. Nevertheless, if a wounded angel fell in my backyard I would be shocked. This would be something I would not want to experience because what if the angel was a bad one? I wouldn't know what to do, but of course I would try and help the angel yet keep my distance. Thus, this situation is a difficult one because the life of the angel would be at risk. The reason because if anyone found out then they would most likely treat the angel like an animal and lock it up for amusement and observation.
YES, i do belive in angels although it seems hard to believe that they can create mircales or benift our lives. Angels are depicted as human beings because they didnt know what else to identify them as. From humans prespectives, angels look like human beings with wings and a halo on their head, but like you mentioned in class today, were all methaphors. We truly dont know what part of us represent. Each culure has a certain god with wings because they want to have the idea in their heads that they have something higher to look up to compared to any other culture. If i were too see an angel in my backyard i'd most likely freak out and run for it. I might fright it but i'd charish the moment wisely. If i were to keep it, i'd keep it a secret because they'd try stealing it from me. (SUPER SAD MARIANA IF THEY DID)
Well, there has always been debates about weather people do or don't believe in angels and if there are angels in general but in my opinion i believe that they exist and i believe in them because i am a christian. My life is by what the holy bible says and i try my best to follow the way the bible tells me so. I believe that angels look like what ever god has made them to look like. the way people draw them is with a halo, in white clothes, and maybe some wings. But who knows, i wouldn't be able to tell anyone what they look like because i have never seen an actual one. I would imagine that they would be created in gods image as we are so that's what they look like. they are depicted as humans with wings because humans see themselves as dominate and see themselves as superior to everything else in the world so they imagine a angel to look the same but with wings. Why does every culture have certain gods with wing? it's because most people love the thought of flying so they picture certain gods with wings because they believe that their god is the most powerful. As well as if your thinking of your god as being powerful then they have to get to places around the world so people give their gods wings. And if i found a wounded angel that fell in my backyard i would just leave it alone because its not my place to kill it or mess with it, but i would take pictures of it and video tape it as well as show my family. But i wouldn't do anything to hurt it.
Angels and demons do not exist in the real world. They are simply something to believe in or to blame something for. Angels were made in the image of god, and demons were originated from Satan and dark magic. I believe that most religions make angels and demons have wings so they can be comparable. Since they are supposed to be slightly different from man, they needed to be tweaked and perfected with stories and tales. The reason why they is so much contrast between both sides of light and dark is because people wanted a clear definition of what is right and wrong. Every culture and religion had an idea of a perfect and imperfect person, and this led the idea of having a battle between good and evil. An angel could take any form it chooses, but it can never change how it behaves. An angel is actually a symbol of peace, light, and rebirth. By default, it would be lighter and more subjective to good things. I’ve never seen an angel, but I know people that have acted like angels to save my life. My mother is a good example of an angelic figure. If I would ever meet an angel, it wouldn't have wings or a pair of golden shoes. Rather, the angel would probably be something closer to a wise old man with more experience, intelligence, and willpower. I envisioned a fiend or demon as a small black cloud of malicious voices taunting you. I once had a dream where I was tormented by a demon, but it wasn't a nightmare. All I had to do was ignore its annoying sounds. If I were to meet a demon, it would probably be a very corrupt and ill minded persona. If I were to find an angel that was torn or beaten, I really would be clueless on how I would help it. If I were to try to bring it into my house, I might end up harming it more that I would help it. Sometime if you see a dying bird that is struggling for its dear life, do you try to help it? Or do you end its misery by putting it to death? If the angel would be able to recover from a crash to earth, then I would put all my effort into making it better again. Someone must stand up and fight for those who can’t, but if they cannot become better, then you must believe that they will go to a better place. Belief is something we try when everything else fails, but I also have to watch out for my own life without a guardian angel.
The existence of angels and demons has been widely debated. I personally do not believe in angels because often times, it is associated with religion, and I am not much of a religious person. Therefore nor do I believe in demons either. What I do believe in is the perception of good and evil, which many people interpret differently, and how people use their faith in order to reason with their understanding of something though it cannot exactly be proven.
But for the purpose of this topic, I speculate numerous reasons as to why angels are portrayed the way they are: halos, white clothing, emission of light, and all. Perhaps the human aspect of them is to show how there are people in the world just like you and me who exemplify altruism to a great extent, almost as though they have been derived from God him or herself, who is supposed to be a representation of perfection. Then the dove wings signify their righteousness and desire for peace and prosperity. Maybe every culture has certain gods with wings because it helps to convey what kind of personality they had. For example, one with feathery dove wings would be seen to have regal grace while one with bat wings would be seen as macabre, just like the animals from which they originate from.
If a wounded angel fell in my backyard, I would be highly suspicious of it. Because like Immortal Technique once said in his song “Dance With the Devil”, he states that “devils used to be God’s angels that fell from the top”. So since it fell, there is that chance that it is actually a demon. And in ancient beliefs, Earth was conceived as a purgatory between heaven, which is presumably above us, and hell below us. Maybe the angel was on its way to rightfully descend into hell but ended up on Earth in an attempt to redeem itself. Or maybe it wanted to cause havoc one last time before being sent to an eternity in flames. The possibilities of its intentions are endless.
To begin, I am on the fence about whether or not angels are real. One of the reasons why I might not believe in angels is because there’s no logical and practical evidence that they existed. There may be drawings and works of art and literature that mention angels but there’s no archeological evidence, there’s no journals from people about them. A reason I presumably believe angels are real is because of my faith. I think that angels can come down when there is a need of them. There is no archetypical description of what an angel appears to be. The stereotypical depiction is mainly that they’re pure creatures, heavenly, on the “good” side of things, most of them have wings and some have a form of a halo. They are usually shown in churches and in pop culture as holy and good creatures with a desire to help those in need of assistance and guidance. They are known to create miracles to people who deserve them. Angels are perhaps portrayed as humans with wings because it is what differentiates humans from angels. It gives angels a sense of divinity, power, and makes them seem in a way supernatural. Cultures have certain gods with wings because as mentioned before, wings give a sense of power and divinity but also a feeling of immortality because gods are known to outlive humans in many diverse cultures. If a wounded angel fell in my backyard, I’d first and foremost be quite cautious of what it’s going to do. Then when I see that it’s harmless, I’d do my best to take care if it so it can go back to its home and be happier there.
I have never believed in the existence of an angel because I don't come from a religious background. However, I do believe that there are good and bad people in the world. Angels are perceived as wearing white clothing, winged, containing halos over their head, beautiful with god-like features, and mostly are in the form of a human; they kind of resemble a majestic swan. Angels are characterized as humans with wings because I think that angels are viewed as holy, supernatural, and superior. When other people see another person that has the ability of flying, they usually view them as someone heavenly or divine. That would result of them being worshiped because they have a physical, unique ability. Their wings bring a sense of safety and comfort for the people that worship them. In every culture, certain gods have wings because having the skill to fly is something that is an ability of a god-like creature. Gods have superior and supernatural powers, so flying would be one of their special abilities. If a wounded angel fell in my backyard, I would aid and hospitalize that angel until he or she was healthy again. I would let the angel go home to where it came from and not cage it like an animal. However, I would be suspicious of how it landed here and what their intentions are. I would probably be secretive and discreet about what I say about the situation due to it being somewhat magical and impossible.
Yes, i do believe in angels. When i was little my dad would always tell me story about angels, how they are always looking our family and will always be their to protect us when something bad happens, and from there, i have always believed on angels, always angels are part of the our culture. As in my opinion, angels to me are like us humans, but with wings on their backs, but if theyre just like us humans, and we had wings in our back, would that also as well make us angels. If a wounded angel fell on my backyard, i would of course help it, but than again have them prove to me that they are actually an angel, not just someone playing games.
JAYLON WILLIAMS Yes i believe in angels, because i am christian. If people believe in the devil they should believe in angels because in Revelation 12:9 it pretty much says that the devil was sent down with his on group of angels because he was jealous of god and his power. Angels are commonly known as looking like a little boy or little girl with wings and a ring on their heads with no clothes but a cloth covering their bottom and genital area. Every culture has god with wings because white wings from a dove represent peace and it also shows that he is above all things. If a wounded angel was in my backyard that i dont have i would take it in my house drink some soda with it and watch the warriors get spanked and then still its powers.
I have never given much thought to the belief in angels but now that I think about it I would have to say that I do believe in angels because my mother has told me that you have your own angel looking over you depending on which month you were born. I do believe that there may be angels somewhere and they are the guardians of the people or so it should be that way but it would be logical that they wouldn't reveal themselves because of how the world would react. We may not see them but I believe that they are still around keeping an eye on us from above.
Angels are uasually depicted as humans beings that look flawless in appearance and have beautiful, enourmous wings like that of a dove. They are usualy drawn as looking white or with a white light near them and having pale skin. Angels might be resembles as humans with wings to show that they are a more noble and honorable type of person and since they are closely related with heaven they symbolize humans being able to soar up to heaven as a pure and unsinful person.
Many cultures have winged gods wich might be related with how wings may be used to reach heaven or the afterlife. It is also something that we have never seen before in reality so having real wings may be used to show superiority and god-like features because gods are never suppose to look perfectly human. gods might look human nut they usually have special characteristics and qualities such as wings or powers.
If an angel landed in my back yard, my immediante response would be to see if it looked human enough and to make sure it wasn't a threat of any kind while heaping a weapon and a good distance, just in case. No violence would be intended unless provoked but if it proved harmless at the moment I would have to trust it. If it said it was an angel I wouldn't be able to trust it unless it proved it. Then I would keep it in the house until we could think of a solution on how to get it back or how to communicate if it didn't speak Spanish or English. It would be best to keep the angel hidden knowing how the society would treat it like an alien and want to expiriment with it. The angel would need to be kept a secret since the situation would sound crazy if I were to tell another person ecpecially since the situation seems to sound like a fairy tale.
People may not realize or notice it but angels do exist. Angels can take many forms not just the one that most people know with wings. Angels can be formed into animals or even normal humans. If your making that decision on whether to do something or not they’re watching and talking to you. Yeah your subconscious is saying otherwise but you feel another “presence” that helps you choose not to do it. Angels are there to send a message to you . It usually comes indirectly when opportunities come your way and you decide to take that chance and go for it . Here’s a fun fact did you know that there’s a myth about gargoyles? They say that gargoyles used to be human but they give in to either greed or even lust. Every culture has some type of god with wings because wings represent freedom or taking flight. Wings alone represent freedom that other things in this case humans don’t. If a wounded angel fell into my backyard I will do anything in my will to save it. He or She is a living thing. If your best friend was injured or wounded you would do anything to help them out or save them, why wouldn't you do the same thing for an angel. It’s quite inhuman of you for deciding to leave it in pain to suffer, just think of it that way.
Believing in angels mostly depends on your religious. Therefore, I do believe in angels, because of my Catholic religion. I believe that angels are soldiers of God, which he sends from heaven to protect us. I believe that angels are not always seen as humans with wings and halos, but real human beings who are rarely doing sinful things. All human beings sin, but the angels in this world are the people who truly try not to do bad deeds. Those who are devils or demons are people who sin without regret and guilt. I believe angels are those who are generous with warm hearts, religious or not.
As a young kid, I have always thought of an angel with a halo over its head. Angels are always depicted as perfect, flawless people who are light skinned, wearing white tunics with a pair of large, feathery wings. Angels aren't complete without their wings for most people, because people grow to believe that they have wings. The media always symbolize angels with their iconic wings and halos, which is why people always picture them with wings. Strangely and coincidentally, devils or demon are also depicted as to have abnormally large bat wings.
I believe that having wings that enables you to fly is one of the most powerful and important power to have, which is why most cultures have certain Gods who have wings. I believe that wings symbolize freedom. Having wings make Gods different from the society, because they are able to fly away from the wingless, normal people.
If a wounded Angel fell in my backyard I would be in total disbelief, but I’d also probably be scared to death. I would call 911, first of all and then go to the angel and question it. I would ask tons of questions with my jaw dropped and my heart beating one hundred times per second.
Yes I strongly believe in angels. Angels are beautiful figures that bring an emotion of peace and the feeling of being safe and secure. I do believe in angels because I was raised in believing that there is such a beautiful powerful figure . I remember when I was 7 I went to a trip to Guatemala with my cousins. We were traveling on plane. My 2 cousins that were sitting next to me were sleeping and I looked out the window and saw a floating bright yellow circle and i immediately assumed it was an angels halo. When I saw that figure I was happy , and I felt safe . I woke my cousins up and they looked at me as if i was crazy.This society built angels to look like a strong person with wings and a halo or a bright light in their back . Angels maybe seen like humans with wings because in my religion if you are good to god you will go to heaven . And in heaven there is a guess that those people turn into angels who look over us . If a wounded angel were to fall in my backyard I would nurture the angel make sure it's in a good conditions . I would if course try to ask the angel questions and see if the angel meets my expectation .
i honestly do believe in angels. theres so many reasons why but the main reason is supposably because even though im a very credulous person when it comes to learning things from the past. ever since i was a child i would hear stories from my family about how angels were created. also when i was around 10 my parents told me that to everything in life, theres a good and a bad. so when theres a demon, there has to be something good such as an angel.
i believe angels are the exact opposite of demons. therefore, angels are white, with wings like a dove, and a halo on top of their head. also, angel are depicted as humans with wings because for centuries theres been thousands of "experiences" of encountering angels. ever since the first encounter people have explained their experiences with family and then passed down generation by generation to more people. after so long we have to believe it because in life, we see someone who stands out from everyone else as an outsider or such thing.
ever culture has certain gods with wings because since the cultures believe theres an important person responsible for certain things. so they address the gods with the wings because of angels and the way we see them which is good. also because we look up them. so if a wounded angel fell in my backyard i'd observe it for a while and see if it would do any sort of activity. if i feel like it won't do anything bad then i'd aid it until its at least in good shape. who knows, i might even get a reward for being a good person.
I'm in the middle of believing in angels for that exact reason that an angel can be a picture our mind creates and the religious beliefs we have. For reasons I believe that the church tries to controls what we actually believe in, such as angels and demons. In the way I do believe that angels do exist is in people. What I mean is that people are good enough to be able to change a person, to guide them in the right path and to show them love. For me, I did find an angel inside a person, to be exact a girl: the best one in my life. She showed me all what I think an angel sent from god would do for someone who needed love and a new perspective of life. This angel really changed my life and I can't thank her enough. Everyone has different views of angels maybe because the way our religion describes it to us or the way we imagine them. If an angel ended up wounded in my backyard, honestly I don't know what I would do. Like I said I believe angels are in the souls of people and not everyone could see that. If that angel ever got wounded, I would do anything to help it cure and try to not bother it and make it feel like if they were home.
I do not believe in angels or demons and I feel it is ok to believe in angels or/and demons. First, I feel that angels do not exist because there is no proof or a least a questionable angel archetype being that I have witnessed or heard of. Second, it is a good thing to believe in angels because it gives you a sense of togetherness and a sense of wrong and right. If an angel were to exist it would have the characteristics of kind hearted, attentive, and honest being. Some physical characteristics of an angel would be fluffy wings, ideal facial complexion, and a glowing presence. Angels are depicted as humans due to the thought that angels are sprits of deceased human beings. Another possible reason why angels are depicted as humans is the fact that we as the general public are afraid of having a figure of great significance not resemble a human being. A possible reason for the archetype of angles having wings and halos id possibly due to the religious view that angles are holy members of heaven. If I were to ever encounter an angel in my backyard I would probable doubt the fact that it is was an angel, I would defiantly question the angel’s existence, what caused them to fall in my backyard and from where. Could this angel be a sign for me to stop from causing any future conflicts? Angels could be a positive influence on individuals who believe in them. Do angels act as guardians of our free will or creators of our fate?
Yes , personally I do believe in angles. Certain events that occurred in my life made me believe that angels do exist. Like when I was younger, I accidently ran straight through a window while playing soccer , as soon as I broke the glass and fell to the other side , I thought at that point that I was seriously injured no doubt . I was panicking and I got up slowly without a scratch on me!! I thought it wasn’t possible ,but someone how I was as clean as a whistle. At that point I thought that angel was always by my side and I felt protected. Not only through 1st person experience ,but close friends and family have been in a few car accidents and made it out with minor injuries ,when the car was completely totaled. I feel that an angel(s) are watching over my family and I because we were very fortune in accidents that have occurred and they were true miracles. Although I have no idea what an angel looks like ,they are often used as symbols with wings , halos ,and white robes. I believe that angels are represented with wings because they are watching over individuals from above. Cultures have gods with wings to show that they are immortal and that death doesn’t bring them to an end, but show that they would always be around. If any wounded angel were to fall in my backyard , I would help it out and provide safety for it as I has done for my family and I
From the beginning of time, up until now, I believe that angels have been conjured up from an individuals imagination as guidance and hope in rough times. As much as I'd like to believe that such purity exists in this world, I refuse to let my mind set on something that seems too good to be true without cold hard fact. I suppose that the image of an angel(s) would vary depending on your religion, beliefs, or simply due to the first form presented to you. When I picture an angel, I pretty much imagine a bare chested Edward Cullen with a set of beautiful white angelic wings. Minus the occasional red eyes of course. Wings represent the miniscule dash of innocence, immaculate purity and good in the turmoil of heinous evil. Thus why angels are portrayed with elegant divine wings; to showcase that there is a good humanitarian place in which angels exist. If the instance in which a wounded angel were to land in my backyard, I would most likely think I'm hallucinating and walk away, while assuming I've gone insane. If the angel really were real, then I must be a very cruel person to leave him/her lying there, wounded and helpless.
I personally do believe in angels. I believe that these divine beings and creatures that transcend the natural world all exist because of just personal belief. I can’t explain why I believe in them, and I won’t try to justify my belief with a random cliché, but I do believe that they are there. Angels do not have to have wings, but they are instead people with no evil in their heart – pure good, and always take the selfless road in their actions. Angels are depicted as humans with wings to show that they transcend and are above humans, in my mind. They are souls of a higher power that are sent out to balance good and evil within the world and should have the ability to transport themselves anywhere to carry out their jobs. Every culture has a god with wings to not only distinguish them from normal humans and show they are of a supernatural being, but also to give them the ability and freedom to do anything they want. Wings, to me, symbolize freedom, nature, and height. These gods with wings usually represent all or at least 2 of the 3. Gods are free to do whatever they please, they live high up and isolated from mortal beings [Mount Olympus], and sometimes have to do with the nature of human beings or actual nature [God of War, God of the Ocean]. If a wounded angel fell in my backyard, I would get him to a hospital. I mean, what if I killed the angel by accident? I could be eternally cursed. Let someone else handle them. Or an veterinarian.
Many people do believe in angels, including me. I believe in angels, not from experience. I am a catholic and therefore, I have been taught to believe in angels. Angels are mostly described as human with wings and halos, but everybody has their own opinions. There may not be any proof of angels looking this way, but it is mainly how it is passed down by generations.
Angels are almost always described wearing bright/light colors. On the other hand demons wear dark colors. In one of my favorite songs, "Dance with the Devil" by Immortal Technique, he mentions angels. He says "Devils used to be gods, Angels that fell from the top" which will make me think twice if an angel ever fell in my backyard. I would be quiet scared because, if it's an angel that is wounded, there has to be a reason. The possibility of it actually being there for the reason that it is turning into a devil is one, but it also can mean the angel was risking his/her own life to protect someone, making it a good angel. I would not know exactly what I would do, but the first thing would be to show my parents and start asking questions.
In my view, it appears to me that angels don't exist therefore I don't believe in them. I see them as cultural and religious figures rather than them existing naturally. People in the past tend to make up stories that they can believe in in order to ease themselves from any sufferings. They may or may have invented creatures such as angels as an additional to their cultural or religious belief. Born in a world where history is already made, like other people, when I hear the word ‘angels’ the only thing that appears to my head is a creature or someone with wings. Religiously, I imagine them as white and petite cupid-like creatures playing with instruments together with their wings helping them fly. Angels are depicted as humans with wings due to the cultural idea behind it. The angels’ white color for others are seen as good and pure. Being able to reach the unreachable, their wings sometimes signify high power. Every culture have a certain god with wings because every culture have its own definition or meaning behind it. In most religions, angels are seen as humans that deliver souls or guide and protect humans. Even if there are several cultural interpretations about angels, one must learn how to be respectful about it. If a wounded angel fall in my backyard, I would immediately take him or her to the hospital and let him or her be experimented by the government or scientists.
I do not believe in angels. I can't put my faith into an ideology that has "divine experiences", when nothing has ever occurred to me that proves what religions preach. It's like putting all your eggs into one basket and being told that they WILL hatch; however, no one knows if they really will or not. Ain't nobody got time for that.
Do all angels have wings? Who's to say when pictures are approved by the church of what should or should not be depicted as an angel? Personally, I don't believe all angels have wings; although, most of them do because of what they represent, which is divine spirits who are pure of heart. The wings are only a representation of nobility and superhuman status, nothing more and nothing less. Angels are international heroes who are of catholic faith.
If an angel fell into my backyard, I would most likely face it upfront and see the condition. Honestly, I would laugh for 2 or 3 seconds because of how crazy the situation is and laugh in disbelief. I'm just saying it straight forward and honestly... After realizing I do have an angel in my backyard I would give it any medical attention needed and let it return to whatever it was doing after it recovered. Then go to the catholic church and have a long confession with the priest. I'm a living contradiction, but it's true.
Edgar Gavino Period 4 I do believe in angels.The reason i believe angels is because in my religion we believe that angels can help us. Angels look like nice innocent angels that float around while them using there wings to come and help us when we need them. Angels are depicted as humans because people don't really know how angels really look like so therefor they just use there imagination and draw paintings of what they think angels look like.If a wounded angel fell on my backyard i would go see if the angel is ok and ask him if god sent him here or if he just had an accident. I would help the wounded angel by giving him food and giving the angel a shelter so it can sleep well through the night.
In my own perspective, I do believe in angels, growing up as a kid, I was raised as a Catholic and attended bible classes every week and while I was attending bible classes, the teachers would tell us stories about angels and how they helped and protected people. Angels are often known as a human figure with wings, white clothing, and light shining as they are present. People may depict angels as humans with wings because as shown in the bible, it describes angels as humans with wings, so some people may describe angels as humans with wings because they must have read a description about angels and start assuming that the bible is correct and they are humans with wings. Every culture has a different perspective on angels like how other religions believe in different kinds of gods or leaders instead of everyone believing in one god/leader. From what my culture has described about angels, I do believe that angels are good people and they protect people around their surroundings. If a wounded angel were to fly to my backyard, I would be a little frightened, but I would try my best to help the angel and keeping it safe with somewhere to stay.
Yes I do believe in angels. However i don't believe that angels are really used today. I believe in god so it pretty much comes with the belief. Angels look like human beings with white feathery wings attached to their back. They wear white robes and protect those who deserve it. Angels are depicted as humans with wings because when humans think of perfection, they envision themselves better. So for example if God makes us in him image, he does the same with angels, because humans can identify with them. This does not apply to all cultures though. for example the Egyptians used a mixture of animals and humans. Their winged god (Horus) is not exactly human, he has a mans body with the head of a falcon. Most depictions he was wingless, but in some hieroglyphs he did have a pair. The Greeks and Romans also had a winged god (sort of ) in Hermes/Mercury. Even Thor, a Norse god, had wings on his helmet. These similarities in cultures as far winged gods go is because wings are associated with the sky, and the sky is associated with the heavens. This is why winged gods and angels have bird like wings, because they represent heaven in that culture (in some way.) If an angel were to fall into my backyard I would have to keep it a secret for one. In today's society I could not imagine the type of reaction that would happen, especially since news gets around the world in hours. I would expect the government, tons of religious people (including my grandmother who lives near me) would show up at my house. A lot of people would call it a hoax and not believe it, while some would scream "ALIENS." I expect the government to treat as they did E.T and say it's a threat to national security;they would try to take the angel away. But this would be an issue only if I did not keep the angel secret. I would hide it and nurse it back to health, try to find out information if possible, then release back to where it came from. After the whole incident is over, I will proceed to pray, because it just seems like a sign to do so.
Unfortunately, i am one of the few who does not believe in angels. As much as someone can push me to believe in them, i just can't imagine it. If i were to believe in angels, i guess they'd be in human form. I mean, you never know angels can be wherever they want, posing as humans. People often think of angels to have wings, a halo, and are beautiful with a light shine towards them, I however, cannot imagine myself to believe in angels whatsoever. Though i've watched them in movies, they appear to be what people expect them to be. Angels may or may not be what we'd want them to look like, they look the way the look because of our expectations. I think that they are depicted to have wings because most religions or maybe all think of angels to come from God, or whoever the religion believes in. Obviously God is from above, so the angels would need the wings to fly up. If a wounded angel were to fall in my backyard, i would help it get better. I'd take care of it like they were apart of the family, since they are depicted as humans. I'd give it a room to stay in, probably some clothes if they don't have any. But if it this were to happen, i'd change my belief on if i believe there are angels in this world.
I think angles do exsist because I have alwats been taught by my parents that they exsist. I think angles look like they have whiye there skin color is white and wings and they have a halo and lots of light. Angles are. always depicted by haveing wings is because people see them as they can fly . God and come down and they look like doves.every culture see angles because they see them as saving them. If an angle fell in my backyard I would be like give me you powers amd ill just become an angle and save people. I would be with god and have lots of party. Ima be saying YOLO with god and do lots of pranks on people . I would bring him to the house to drink some soda and just play some video games
Isaiah Rogers- i believe that there are a such thing as guardian angels. i believe because of my religion. No one knows what angels look like though. we all have our idea of what an angel looks like but no one has a for sure answer. for our better understanding we viewed angels as human beings with wings to keep things simple for us i assume. I think that the wings, from every culture, represent the superiority of that particular being over others! if a wounded angel landed in my backyard i would be skeptical to believe it was an angel at first because demons are known to be deceitful. But if my trust is built on my belief then i would be willing to believe.
Yes, I do believe in angels because I am Catholic. In my religion, it is believed that when a person dies and goes to heaven, he or she becomes an angel. For me, Angels look like humans with bird like wings. They are dressed in white and have a halo in top of their heads. I think angels are depicted as humans with wings, because in Christianity the belief is that when people die as I said before, go to heaven and earn their wings to become an angel. I think certain cultures have god with wings because wings signify comfort and safety. People need something to worship in order to be comforted and have a sense of safety. If a wounded angel fell in my backyard, at first I would be skeptical because angels don't just fall in your backyard everyday. Then I would pray because what if it is a demon who is disguised as a wounded angel who is trying to kill me! After I would cater to its need and try to get it back to safety.
I think that angels are real but they are not necessarily a person with wing I believe that everyone has a semi angel in them some way more than others but at the same time some people have their perception of how the angel really are really basically come from the bible and come from the way that humans see angels as costumes in television on video games ect they only really know what we see and we just go by what the media tell us but in all honesty anyone can be an angel and they don't have to be beautiful smart clean white or any of those ignorant like characteristics of how a angel really is and how they can be seen as beautiful but really beauty is only skin deep so Angels can be or look like anything. In clonclusion i believe that angels are offten seen as something that it really dosent have to be a real angel there are many ways to be an angel without really looking like what the worl percieves them to be.
JaTaya Patton Yes I believe in angels because of religious purposes. From my belief, angels are white, naked, and look like babies with curly hair and wings with a halo on the top of their head. Angels are believed to be in heaven and that the guard you and they watch you from heaven and they are called guardian angels. I think that in cultures, gods have wings because it is thought be like they are in heaven hovering over everything and everybody watching everything that goes on. If I were to see a creature with wings in my backyard laying there, first I would just look at it until it moved. I wouldn’t walk up to it because I wouldn’t know what it is so I wouldn’t know what it would or could do to me. If I looked and it seemed to be an angel , I would just be at a lost of words and then I don’t know what ij would do if it just so happen to be a real angel.
From having a long history with religion placed at my fingertips with the persistence of my Catholic grandparents, I was brought up to believe in angels. As I’ve gotten older, I see things with new light as I grow and read consistently. I know generally, angels look like humans with wings, whose skin glows with radiant aura from within their chaste souls. They are described humanly possible, yet immortal; flawless and symmetrical features that accentuate what is depict as the definition of beauty so surreal that it has to be from a higher force.
I believe that gods were created on several accounts. One, to create justification to unknown occurrences when no scientific innovation was into play; two, to establish division of power (in the olden days, leaders were chosen by their faith in a god); and three, for comfort.
Wings are used for religious purposes because this rationalizes the idea that angels (and demons) can go and from different realms, whether belief is conformed around heaven and hell or other. This also leads to people’s imagination that angels and demons uses these wings to fight with each other with swiftness and further segregate that those whom have wings are different than the rest of humanity because they would usually side with pure evil or good.
If one day a wounded “angel” with wings attached to its back, battered in beauty or in harsh darkness, fell in the amidst of my backyard, I would apprehensively approach the soul. I am not going to lie, I would be pale and numbingly cold like French vanilla ice cream, but oppose to my strong senses that would be screeching,” Damn it Jessica. Leave it alone. You know idiots die from this stuff in books, why would you be so stupid?” I’d help the crippled guy out. I come off as sarcastic, temperamental, and unyielding teenager, but under those protective layers, I am very compassionate and I have this strong need to help broken people. I wouldn’t doubt myself if I said I would sponge bathe that thing, properly clothe, feed like a renaissance king, and give it a tempurpedic mattress with very high thread count sheets without any form of response or expectance of repayment. I believe in free will, and if that thing was evil, then it can decide to spare my life like I had protected theirs, or kill me once healed. If it was an angel; well I believe in karma.
I do believe in angels. I think angels are highly symbolic in different religions and depicted in numerous ways. I think angels are depicted with wings because of the powers that humans relate them too. Since humans don't have wings, I believe that it is seen as a superpose and in most religions, angels are a sign of power and peace. If a wounded angle fell in my backyard I would be shocked. I wouldn't know what to do. Angles are seen as so heavenly that I wouldn't know what to think or if I would actually take it seriously. After a while of it laying there I would eventually come to my senses but not without asking questions. I would probbably help the angel treating it as if it were a human. I always have lots of questions about things and this would be interesting. Every culture does depict god with wings it varies when it comes to what kind of angle it is. I've seen pictures of some good, peaceful looking angles, and some bad, mean, scary looking angels.
I do believe in angels. I believe in them because ever since i was young, I was always taught to believe in them and tht they protect me from evil. My parents would always tell me to sleep with the angels at night to make me feel better and honestly, sometimes it did work. Angels look like any other human but they are normally dressed in all white with some gold in it. They usually have nice personalities and always try to do the right thing. I rhink that every culture has some certain gods with wings because it represents power over any regular human. There are different kinds of wings. Angels usually have dove type of wings which doves represent peace and love. So angels would also represent that as well. If a random angel were to fall in my backyard, I think i would grab a stick and go poke it for a good 10 minutes. Honestly I also think that i would take a picture of it and post it on Instagram. Angels are rare and don't just sho up anywhere so I would feel like it was sent to me for a specific reason. If it were hurt, I would bring it inside and care for it until I make it feel comfortable enough for it to start answering my questions. That's what i would do if an angel were to fall in my backyard.
Yes I do believe in angels because, there are so many evil people in the world today doing sinful acts (like ribbing, murdering, blowing things up, etc.) there has to be good people to balance out all the evil. This idea goes for angels and demons too for, they hold our world’s balance when they are balanced and there is not more angels than demons or vice versa, whether we believe it or not. Angels are humans with gigantic, pearly white wings, gold and lucid halos around their heads, and flawless hair with flawless skin. Society likes to have a hero that is different than them, but also one that they could relate to. For example, Superman had tons of magnificent power however; he was human nonetheless which we were able to relate to. Angels are depicted as humans with wings because when we die, we want people to keep the memory of us alive and not be thrown into some unknown universe. We want them to turn into a beautiful angel who we can relate to so we are not creped out by the difference (which is where the human part takes place) and the wings are the main difference between us besides their looks. It signifies freedom. Other cultures have gods with wings because, for them it signifies power and immortality. It makes them feel that they are all mighty because of the wings and the ability to fly anywhere and not be part of a chaotic, human world. If a wounded angel fell into my backyard I would take care of him/her and slowly nurture them back to health and let them tell me their story of how they fell from the sky, kind of like Frankenstein, without the monsters. I would consider them a fallen angel and observe their actions. My mind would be filled to the brim with questions, occasionally overflowing and spilling over yet, my mouth would be shut for I would not want to pester them with questions. I would treat them like an elder, full of respect, kindness, and understanding. I would to guard my fallen angel as they have always guarded me.
ReplyDeleteAre there really beings that people call angels real? I think that angels are real in many people’s minds but I don’t really believe in “angels”. I do believe there is a reason why many cultures have gods or angels with wings are connected but it’s hard to believe something if no one has any hard evidence that angels are even real. Angels are depicted as a human being with wings I bet because when they saw a giant alien with wings they went crazy and their primitive minds just created an image of what they really wanted to see. Like what evidence have people gathered about angels? A person “saying” they have seen it, spoke to them, touched and even loved them, but where is the true physical evidence. There are books and some sort of evidence where it says that angels came down from heaven and saved humanity and such , but what if the angels ancient civilizations and today’s society are not who they really are. We are a planet amongst millions, billions; it’s hard not to think that there are intelligent life forms other than ourselves that might’ve came to earth maybe as angels. Many theorists had said extraterrestrial beings have visited earth before and all the ancient writings show many shapes and forms of angels and gods and demons. Maybe some aliens cloaked their figure to help cope with human’s minds so they would freak out. Maybe some aliens did not want that and stayed in their original forms and scared the heeby jeebus out of them, that’s why demons have those distinct figures. Who knows? And if a fallen angel had fallen into my back yard I would be like “HOLY COW! IT’S A PERSON…with wings?” then I’d ask who they were, and they would say “I am a fallen angel because I stood against God telling him his actions were not wise blah blah” and then God decides to punish him and whoevers helping him (me) but we fight back. And we won because the devil isn’t as bad as people say he is and I got a hot girl at the end like all movies.
ReplyDeletethere's actually a movie about the ending i put i think its called Legion....pretty good movie
Deleteoh let me barrow that movie yo
DeleteYea sure lol bootleg it xD
DeletePablo Ordonez
ReplyDeleteYes I do believe in angles all my life I have. I believe that angles have wings because they might mean that they can come to us for any trouble or if we need them. As what I believe is that they can come to us to help us or if were lonely we will have the feeling someone is with us. If an angle were to be in my backyard wounded I would try all I can to help out. I would call my family since me and my family believes in angles we would help all we can so it can get back for what it was doing.
I believe in all culture that some people with wings are special because they have the power to fly and to connect with god and people as like if they were messengers. Not only because they can do that and travel since there angles also because they also can connect with people spiritually that you or others can connect with them. In my culture and my religion I believe there small children with wings happily fly next to god and with other children with wings. I believe in angles because of my family because since they believe in them I was born and raised to believe that they can protect me from evil or anything that can harm me spiritually.
Freddie Kao Period 5
ReplyDeletePersonally I don’t know what to think about “angels.” They seem to be something or somebody that was to be seen as perfect, feared and/or loved. There have been different descriptions of angels, ones coming from the religious perspective while another from scientific theories; both talking about a being that came through the heavens to earth with wings who were worshipped. I think that the reason why angels are depicted as humans is because there wasn’t any other way to describe them or maybe perhaps they did look like humans but in a different form. There aren’t really any specific reasons that I think are for why every culture has a higher being that has wings besides that the being seen by the people of that time. Seeing something flying in the air was alien to an ancient society because it was new and never seen. Some theorists have said that they were advanced beings that were to have landed and provided the societies of earth with technology to advance them. In culture, it’s different. Often times the angels are god like beings that can were a mix of man and god that had wings to be seen as different, that could travel in between worlds that delivered messages, guide mankind with morals, test someone’s faith, or protect them. If an “angel” were to have fallen in my backyard I would be generally afraid because a human being with wings attached to their bodies as appendages would be completely alien to what I would be used to see. I guess I would make sure it was well but would always be cautious having it around me.
Diana Carabajal
ReplyDeleteI do believe in angels.I believe in angels because i think that god chooses them to take care of us the living people in the world from any bad things.I believe that they help people out when they need it evn though some may not notice it. I think that angels look like normal human beings with wings and dresses in loose and long clothes.Angeles are described as humans with wings because that is how images and other peopple describe them as.Certain cultures have gods with wings because they believe that they have the power to help other.If one day a wounded angel fell in my backyard i would be speechless and shoked.The first thing i would do is ask the angel if its okay and would bring it inside.I would try to get it help in a way it wants it if there is a particular way it wants it. I would do as much as i could to help it and to get it back where it belongs.I would give it respect so that it doesnt feel harmed by me.
Micheal Carlon
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately I do believe in angels mainly because god made these angels to protect us people from any danger. We can't really tell how these angels look like because they are not able to be seen but we describe a person with wings. The reason why I think an angel is a person is because when a sibling or friend dies they go into the second world and turn into a powerful angel with wings. The wings has to do something with flying they say either to come down on ground and go up into the sky to heaven. Each culture has its own god maybe because each culture had its own person so who was a absolute being to the people of his/her. If an angel was to fall in my backyard I would be shocked out of my mind that I think I wouldnt be able to move because of seeing an unbelievable thing right outside my house. I would probably try and walk slow to it and see what injuries the angel has so I can try to help it. Like an angel is there to help and protect us so should I do the same for them when needed.
why unfortunately ?
DeleteI do believe in angels. I believe in angels because we should all have something safe to believe in when their is so much bad that happens in our world everybody should get to feel like they are being protected and watched over. Angels look like anything we want them to look like because that's our interpretation of them as being used as a symbol. Angles are depicted as humans with wings because it represents our freedom and that we should be able to fly away from bad things.other cultures have some type of winged god because it still represents our freedom its just that different cultures interpret it differently than others do. If an angel ever landed in my back yard i would freak out first because that would be crazy then i would try to help it and see what it needed and see if it was okay.
ReplyDeleteVeronica Juarez
ReplyDeleteI believe in angels.I know that theres someone here protecting me, even though no one can see them not even me i believe eather you have an angel that god sent to you for protection or a loved one that passed away and they became angels just for you. I also belive angels are represented as humans with wings because in my belief the people that passed that want to protect you or are assigned to were actual living people who loved to help people/kids and want to keep doing it after their death. they have wings for three reasons one: to get from heaven to earth and wherever we go two: to show that they are not regular humans and not just an a sort of ghost and three: its a very important symbol it represents how they use them to cover you and protect you. Many gods around the world and in all religions have wings and again i think its a symbol of who they are and what they do. I have no idea what i would do if an angel fell in my back yard i would be happy i guess i mean actualy seeing an angel ! i would help it and i know eventually he/she would have to go. it would be amamzing though.
Osi Nwachukwu
ReplyDeleteI do believe in angels as well as demons and simply because I am christian, so it is part of our doctrine. No one knows what angels look like, but I think they are depicted as humans with wings because they appear in the Bible as humans and they always come from the sky whenever they are introduced. Every culture may have their own reasons for having winged gods, but I think it is because feathered wings add more divinity to any object. If an angel appeared in my backyard, I would definately ask them a lot of questions and be immensely fascinated like the people in the short story.
Angels? Angels, I don't believe there are beautiful nonbelligerent creatures or whatever they may be are real. I Believe they are created through the mind because they want things like that to be true. Honestly people throughout history and life dream to fly and have wings, so why not depict the perfect being.Why not believe in something so perfect that you've never seen. Due to what i watch in recent movies and shows, angels are scary infamous beings who don't serve for humans but for the earth. I still see them as humans, with wings and or without. I'm not the expert, I am just a victim of perception. If a angel fell in my back yard I would hide it from the public, take care of it but keep it in a cage to keep my distance. I don't know what the angel would do to me or could do to me. To conclude, once I get to know this angel that fell in the back of my apartments I will probably let it be.
ReplyDeleteNhyela Washington
ReplyDeleteI do believe in angels because when i was younger i remember hearing story about angels. They story went like this; A young girl was walking home from school and as she walking a man from a distance had the intention to do harmful things to the young girl. She saw him and she was scared, she knew his intention. When he got closer he was ready to attack but he saw these human like angels. The angels were side by side next to the girl and the man just kept walking staring back in shock of what he saw. Every since i heard that story from a family member i believe in angels. I think angels look like humans with wings dress in white, very beautiful. Every culture have have their own reasons how angels look to them. If an angel was to appear in my backyard i'll ask questions, and look at it until i feel like its really an angel.
Marielle Lopez
ReplyDeleteI do believe in angels as part of my faith. There are many angels to give guidance to you if you need it. Angels are typically described as wearing white togas or dresses, glowing, with big feathery bird wings, and sometimes with a halo floating over their head. From what I learned as a child, angels are humans who have previously passed away who wish to accompany society and do deeds out of their good nature. Sometimes in pop culture, angels are even seen as regular humans that causes miracles towards people around them. Many cultures symbolize their angels and gods this way maybe because it gives a sense of purity in that. White is the color of purity and innocence, whereas the feathery wings can represent divinity. These are common characteristics associated with the typical angel. If an angel were to be found in my backyard, I would be very skeptical. The world isn't very safe anymore, so I would call someone in my family to check up on them with me just to be safe. After reading "The Very Old Man with Enormous Wings," I wouldn't expect the angel to be very miraculous, but I'd still be very curious as to why he was there. I probably would help take care of it by feeding it and giving it a place to rest. I'd help it until it was healthy and could go on its own way.
Miguel Ochoa:
ReplyDeleteI do believe in angels. Ever since I can remember my parents and grandparents from both sides of my family have always told me stories and the stories passed down to them that made me believe in angels. I also believe that angels exist because my catholic religion consists of many angels that you can then pray to for many reasons. I believe that angels are depicted as human-like with wings because of the many historical drawings and pictures seen drawn by many of the most famous and recognized artists of all time. We usually get a certain idea of what ancient things look like based on drawings. In my opinion, many cultures might have Gods with wings because most religions have to have some sort of figure that represents a rescuer or a guard. If an angel fell in MY backyard I think i would only tell the people i trust and not let the government take him or her away. I would want to ask it what it does, what its job or duty is and why is fell out of the sky. I would probably even ask it how to become and angel.
Ishmael rico 5th period
ReplyDeleteAngels ayy? Well like you have stated in class your perception on angels was drawn by the events you have encountered in your life before. Angels I vision as pure white humans with dove wings who follow people around and help them when they are in desperate need of assistance. I see them this way because that is how they were depicted in movies I have watched, books I have read, and other forms of media that have put this image in my mind. Demon I see as red humans with horns that roam around causing mischief and other demon deeds.Though I don't believe in Demon all too much. Demons to me are just things that people have made up in the past to justify what they can’t see. They use this being of fear to give their nightmares a face because nobody wants to fear nothing. They want to put a mask on it so they have something to fear even though it is all in their head. Even though I know this to be true it doesn’t mean I do not fear them. I to also give my fears a face since I don't want to fear illusions in my head and other irrational visions i think I see as I fall asleep. That is why if I saw an angel in my backyard I would be hospitable but I would be suspicious because if demons are fallen angels wouldn't that mean they were bad to begin with? So technically not all angels are good because a piece of them caused them to be bad. I would first probably need to conduct a series of test to make sure they are good and then move on from there. From there I would help him or her and then I would proceed to trust the supposed angel. though I do believe in good and a place in heaven I don't 100% believe in angels but 99% of the time I do. But i am very skeptical when it comes to demons, because like all our irrational fears, you have to remember that it is all in your head. Other cultures probably have god with wings because wings lead us to believe in new highs only achievable with flight because it “brings you higher.” Wings are like the symbol of higher class, and since wings aren’t natural in humans it makes us feel as though they are a new more perfect embodiment of us and they should be respected. Atlas that it was I get from there ideologies.
Sharon Phan
ReplyDelete5th Period
I’ve never really thought about the existence of angels so I don’t exactly believe in them. I don’t believe in them because I don’t know much about them and they just seem fictional in my opinion. Angels are depicted as benevolent spiritual beings that have white wings, clothes, and occasionally halos above their heads. I describe them this way because when they appear in movies that’s how they look. Angels are known for protecting people and making miracles happen. From what I’ve heard about angels, they make the impossible become possible and give hope to others. They are described as humans with wings because they are supernatural spirits that resemble purity, a sense of security, comfort and consolation. In every culture I think they have a god with wings because wings give a sense of power. If a wounded angel fell in my backyard I would try to help it. I’d take care of it until it could go back to where it came from. I think I would keep it a secret so that nobody would hurt it and try to take it away.
Kelly Fung-4
ReplyDeleteI do not believe in angels at this moment. But if I ever see one, I may believe in them, though I doubt this will happen because I don’t think that they exists. Angels are presented in movies, books and other arts as a human with white skin, wearing white (sometimes gold), blonde hair and more importantly, with wings. Wings are an important part that distinguishes a normal human being to a god, angel or demon. The wings provide them with the ability to fly, something that a normal human being can’t do. I believe that a god, angel or demon with wings mean that they can fly to places that a normal person can’t go to. This place might be why people believe in it because this is the place where people believe that gods, angels and demons get these “powers.” These places can be like Heaven and Hell, though I’m not saying that these places don’t exist, but we never know if they do. They are interpreted as humans because people believe that human beings are the superior organism over other organisms. Another reason is that only humans can communicate with humans.
Every culture has a god with wings because everyone believes in the same concept that a human that can fly to other places and have special powers is a god. They chose to believe in this because they have fear, as does anyone on earth. But their irregular characteristic of their wings and the “powers” let people think that gods have the ability to get rid of this fear. This is also why angels and gods are presented with light and has the characteristic of love, while demons are dark and evil.
If a wounded angel fell in my backyard, I would be surprised and a little scared but I would treat the angel with all my respect and care as I would with anyone or anything that needs help.
When I was younger I did believe in angels because my parents would always tell me about them. As a catholic, I guess people are expected to believe in angels because it is their orthodox religion beliefs. From this point in my life I honestly still believe in them.
ReplyDeleteI've been told that every single human being on earth has a guardian angel. I believe this is true because people that survive any type of accident realize how lucky they are and they thank their angel for giving them a second shot at life. People also tend to pray to their angels about things they may feel apprehensive about, or just to give thanks. There is a book which proves that angels do exist. I have not read this book, rather I’ve been told about it. The thing that makes this book whet is that it goes into detail about angels. This august book says that everyone has their own angel (as mentioned before). According to this book you can find your inner angel by doing special spiritual mind exercises.
Furthermore, Angels are depicted as human beings with wings not only to stand out from the rest of us, but to represent swiftness from heaven above. We are all aware that there are two types of angels. These two are the good angels and the bad angels. We can distinguish the two pretty well because the good angels have dove wings as well as halo's. The good angels wear white and gold and they mostly all have light hair. But just as we know the descriptions of a good angel, we also know how bad angels look like. The dreadful angels or demons, are portrayed to have bat wings and a goat face, and we can distinguish them from the good because of their dark features. But in truth no one can refute that this is how good and bad angels look like because no one has ever seen an angel physically.
In continuation, I cogitate that almost every religion has humans with wings because wings symbolize freedom and they help you fly higher and higher to a better place in life. Therefore every culture has gods with wings to make them different from us, but to symbolize that they are guarding us from above. Nevertheless, if a wounded angel fell in my backyard I would be shocked. This would be something I would not want to experience because what if the angel was a bad one? I wouldn't know what to do, but of course I would try and help the angel yet keep my distance. Thus, this situation is a difficult one because the life of the angel would be at risk. The reason because if anyone found out then they would most likely treat the angel like an animal and lock it up for amusement and observation.
Mariana Ponce
ReplyDeleteYES, i do belive in angels although it seems hard to believe that they can create mircales or benift our lives. Angels are depicted as human beings because they didnt know what else to identify them as. From humans prespectives, angels look like human beings with wings and a halo on their head, but like you mentioned in class today, were all methaphors. We truly dont know what part of us represent. Each culure has a certain god with wings because they want to have the idea in their heads that they have something higher to look up to compared to any other culture. If i were too see an angel in my backyard i'd most likely freak out and run for it. I might fright it but i'd charish the moment wisely. If i were to keep it, i'd keep it a secret because they'd try stealing it from me. (SUPER SAD MARIANA IF THEY DID)
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DeleteWell, there has always been debates about weather people do or don't believe in angels and if there are angels in general but in my opinion i believe that they exist and i believe in them because i am a christian. My life is by what the holy bible says and i try my best to follow the way the bible tells me so. I believe that angels look like what ever god has made them to look like. the way people draw them is with a halo, in white clothes, and maybe some wings. But who knows, i wouldn't be able to tell anyone what they look like because i have never seen an actual one. I would imagine that they would be created in gods image as we are so that's what they look like. they are depicted as humans with wings because humans see themselves as dominate and see themselves as superior to everything else in the world so they imagine a angel to look the same but with wings. Why does every culture have certain gods with wing? it's because most people love the thought of flying so they picture certain gods with wings because they believe that their god is the most powerful. As well as if your thinking of your god as being powerful then they have to get to places around the world so people give their gods wings. And if i found a wounded angel that fell in my backyard i would just leave it alone because its not my place to kill it or mess with it, but i would take pictures of it and video tape it as well as show my family. But i wouldn't do anything to hurt it.
ReplyDeleteAngels and demons do not exist in the real world. They are simply something to believe in or to blame something for. Angels were made in the image of god, and demons were originated from Satan and dark magic. I believe that most religions make angels and demons have wings so they can be comparable. Since they are supposed to be slightly different from man, they needed to be tweaked and perfected with stories and tales. The reason why they is so much contrast between both sides of light and dark is because people wanted a clear definition of what is right and wrong. Every culture and religion had an idea of a perfect and imperfect person, and this led the idea of having a battle between good and evil.
ReplyDeleteAn angel could take any form it chooses, but it can never change how it behaves. An angel is actually a symbol of peace, light, and rebirth. By default, it would be lighter and more subjective to good things. I’ve never seen an angel, but I know people that have acted like angels to save my life. My mother is a good example of an angelic figure. If I would ever meet an angel, it wouldn't have wings or a pair of golden shoes. Rather, the angel would probably be something closer to a wise old man with more experience, intelligence, and willpower. I envisioned a fiend or demon as a small black cloud of malicious voices taunting you. I once had a dream where I was tormented by a demon, but it wasn't a nightmare. All I had to do was ignore its annoying sounds. If I were to meet a demon, it would probably be a very corrupt and ill minded persona.
If I were to find an angel that was torn or beaten, I really would be clueless on how I would help it. If I were to try to bring it into my house, I might end up harming it more that I would help it. Sometime if you see a dying bird that is struggling for its dear life, do you try to help it? Or do you end its misery by putting it to death? If the angel would be able to recover from a crash to earth, then I would put all my effort into making it better again. Someone must stand up and fight for those who can’t, but if they cannot become better, then you must believe that they will go to a better place. Belief is something we try when everything else fails, but I also have to watch out for my own life without a guardian angel.
Lizel San Juan
ReplyDeleteThe existence of angels and demons has been widely debated. I personally do not believe in angels because often times, it is associated with religion, and I am not much of a religious person. Therefore nor do I believe in demons either. What I do believe in is the perception of good and evil, which many people interpret differently, and how people use their faith in order to reason with their understanding of something though it cannot exactly be proven.
But for the purpose of this topic, I speculate numerous reasons as to why angels are portrayed the way they are: halos, white clothing, emission of light, and all. Perhaps the human aspect of them is to show how there are people in the world just like you and me who exemplify altruism to a great extent, almost as though they have been derived from God him or herself, who is supposed to be a representation of perfection. Then the dove wings signify their righteousness and desire for peace and prosperity. Maybe every culture has certain gods with wings because it helps to convey what kind of personality they had. For example, one with feathery dove wings would be seen to have regal grace while one with bat wings would be seen as macabre, just like the animals from which they originate from.
If a wounded angel fell in my backyard, I would be highly suspicious of it. Because like Immortal Technique once said in his song “Dance With the Devil”, he states that “devils used to be God’s angels that fell from the top”. So since it fell, there is that chance that it is actually a demon. And in ancient beliefs, Earth was conceived as a purgatory between heaven, which is presumably above us, and hell below us. Maybe the angel was on its way to rightfully descend into hell but ended up on Earth in an attempt to redeem itself. Or maybe it wanted to cause havoc one last time before being sent to an eternity in flames. The possibilities of its intentions are endless.
To begin, I am on the fence about whether or not angels are real. One of the reasons why I might not believe in angels is because there’s no logical and practical evidence that they existed. There may be drawings and works of art and literature that mention angels but there’s no archeological evidence, there’s no journals from people about them. A reason I presumably believe angels are real is because of my faith. I think that angels can come down when there is a need of them. There is no archetypical description of what an angel appears to be. The stereotypical depiction is mainly that they’re pure creatures, heavenly, on the “good” side of things, most of them have wings and some have a form of a halo. They are usually shown in churches and in pop culture as holy and good creatures with a desire to help those in need of assistance and guidance. They are known to create miracles to people who deserve them. Angels are perhaps portrayed as humans with wings because it is what differentiates humans from angels. It gives angels a sense of divinity, power, and makes them seem in a way supernatural. Cultures have certain gods with wings because as mentioned before, wings give a sense of power and divinity but also a feeling of immortality because gods are known to outlive humans in many diverse cultures. If a wounded angel fell in my backyard, I’d first and foremost be quite cautious of what it’s going to do. Then when I see that it’s harmless, I’d do my best to take care if it so it can go back to its home and be happier there.
ReplyDeleteTiffany Tran
ReplyDelete4th period
I have never believed in the existence of an angel because I don't come from a religious background. However, I do believe that there are good and bad people in the world. Angels are perceived as wearing white clothing, winged, containing halos over their head, beautiful with god-like features, and mostly are in the form of a human; they kind of resemble a majestic swan. Angels are characterized as humans with wings because I think that angels are viewed as holy, supernatural, and superior. When other people see another person that has the ability of flying, they usually view them as someone heavenly or divine. That would result of them being worshiped because they have a physical, unique ability. Their wings bring a sense of safety and comfort for the people that worship them. In every culture, certain gods have wings because having the skill to fly is something that is an ability of a god-like creature. Gods have superior and supernatural powers, so flying would be one of their special abilities. If a wounded angel fell in my backyard, I would aid and hospitalize that angel until he or she was healthy again. I would let the angel go home to where it came from and not cage it like an animal. However, I would be suspicious of how it landed here and what their intentions are. I would probably be secretive and discreet about what I say about the situation due to it being somewhat magical and impossible.
Jessica Ortiz
ReplyDeleteYes, i do believe in angels. When i was little my dad would always tell me story about angels, how they are always looking our family and will always be their to protect us when something bad happens, and from there, i have always believed on angels, always angels are part of the our culture. As in my opinion, angels to me are like us humans, but with wings on their backs, but if theyre just like us humans, and we had wings in our back, would that also as well make us angels. If a wounded angel fell on my backyard, i would of course help it, but than again have them prove to me that they are actually an angel, not just someone playing games.
ReplyDeleteYes i believe in angels, because i am christian. If people believe in the devil they should believe in angels because in Revelation 12:9 it pretty much says that the devil was sent down with his on group of angels because he was jealous of god and his power. Angels are commonly known as looking like a little boy or little girl with wings and a ring on their heads with no clothes but a cloth covering their bottom and genital area. Every culture has god with wings because white wings from a dove represent peace and it also shows that he is above all things. If a wounded angel was in my backyard that i dont have i would take it in my house drink some soda with it and watch the warriors get spanked and then still its powers.
Melissa Chavez
ReplyDelete4th Period
I have never given much thought to the belief in angels but now that I think about it I would have to say that I do believe in angels because my mother has told me that you have your own angel looking over you depending on which month you were born. I do believe that there may be angels somewhere and they are the guardians of the people or so it should be that way but it would be logical that they wouldn't reveal themselves because of how the world would react. We may not see them but I believe that they are still around keeping an eye on us from above.
Angels are uasually depicted as humans beings that look flawless in appearance and have beautiful, enourmous wings like that of a dove. They are usualy drawn as looking white or with a white light near them and having pale skin. Angels might be resembles as humans with wings to show that they are a more noble and honorable type of person and since they are closely related with heaven they symbolize humans being able to soar up to heaven as a pure and unsinful person.
Many cultures have winged gods wich might be related with how wings may be used to reach heaven or the afterlife. It is also something that we have never seen before in reality so having real wings may be used to show superiority and god-like features because gods are never suppose to look perfectly human. gods might look human nut they usually have special characteristics and qualities such as wings or powers.
If an angel landed in my back yard, my immediante response would be to see if it looked human enough and to make sure it wasn't a threat of any kind while heaping a weapon and a good distance, just in case. No violence would be intended unless provoked but if it proved harmless at the moment I would have to trust it. If it said it was an angel I wouldn't be able to trust it unless it proved it. Then I would keep it in the house until we could think of a solution on how to get it back or how to communicate if it didn't speak Spanish or English. It would be best to keep the angel hidden knowing how the society would treat it like an alien and want to expiriment with it. The angel would need to be kept a secret since the situation would sound crazy if I were to tell another person ecpecially since the situation seems to sound like a fairy tale.
Eleeza B.
ReplyDeletePeriod 4
People may not realize or notice it but angels do exist. Angels can take many forms not just the one that most people know with wings. Angels can be formed into animals or even normal humans. If your making that decision on whether to do something or not they’re watching and talking to you. Yeah your subconscious is saying otherwise but you feel another “presence” that helps you choose not to do it. Angels are there to send a message to you . It usually comes indirectly when opportunities come your way and you decide to take that chance and go for it .
Here’s a fun fact did you know that there’s a myth about gargoyles? They say that gargoyles used to be human but they give in to either greed or even lust. Every culture has some type of god with wings because wings represent freedom or taking flight. Wings alone represent freedom that other things in this case humans don’t. If a wounded angel fell into my backyard I will do anything in my will to save it. He or She is a living thing. If your best friend was injured or wounded you would do anything to help them out or save them, why wouldn't you do the same thing for an angel. It’s quite inhuman of you for deciding to leave it in pain to suffer, just think of it that way.
ReplyDeletePERIOD 4
Believing in angels mostly depends on your religious. Therefore, I do believe in angels, because of my Catholic religion. I believe that angels are soldiers of God, which he sends from heaven to protect us. I believe that angels are not always seen as humans with wings and halos, but real human beings who are rarely doing sinful things. All human beings sin, but the angels in this world are the people who truly try not to do bad deeds. Those who are devils or demons are people who sin without regret and guilt. I believe angels are those who are generous with warm hearts, religious or not.
As a young kid, I have always thought of an angel with a halo over its head. Angels are always depicted as perfect, flawless people who are light skinned, wearing white tunics with a pair of large, feathery wings. Angels aren't complete without their wings for most people, because people grow to believe that they have wings. The media always symbolize angels with their iconic wings and halos, which is why people always picture them with wings.
Strangely and coincidentally, devils or demon are also depicted as to have abnormally large bat wings.
I believe that having wings that enables you to fly is one of the most powerful and important power to have, which is why most cultures have certain Gods who have wings. I believe that wings symbolize freedom. Having wings make Gods different from the society, because they are able to fly away from the wingless, normal people.
If a wounded Angel fell in my backyard I would be in total disbelief, but I’d also probably be scared to death. I would call 911, first of all and then go to the angel and question it. I would ask tons of questions with my jaw dropped and my heart beating one hundred times per second.
Katherine Martinez
ReplyDeleteYes I strongly believe in angels. Angels are beautiful figures that bring an emotion of peace and the feeling of being safe and secure. I do believe in angels because I was raised in believing that there is such a beautiful powerful figure . I remember when I was 7 I went to a trip to Guatemala with my cousins. We were traveling on plane. My 2 cousins that were sitting next to me were sleeping and I looked out the window and saw a floating bright yellow circle and i immediately assumed it was an angels halo. When I saw that figure I was happy , and I felt safe . I woke my cousins up and they looked at me as if i was crazy.This society built angels to look like a strong person with wings and a halo or a bright light in their back . Angels maybe seen like humans with wings because in my religion if you are good to god you will go to heaven . And in heaven there is a guess that those people turn into angels who look over us . If a
wounded angel were to fall in my backyard I would nurture the angel make sure it's in a good conditions . I would if course try to ask the angel questions and see if the angel meets my expectation .
i honestly do believe in angels. theres so many reasons why but the main reason is supposably because even though im a very credulous person when it comes to learning things from the past. ever since i was a child i would hear stories from my family about how angels were created. also when i was around 10 my parents told me that to everything in life, theres a good and a bad. so when theres a demon, there has to be something good such as an angel.
ReplyDeletei believe angels are the exact opposite of demons. therefore, angels are white, with wings like a dove, and a halo on top of their head. also, angel are depicted as humans with wings because for centuries theres been thousands of "experiences" of encountering angels. ever since the first encounter people have explained their experiences with family and then passed down generation by generation to more people. after so long we have to believe it because in life, we see someone who stands out from everyone else as an outsider or such thing.
ever culture has certain gods with wings because since the cultures believe theres an important person responsible for certain things. so they address the gods with the wings because of angels and the way we see them which is good. also because we look up them. so if a wounded angel fell in my backyard i'd observe it for a while and see if it would do any sort of activity. if i feel like it won't do anything bad then i'd aid it until its at least in good shape. who knows, i might even get a reward for being a good person.
I'm in the middle of believing in angels for that exact reason that an angel can be a picture our mind creates and the religious beliefs we have. For reasons I believe that the church tries to controls what we actually believe in, such as angels and demons. In the way I do believe that angels do exist is in people. What I mean is that people are good enough to be able to change a person, to guide them in the right path and to show them love. For me, I did find an angel inside a person, to be exact a girl: the best one in my life. She showed me all what I think an angel sent from god would do for someone who needed love and a new perspective of life. This angel really changed my life and I can't thank her enough. Everyone has different views of angels maybe because the way our religion describes it to us or the way we imagine them. If an angel ended up wounded in my backyard, honestly I don't know what I would do. Like I said I believe angels are in the souls of people and not everyone could see that. If that angel ever got wounded, I would do anything to help it cure and try to not bother it and make it feel like if they were home.
ReplyDeleteI do not believe in angels or demons and I feel it is ok to believe in angels or/and demons. First, I feel that angels do not exist because there is no proof or a least a questionable angel archetype being that I have witnessed or heard of. Second, it is a good thing to believe in angels because it gives you a sense of togetherness and a sense of wrong and right. If an angel were to exist it would have the characteristics of kind hearted, attentive, and honest being. Some physical characteristics of an angel would be fluffy wings, ideal facial complexion, and a glowing presence. Angels are depicted as humans due to the thought that angels are sprits of deceased human beings. Another possible reason why angels are depicted as humans is the fact that we as the general public are afraid of having a figure of great significance not resemble a human being. A possible reason for the archetype of angles having wings and halos id possibly due to the religious view that angles are holy members of heaven. If I were to ever encounter an angel in my backyard I would probable doubt the fact that it is was an angel, I would defiantly question the angel’s existence, what caused them to fall in my backyard and from where. Could this angel be a sign for me to stop from causing any future conflicts? Angels could be a positive influence on individuals who believe in them. Do angels act as guardians of our free will or creators of our fate?
ReplyDeleteDiogo Holanda 5th period
ReplyDeleteYes , personally I do believe in angles. Certain events that occurred in my life made me believe that angels do exist. Like when I was younger, I accidently ran straight through a window while playing soccer , as soon as I broke the glass and fell to the other side , I thought at that point that I was seriously injured no doubt . I was panicking and I got up slowly without a scratch on me!! I thought it wasn’t possible ,but someone how I was as clean as a whistle. At that point I thought that angel was always by my side and I felt protected. Not only through 1st person experience ,but close friends and family have been in a few car accidents and made it out with minor injuries ,when the car was completely totaled. I feel that an angel(s) are watching over my family and I because we were very fortune in accidents that have occurred and they were true miracles. Although I have no idea what an angel looks like ,they are often used as symbols with wings , halos ,and white robes. I believe that angels are represented with wings because they are watching over individuals from above. Cultures have gods with wings to show that they are immortal and that death doesn’t bring them to an end, but show that they would always be around. If any wounded angel were to fall in my backyard , I would help it out and provide safety for it as I has done for my family and I
Fiona Gee
ReplyDeletePeriod 5
From the beginning of time, up until now, I believe that angels have been conjured up from an individuals imagination as guidance and hope in rough times. As much as I'd like to believe that such purity exists in this world, I refuse to let my mind set on something that seems too good to be true without cold hard fact. I suppose that the image of an angel(s) would vary depending on your religion, beliefs, or simply due to the first form presented to you. When I picture an angel, I pretty much imagine a bare chested Edward Cullen with a set of beautiful white angelic wings. Minus the occasional red eyes of course. Wings represent the miniscule dash of innocence, immaculate purity and good in the turmoil of heinous evil. Thus why angels are portrayed with elegant divine wings; to showcase that there is a good humanitarian place in which angels exist.
If the instance in which a wounded angel were to land in my backyard, I would most likely think I'm hallucinating and walk away, while assuming I've gone insane. If the angel really were real, then I must be a very cruel person to leave him/her lying there, wounded and helpless.
Juny Nguyen
ReplyDeletePeriod 4
I personally do believe in angels. I believe that these divine beings and creatures that transcend the natural world all exist because of just personal belief. I can’t explain why I believe in them, and I won’t try to justify my belief with a random cliché, but I do believe that they are there. Angels do not have to have wings, but they are instead people with no evil in their heart – pure good, and always take the selfless road in their actions. Angels are depicted as humans with wings to show that they transcend and are above humans, in my mind. They are souls of a higher power that are sent out to balance good and evil within the world and should have the ability to transport themselves anywhere to carry out their jobs.
Every culture has a god with wings to not only distinguish them from normal humans and show they are of a supernatural being, but also to give them the ability and freedom to do anything they want. Wings, to me, symbolize freedom, nature, and height. These gods with wings usually represent all or at least 2 of the 3. Gods are free to do whatever they please, they live high up and isolated from mortal beings [Mount Olympus], and sometimes have to do with the nature of human beings or actual nature [God of War, God of the Ocean].
If a wounded angel fell in my backyard, I would get him to a hospital. I mean, what if I killed the angel by accident? I could be eternally cursed. Let someone else handle them. Or an veterinarian.
Sergio Mariscal
ReplyDeleteMany people do believe in angels, including me. I believe in angels, not from experience. I am a catholic and therefore, I have been taught to believe in angels. Angels are mostly described as human with wings and halos, but everybody has their own opinions. There may not be any proof of angels looking this way, but it is mainly how it is passed down by generations.
Angels are almost always described wearing bright/light colors. On the other hand demons wear dark colors. In one of my favorite songs, "Dance with the Devil" by Immortal Technique, he mentions angels. He says "Devils used to be gods, Angels that fell from the top" which will make me think twice if an angel ever fell in my backyard. I would be quiet scared because, if it's an angel that is wounded, there has to be a reason. The possibility of it actually being there for the reason that it is turning into a devil is one, but it also can mean the angel was risking his/her own life to protect someone, making it a good angel. I would not know exactly what I would do, but the first thing would be to show my parents and start asking questions.
Meryl Cantoria
ReplyDelete4th period
In my view, it appears to me that angels don't exist therefore I don't believe in them. I see them as cultural and religious figures rather than them existing naturally. People in the past tend to make up stories that they can believe in in order to ease themselves from any sufferings. They may or may have invented creatures such as angels as an additional to their cultural or religious belief. Born in a world where history is already made, like other people, when I hear the word ‘angels’ the only thing that appears to my head is a creature or someone with wings. Religiously, I imagine them as white and petite cupid-like creatures playing with instruments together with their wings helping them fly. Angels are depicted as humans with wings due to the cultural idea behind it. The angels’ white color for others are seen as good and pure. Being able to reach the unreachable, their wings sometimes signify high power. Every culture have a certain god with wings because every culture have its own definition or meaning behind it. In most religions, angels are seen as humans that deliver souls or guide and protect humans. Even if there are several cultural interpretations about angels, one must learn how to be respectful about it. If a wounded angel fall in my backyard, I would immediately take him or her to the hospital and let him or her be experimented by the government or scientists.
I do not believe in angels. I can't put my faith into an ideology that has "divine experiences", when nothing has ever occurred to me that proves what religions preach. It's like putting all your eggs into one basket and being told that they WILL hatch; however, no one knows if they really will or not. Ain't nobody got time for that.
ReplyDeleteDo all angels have wings? Who's to say when pictures are approved by the church of what should or should not be depicted as an angel? Personally, I don't believe all angels have wings; although, most of them do because of what they represent, which is divine spirits who are pure of heart. The wings are only a representation of nobility and superhuman status, nothing more and nothing less. Angels are international heroes who are of catholic faith.
If an angel fell into my backyard, I would most likely face it upfront and see the condition. Honestly, I would laugh for 2 or 3 seconds because of how crazy the situation is and laugh in disbelief. I'm just saying it straight forward and honestly... After realizing I do have an angel in my backyard I would give it any medical attention needed and let it return to whatever it was doing after it recovered. Then go to the catholic church and have a long confession with the priest. I'm a living contradiction, but it's true.
Edgar Gavino
ReplyDeletePeriod 4
I do believe in angels.The reason i believe angels is because in my religion we believe that angels can help us. Angels look like nice innocent angels that float around while them using there wings to come and help us when we need them. Angels are depicted as humans because people don't really know how angels really look like so therefor they just use there imagination and draw paintings of what they think angels look like.If a wounded angel fell on my backyard i would go see if the angel is ok and ask him if god sent him here or if he just had an accident. I would help the wounded angel by giving him food and giving the
angel a shelter so it can sleep well through the night.
Jennifer Vu
ReplyDeleteIn my own perspective, I do believe in angels, growing up as a kid, I was raised as a Catholic and attended bible classes every week and while I was attending bible classes, the teachers would tell us stories about angels and how they helped and protected people. Angels are often known as a human figure with wings, white clothing, and light shining as they are present. People may depict angels as humans with wings because as shown in the bible, it describes angels as humans with wings, so some people may describe angels as humans with wings because they must have read a description about angels and start assuming that the bible is correct and they are humans with wings. Every culture has a different perspective on angels like how other religions believe in different kinds of gods or leaders instead of everyone believing in one god/leader. From what my culture has described about angels, I do believe that angels are good people and they protect people around their surroundings. If a wounded angel were to fly to my backyard, I would be a little frightened, but I would try my best to help the angel and keeping it safe with somewhere to stay.
Kamarri WIlliams
ReplyDeleteYes I do believe in angels. However i don't believe that angels are really used today. I believe in god so it pretty much comes with the belief. Angels look like human beings with white feathery wings attached to their back. They wear white robes and protect those who deserve it. Angels are depicted as humans with wings because when humans think of perfection, they envision themselves better. So for example if God makes us in him image, he does the same with angels, because humans can identify with them. This does not apply to all cultures though. for example the Egyptians used a mixture of animals and humans. Their winged god (Horus) is not exactly human, he has a mans body with the head of a falcon. Most depictions he was wingless, but in some hieroglyphs he did have a pair. The Greeks and Romans also had a winged god (sort of ) in Hermes/Mercury. Even Thor, a Norse god, had wings on his helmet. These similarities in cultures as far winged gods go is because wings are associated with the sky, and the sky is associated with the heavens. This is why winged gods and angels have bird like wings, because they represent heaven in that culture (in some way.)
If an angel were to fall into my backyard I would have to keep it a secret for one. In today's society I could not imagine the type of reaction that would happen, especially since news gets around the world in hours. I would expect the government, tons of religious people (including my grandmother who lives near me) would show up at my house. A lot of people would call it a hoax and not believe it, while some would scream "ALIENS." I expect the government to treat as they did E.T and say it's a threat to national security;they would try to take the angel away. But this would be an issue only if I did not keep the angel secret. I would hide it and nurse it back to health, try to find out information if possible, then release back to where it came from. After the whole incident is over, I will proceed to pray, because it just seems like a sign to do so.
Rosalie San
ReplyDeletePer. 4
Unfortunately, i am one of the few who does not believe in angels. As much as someone can push me to believe in them, i just can't imagine it. If i were to believe in angels, i guess they'd be in human form. I mean, you never know angels can be wherever they want, posing as humans.
People often think of angels to have wings, a halo, and are beautiful with a light shine towards them, I however, cannot imagine myself to believe in angels whatsoever. Though i've watched them in movies, they appear to be what people expect them to be. Angels may or may not be what we'd want them to look like, they look the way the look because of our expectations. I think that they are depicted to have wings because most religions or maybe all think of angels to come from God, or whoever the religion believes in. Obviously God is from above, so the angels would need the wings to fly up.
If a wounded angel were to fall in my backyard, i would help it get better. I'd take care of it like they were apart of the family, since they are depicted as humans. I'd give it a room to stay in, probably some clothes if they don't have any. But if it this were to happen, i'd change my belief on if i believe there are angels in this world.
I think angles do exsist because I have alwats been taught by my parents that they exsist. I think angles look like they have whiye there skin color is white and wings and they have a halo and lots of light. Angles are. always depicted by haveing wings is because people see them as they can fly . God and come down and they look like doves.every culture see angles because they see them as saving them. If an angle fell in my backyard I would be like give me you powers amd ill just become an angle and save people. I would be with god and have lots of party. Ima be saying YOLO with god and do lots of pranks on people . I would bring him to the house to drink some soda and just play some video games
ReplyDeleteLuis RODRIGUEZ
Isaiah Rogers-
ReplyDeletei believe that there are a such thing as guardian angels. i believe because of my religion. No one knows what angels look like though. we all have our idea of what an angel looks like but no one has a for sure answer. for our better understanding we viewed angels as human beings with wings to keep things simple for us i assume. I think that the wings, from every culture, represent the superiority of that particular being over others! if a wounded angel landed in my backyard i would be skeptical to believe it was an angel at first because demons are known to be deceitful. But if my trust is built on my belief then i would be willing to believe.
Yes, I do believe in angels because I am Catholic. In my religion, it is believed that when a person dies and goes to heaven, he or she becomes an angel. For me, Angels look like humans with bird like wings. They are dressed in white and have a halo in top of their heads. I think angels are depicted as humans with wings, because in Christianity the belief is that when people die as I said before, go to heaven and earn their wings to become an angel. I think certain cultures have god with wings because wings signify comfort and safety. People need something to worship in order to be comforted and have a sense of safety. If a wounded angel fell in my backyard, at first I would be skeptical because angels don't just fall in your backyard everyday. Then I would pray because what if it is a demon who is disguised as a wounded angel who is trying to kill me! After I would cater to its need and try to get it back to safety.
ReplyDeleteI think that angels are real but they are not necessarily a person with wing I believe that everyone has a semi angel in them some way more than others but at the same time some people have their perception of how the angel really are really basically come from the bible and come from the way that humans see angels as costumes in television on video games ect they only really know what we see and we just go by what the media tell us but in all honesty anyone can be an angel and they don't have to be beautiful smart clean white or any of those ignorant like characteristics of how a angel really is and how they can be seen as beautiful but really beauty is only skin deep so Angels can be or look like anything. In clonclusion i believe that angels are offten seen as something that it really dosent have to be a real angel there are many ways to be an angel without really looking like what the worl percieves them to be.
ReplyDeleteJaTaya Patton
ReplyDeleteYes I believe in angels because of religious purposes. From my belief, angels are white, naked, and look like babies with curly hair and wings with a halo on the top of their head. Angels are believed to be in heaven and that the guard you and they watch you from heaven and they are called guardian angels. I think that in cultures, gods have wings because it is thought be like they are in heaven hovering over everything and everybody watching everything that goes on. If I were to see a creature with wings in my backyard laying there, first I would just look at it until it moved. I wouldn’t walk up to it because I wouldn’t know what it is so I wouldn’t know what it would or could do to me. If I looked and it seemed to be an angel , I would just be at a lost of words and then I don’t know what ij would do if it just so happen to be a real angel.
From having a long history with religion placed at my fingertips with the persistence of my Catholic grandparents, I was brought up to believe in angels. As I’ve gotten older, I see things with new light as I grow and read consistently. I know generally, angels look like humans with wings, whose skin glows with radiant aura from within their chaste souls. They are described humanly possible, yet immortal; flawless and symmetrical features that accentuate what is depict as the definition of beauty so surreal that it has to be from a higher force.
ReplyDeleteI believe that gods were created on several accounts. One, to create justification to unknown occurrences when no scientific innovation was into play; two, to establish division of power (in the olden days, leaders were chosen by their faith in a god); and three, for comfort.
Wings are used for religious purposes because this rationalizes the idea that angels (and demons) can go and from different realms, whether belief is conformed around heaven and hell or other. This also leads to people’s imagination that angels and demons uses these wings to fight with each other with swiftness and further segregate that those whom have wings are different than the rest of humanity because they would usually side with pure evil or good.
If one day a wounded “angel” with wings attached to its back, battered in beauty or in harsh darkness, fell in the amidst of my backyard, I would apprehensively approach the soul. I am not going to lie, I would be pale and numbingly cold like French vanilla ice cream, but oppose to my strong senses that would be screeching,” Damn it Jessica. Leave it alone. You know idiots die from this stuff in books, why would you be so stupid?” I’d help the crippled guy out. I come off as sarcastic, temperamental, and unyielding teenager, but under those protective layers, I am very compassionate and I have this strong need to help broken people. I wouldn’t doubt myself if I said I would sponge bathe that thing, properly clothe, feed like a renaissance king, and give it a tempurpedic mattress with very high thread count sheets without any form of response or expectance of repayment. I believe in free will, and if that thing was evil, then it can decide to spare my life like I had protected theirs, or kill me once healed. If it was an angel; well I believe in karma.
Jessica Sandoval
I do believe in angels. I think angels are highly symbolic in different religions and depicted in numerous ways. I think angels are depicted with wings because of the powers that humans relate them too. Since humans don't have wings, I believe that it is seen as a superpose and in most religions, angels are a sign of power and peace. If a wounded angle fell in my backyard I would be shocked. I wouldn't know what to do. Angles are seen as so heavenly that I wouldn't know what to think or if I would actually take it seriously. After a while of it laying there I would eventually come to my senses but not without asking questions. I would probbably help the angel treating it as if it were a human. I always have lots of questions about things and this would be interesting. Every culture does depict god with wings it varies when it comes to what kind of angle it is. I've seen pictures of some good, peaceful looking angles, and some bad, mean, scary looking angels.
ReplyDeleteI do believe in angels. I believe in them because ever since i was young, I was always taught to believe in them and tht they protect me from evil. My parents would always tell me to sleep with the angels at night to make me feel better and honestly, sometimes it did work. Angels look like any other human but they are normally dressed in all white with some gold in it. They usually have nice personalities and always try to do the right thing. I rhink that every culture has some certain gods with wings because it represents power over any regular human. There are different kinds of wings. Angels usually have dove type of wings which doves represent peace and love. So angels would also represent that as well. If a random angel were to fall in my backyard, I think i would grab a stick and go poke it for a good 10 minutes. Honestly I also think that i would take a picture of it and post it on Instagram. Angels are rare and don't just sho up anywhere so I would feel like it was sent to me for a specific reason. If it were hurt, I would bring it inside and care for it until I make it feel comfortable enough for it to start answering my questions. That's what i would do if an angel were to fall in my backyard.
ReplyDeleteNoe Delgadillo
5th period