Monday, December 19, 2011

English IV Journal- Things Fall Apart

What do you think is more important to a society and culture’s success, change or tradition? Is a traditional culture that has been outdated still relevant? Why/ Why Not? What groups/ types of people would prefer change and what groups would prefer tradition?


  1. A common saying "the only thing that stays constant in life is change", can commonly been see almost throughout anywhere in the globe. Although some cultures choose to live their lives through tradition, only with change can a culture grow through success. In a world that is constantly changing, adapting to the growing customs of change would be ideal in order to keep up with society.

    Change is relevant to any society that intends to grow out of their traditions in order to achieve success. Growing out can be relevant due to an outdated tradition that no longer applies to a certain period of time. For example, women long through out history have faced many challenges because of their female gender and a society's belief that women are inferior to men because of their view that they are not capable of doing what a man can do and because of their feminine characteristics. Today, women are now seen taking roles that women back in time would have never though would be possible such as capturing work titles such as CEOs, bosses, managers, and more.

    Some traditions in certain cultures, are usually set as a certain standard of living. Being in a family in which composes of a family business for example, carpentry, may seem reliable and fulfilling to one who needs a paycheck to live day by day, but it doesn't fulfill the happiness to a certain individuals that fo not want to take up that career. In order to succeed ones happiness, change is necessary to supply success to ones self and to break out, learnm and to see what else is out there that one can enjoy and to make a great career out of it.

    Through the obvious advancement of technology through out the world, it has shown how change can bring positive success to a community. With technological change, the world can become more informed with what is going on and it has made communication simple and easier more than ever. With technology implemented through out schools all over the world, students are learning many skills that can be applicable in real-world careers, better preparing themselves for a fulfilled future.

    Although tradition can partake in one's life, change is one tradition that will always be followed by all, especially the youth, the ones who demand change to better their future.

  2. If you society doesn't move forward it is at risk of being left behind. If a country shuts themselves off from the outside world then they will fall behind and possibly be wiped out. Many countries that strongly value tradition and enjoy having things stay the same have fallen. Japan used to be nothing but traditions and customs and they followed them to every detail. They believed that their society was supreme and no one else would surpass them. The were correct in the fact that they were a very strong country, unfortunately while they were celebrating their ceremonies the Europeans were busy industrializing and creating weapons of mass extinction and were able to overtake the Japanese. After this, many of the Japanese left their old traditions behind, the way of the samurai has died as well as it should be, they could not compete with guns and cannons.

    You can never go back in time you can only move towards the future. This is an example of a countries government who value the old ways more than the future. If they had spent more time worrying about the needs of the people instead of the needs of the people. Life is always changing always moving towards entropy, to is impossible to keep something the same always and trying to do so is a practice in futility. Because nothing will be the same as before.

    Exact traditional cultures are outdated unless the change some aspects of the tradition to retro fit current society's belief system. And of course tradition is outdated; tradition is a ritual, belief or object passed down within a society, if something need to be passed down then by definition it is not state of the art.

    All older countries prefer tradition because they believe what they did in the past made them prosperous today. What countries need to realize is that the task performed in the past were changes they made, and when you repeat changes they are in fact not changes at all, they are now customs. America is a country that boast change, which was the campaigning platform for president Obama. He promised change in America, to do away with the old traditions and try something new. "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" -Albert Einstein. Companies always discuss change because no company makes money creating the same old product, to compete and survive companies need to innovate. "Think Differently"- Apple.

    Countries need to change period, traditions can only be kept if the apply to the current state of living and must be delt away if flawed and outdated.

  3. Ever since the beginnings of history, change has always happened. If change never happened, there would not be such thing as history class or a thing called history. History is based on the changes of traditions and cultures of society. Also it has to do with the most prestigious findings of human society. So if change would of never happened to a society, that particular culture would not be written down in history books or be considered if they have not done anything that makes impacts something to human society.

    An example of this was during the American revolution. If the colonists would of never fought for change, the American culture would’ve been lost because they would of stayed with the same tradition that the British gave them. Change is key to maintaining a culture predominant in this world. The most richest countries in the world are always bound to have change in their culture and in their ways of government. The developing countries usually keep their traditional ways of life and therefore don’t prosper as much as the first world countries.

    Although keeping tradition saves family values, it might not be the best for everybody who is in that family. Lets say that your family has had a long history of making the best wine in the region. Although you have the reputation, you might not like doing the task that you have to in order to keep your family’s tradition alive. That is why change is important in order to prosper in this world. Although it is good to save family traditions, it will not work out due to the technology that it exists in this world.

    The technology in this world is very advanced to the point that we know what is happening in the other side of the world within a matter of minutes. So by definition, we know what other cultures are living like with the technology we have with social networking sites such as face book, twitter, and other websites. So because we don’t want our culture to stay behind, we will always find a way to change our culture in order to stand out in the social network.

    In the end it will always be good to keep tradition, but if that tradition doesn’t go along with this modern society, change is necessary and proper in order for the culture to be successful. If that culture is outdated, it will not be able to stand up with modern society and therefore not be successful. So change in the end will always bring good, and if it brings up bad stuff, we can always learn about what we did wrong and learn from it in order to make it into a good thing.

  4. Change is more important because we must accept change no matter what. It is inevitable that we can compare change to death, wherein all of us will die in the future. What I'm saying is that we must learn how to cope with the changes happening in our environment. It is an opportunity for growth and it introduces us to new methodologies and techniques that can improve the life of the people living in the society.

    Change will also bring solutions to the different problems we are encountering in our society, not only in social terms but also in technical terms. Adapting to the different changes in our society will make us flexible when communicating or socializing other groups of people.

    Even if we view change as an important principle in a society, an outdated traditional culture is still important and valuable to the society. First, it is the foundation that led the society to change. It is still important that even if many changes were brought to an existing body, the people must still uphold to that tradition. Second, it identifies a society. These traditions make a society different from another. Third, traditional beliefs can be used to preserve the values and customs of the people. And these value systems are really important for the people because these customs help the people in upholding the positive values of their society. Plus, if used properly, it can exponentially improve the status of a society in our modern world.

    A good example for people who prefers tradition more would be China during the modern era. During this period, China closed its doors to the world. With that, China became an old nation living in an advanced period. Because of that, Japan easily invaded China and that's why a society must accept change because it is for its betterment in a fast-changing world.

    A very good example for people who prefers changes would be Japan. We all know that Japan is one of the frontrunners in today's Information Age. The reason behind this is Japan's belief in valuing its customs and systems for its own development. Even if Japan is highly industrialized, Japanese families still holds this traditions and passes it to the next generations to come. The good thing about this is that a good foundation is formed in the children of the families, which will be used in empowering Japan for the future.

  5. Throughout the world, there are many traditional doing and changes all over. To me if I have to pick between those two would be commonly the same to my perspective view point. Why, well first of all, in tradition many other people around the world use these back long in the generation of their times. Second of all for change, the world is in major changes like the environment, society itself like regionalist belief of so and the new technology being produce out. In history there have been many undergoes of systemically of traditions and changes. But it is really base of the people point of view and how they really adapt to it.
    Way back tradition is a way of family virtues and what not. Families have tradition that have been carrying back since they were kids and have learned from their parents or grandparents or so. It a set back to the existed of what is here and now. Many families have different tradition that has a viral meaning in them. But as soon as the present is near and coming forth to more and newer things it can changes. But a change is like what I said is the people view point on how they imagine it.
    Change in a way is the way where new things has come forth that people usually don’t seem to be surprise with it the same part of any other way but adding on to an additional piece. A change can be like in technology whereas many new changes have become. Many places where it has overcome many changes, like the U.S. with many of their problem. Another one could be in the past with these changes like how the Soviet Union thought they would come to the sense that they have they would be communist but they have many undergoes to change the rules of the government.
    A set of way where both of tradition and changes can be a major factor in all parts of the world. Change, tradition, etc is a way in all parts of the people that do what they wanted to do. Traditional and changes doesn’t matter to me that much but in some parts it can. In all part to my conclusion we all keep a tradition in our self and our families and changes whether it can be an overcoming of traditional act. It’s still a fact that it will never change the way the people think like your families who will keep on doing it even so like change is in your way of keep up that traditions your parents or someone wanted to do. In the end traditions in changes is an aspect life you a long ones life to a part where they want to keep it o have a change in the humanity with it.

  6. Society has had its ups and down throughout the generations,we have gone from a traditional society to a soceity in which we have fundamentally grown to have our own thoughts and ideas,one where we are not scared to speak out against the order of the government.Tradition, in my view is not as important as it once was.We have grown and people have strayed away from order and traditions that had once been so strong.And where it stands compared to the aspect of "change" is that change is more important.
    Tradition is believed but change is promised. No matter where we go change is a sure thing. traditions have had impacts but change has expanded those impacts and either bettered them or totally dismantled them. Without change where would we be as a society? Technology would not be as strong as it is today. We have climbed extremely high heaights. And our economy, though not as good as it could be, can be great. we have created jobs,experiences and opportunities through change.Ideas have been created, and those ideas have changed the world for the better,compared to tradition that has limited peoples views and life styles.
    In society, in order to be great and successful we should not be limited by boundaries.Those boundaries will limit the power and wealth of our society.tradition has its impacts but in modern days it isnt really relevant.There are still people who hold on to those values,such as religious families.And traditions like Christmas and other holidays are seen everywhere,but the traditions on how they are played out have been altered.
    The younger generations who were born through the times of turning points like the clinton presidentcy are more towards change. They have seen the failures of tradition and have tasted what freedom of speech is about. We want to see change,an example is Occupy Wall street. These people want to see change,not tradition in the government.
    As the years go on,peoples views will change and that is promised,but tradition is just a belief.Who knows how the future generations will react to tradition.

  7. Jennifer Huezo

    Our world is constantly changing, and if it wasn’t for this change then we would not progress as a country. We see that most of those countries that are based on traditions are the ones who are labeled as third world countries; coincidence? Those countries that do not try and stray away from tradition, or at least try and change their ways a little, are the ones who trail behind. I don’t believe that change has to completely abolish tradition. There are some traditions that are completely ridiculous, and that don’t fit in with today’s society, and these are the ones that we should do away with. But some traditions are about keeping family together.
    Some traditions or cultures way of thinking are out dated. We must learn to adapt to today’s world, and know that without change we will not progress. It is up to the individual to choose which traditions are worth keeping, and which ones aren’t important enough to carry on. Some traditions may be based on religion, family background, and beliefs. Sometimes our beliefs are not similar to those of our parents. Teens now a days don’t have the same values as their parents and see the world a whole different way. What their parents might see as important may not be important to their kids. I see most of my friends not really caring about traditions. Culture is becoming less and less important to the younger generations. I think this has to do a lot with the way your brought up and the people you surround yourself with.
    Most of my friends don’t really care a lot about traditions. They think “well things have changed, and so has my way of thinking.” In my opinion tradition is important. I was brought up very family oriented, so family and tradition are important to. My way of thinking may be different from my parents but that doesn’t mean we aren’t connected by our traditions. You shouldn’t let your traditions hold you back, but we also cant forget where we came from. Our traditions remind us of who we are. And even though life is constantly going through change, its nice to have some familiarity around.
    Change is a part of life, and we cannot stop change. The way you live your life, morals, environment, technology; these are all things that are undergoing constant change. Without change we would still be living in caves sitting around fires. The fact that we upgraded to more advanced technology like a heater does not mean we should forget where we once got our warmth from. We may change our way of living, but lets not forget how we got there.

  8. In the 21-century American’s are always looking for the next best thing, as far as technology goes, people are awaiting the next I phone, the new face book. This has changed the way we communicate. Change is important to America’s society because we grow by change and we learn a lot through change. If we did everything the traditional way we would not have cell phones it would only be house phones. Change is important in America because it helps us to evolve to the next level, change sets the foundation for us to move forward, and it provides opportunity for the most part. Our country realizes that if we do everything the orthodox way we cannot take steps into the future. The silent generation would disagree that change is important, because they are use to tradition and they feel it is relevant in this new day and age. Change is not always good and tradition is needed in some cases. Our elders want us to preserve tradition. When you are use to tradition it will be hard to accept change.

    Some cultures feel that tradition is valuable and needed in order to succeed. Change is not always bad, but it is not always good. For the first time in America we have a black president which is a big change. Many racist and ignorant Americans felt it was a tradition to have a white president. This enormous change showed that we Americans prefer change to help us better succeed.

    A traditional culture that has been outdated is important because in life you have to start somewhere. We need to know what we came from in order to see how we progressed. Slavery use to be legal in America and even though it was a horrible tradition there is no reason to forget about it or to see it as irrelevant. Riding on horses to deliver a message is what Americans use to do in the 18 century ,our forefathers seen how this process took too long which is how they decided to come up with a quicker system to deliver messages. But in this new time that option is out of the question because we have cell phones and emails, so there is no reason to hold on to that old tradition. These old traditions lead us to change and it paved the way to new ideas.
    The millennial generation that ranges from 18-30 years of age would prefer change because they are all about technology and there are very lazy. They have no patience and they want everything to be done in a snap of a finger. This generation prefers a microwave over an oven just to the simple fact that there food will cooked faster. There always thinking of how to get out of situations the easy. They are scared of struggle and hesitant to go through when it’s necessary. They don’t want to put in work, so they are constantly trying to find a way to change the original tradition of how things should be done.

    The silent generation that ranges from 66-83 years of age, would prefer tradition. They have more patience and find no need for change. Even though the internet is a great tool to help people 27% of the silent generation felt the invention of the internet was a change for the worse. The silent enjoy they structure that has already been set for years, instead of changing in to something new. They are more conservative and they see value in the already set rules and ways of life.

  9. ERIKA- Back in time there has always been change in the world. If change were not such a big part of society then we would have gotten nowhere today. Change is good to an extent with too much change comes instability and with not enough people just get lazy. With history, there comes change.

    As for traditions, culture depending on how much you and your family practice them that does not change it is just stable over time. For instance with tradition Christians pray before a main meal to thank GOD for what he’s done for them etc. if this tradition would be changed differently then it wouldn’t be tradition. Most true traditions within the family do not get outdated but more of the so passed on to others in the family.

    For the group of people who would recommend change are those who want something new in life, those people who are unhappy or happy with how society is today. Some people want change because they see and have this vision of what they want in life and where there want to go on a positive note, so there willing to do what they can to change what is wrong in their life. Some people want change for the wrong reasons as in seeing a fairytale happy ending knowing in society things never work out that way.

    Those who are faithful and respectful about there religion would never break tradition because they like and appreciate how things are now, and don’t want that to change….only for the better.

  10. There are pros and cons to traditional and contemporary societies. I believe that society’s that are ready for change and open-mindedness are geared toward a successful future. Change is necessary for a productive society because the world doesn’t stay the same. Every single human on earth is different in one way or another. No two people will think exactly the same, so therefore a traditional society would not be sufficient.
    Tradition requires that society have the same beliefs and values. This type of society works in small villages and populations with people who agree to live their chosen lifestyle. In modern day American society, especially in places like the Bay Area where there are hundreds of ethnicities and belief systems, tradition can prove to be outdated. I believe that having your own individual traditions within your family is extremely important but requiring a whole society to have the same traditions is asking too much of people. For example, there are many debates involving prayer in public schools. This is a delicate topic to debate because there are many things that could be said that could offend others. Having prayer in schools with a diverse student population would be very difficult to organize. This would only cause more distinctions between students and they would truly feel separated and labeled for their beliefs.
    Culture is very interesting and beautiful, and no ethnicity has corresponding cultures. It is important to learn about other cultures and beliefs that exist in the world. Siding with one’s traditions while being oblivious to other’s traditions is ignorant. I believe that cultures should be shared. People should embrace diversity and be open to different people. This will reduce conflict and petty problem, and can also avoid wars.
    Thinking back to the major problems of history such as the Holocaust, Apartheid, ethnic cleansing, slavery and many wars; all of these conflicts stemmed from some type of closed-mindedness to certain groups of people. All of these horrific events could have been avoided if people would stop being stubborn and accept that people are not the same as they are.
    People who don’t want change are usually people who are in power, or who hold authority. They don’t want too much change because they don’t want people to overthrow them and change government themselves. I have also noticed that the older generations are more prone to cling onto their outdated traditions and try to force it on their children. People who are ready for change are usually people who have suffered through some type of discrimination or injustice. For example, the gay community is geared toward change so that society will accept them and allow them to live their lives in peace. Change and open-mindedness is needed for our society to succeed.

  11. There will never be a day where everyone in the entire universe will unanimously go for change or for tradition. However, this does indicate to us the potential success or failures that society and culture will possibly face. The world has been and always will be changing, no matter what conservative freak or libertarian says. While the "sages" of the world strongly believe in maintaining traditional values to preserve culture and enjoy their lives, most of today's generation may lean more heavily towards change in today's society. Change is more vital than solely just tradition to our success in most aspects of our lives.

    Change is practically compulsory in this day and age and even at some of the most vital events in our world's history due to people's changing attitudes and push for beliefs in their favor. For instance, with advancements in technology, the internet and connecting to others are more easily accessible to people around the world. People who share similar beliefs can connect to each other through the internet without having to book an expensive flight just to see each other. Additionally, change is vital in terms of advocating civil rights and leading our generations toward equality and mutual respect. The courageous women of the 19th and 20th centuries would not have been able to help establish their voting rights or revolutionize primary aspects in science and politics without having change as their “secret” weapon.

    Fortunately, some outdated traditional cultures have become irrelevant in the eyes of most of today’s generation. Revolutionary periods of radical change contribute to this lack of acknowledgement for old traditions by influencing those who’ve experienced these great periods of change to become more liberal and pass their current beliefs onto their children and so on. For instance, before the last two centuries, women were generally viewed by society as inferior “angels” whose only purposes are to please their men and procreate. However, now, thanks to assertive women such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton who relentlessly fought for women’s rights and equality, the women of today are progressively advancing in the prestigious career fields and are receiving greater respect from the opposite sex and vice versa.

    As change continues to permeate all aspects of society, there will always be strong advocates and dissenters of this concept on opposite ends of the spectrum. Liberals, radical groups, and technologically savvy parties are more likely to strongly support change because they grew up with convictions for change and have seen the amazing benefits that this had served their parents and themselves. However, the hardheaded people, Republicans, and older generation are more likely to defy change and aggressively advocate tradition due to the fact that they were accustomed to these traditional beliefs throughout their childhood and early adult years. No matter what anyone else says, change will cease to affect the lives of everyone.

  12. I am a person who’s very thankful for the traditions and customs that my family has passed down to me but I believe that change is more important for our world’s advancement. It is undeniable that traditions are a big part of different cultures worldwide and they affect one’s perception of society but change should also be embraced to be able to move forward in life. Not everything will stay constant and people need to be open to adjust to these changes or else they will be left behind especially in our fast-paced society where everything can change in the blink of an eye. A culture’s success lies in the ability of its members to keep up and compete in the world market. Competitive advantage can only be acquired by adapting to change and developing skills and knowledge that other s do not possess. Although traditions are the backbone of society, change is the muscle that keeps us moving.
    A traditional culture that has been outdated is not relevant anymore. I am aware that there are still indigenous tribes living in the forests and they are very strict in following their ancestors’ way of life. Unfortunately these native people are secluding themselves from the outside world and they restrict members from being exposed to new customs. Only a few elite members of their tribes can have contact with people outside of their tribes if necessary. Traditional cultures tend to have members that are close-minded or ignorant of other cultures. As kids they grow up being told what is acceptable and what is not. Indigenous forest tribes don’t receive proper education and have little to no knowledge of the events going on outside of their society. They also don’t have access to hospitals and sanitary living spaces which can lead to the spread of diseases among the clan and therefore cause deaths that could’ve been prevented otherwise. If not for the rare documentaries that they allow to film their daily life, no one will be informed and their existence will not be known. One aspect of tradition is to set one culture from another but how can this be if their mere existence is unknown to majority of our present world?
    I think older people prefer traditions more compared to the younger generations. This is because big changes to our society didn’t come about until the late 1990’s and people were still hesitant to interact with new cultures back then. Now kids, especially in America, are exposed to a diverse population and they grow accustomed to not only their parents’ culture but also their peers’. Due to advances in technology it is easier to communicate from long-distances and information can be shared faster, and easier. Older people like to enforce many rules and set regulations among the kids but I think they need to realize that times are changing and, technically speaking, we don’t live in the same world that they lived in during their prime. The whole world evolves and humans must do that too in order to survive. It’s okay to inform us about traditions but they must not strictly impose it upon us as if their life depended on it because it’s actually change that will help us move forward. Tradition doesn’t lead to change but change leads to new traditions that are more relevant and updated.

  13. In order for society and culture to be successful, changes are essential to keep moving forward smoothly. Changes can help people grow and give more room to expand by seeking perfection. Changes can also make mistakes that’s useful for growth. Steve Jobs once said “stay hungry, stay foolish”. This quote have impacted society because it teaches people not to be constrained by money; always wander around for more options. It is better to open new paths instead of following the traditional path that everyone else is taking.
    Most teenagers would prefer changes because they are the types who are curious about things they don’t know. Instead of listening to their folks, they want to discover and experience it for themselves. They are always in suspense about what is currently happening and they want to be a part because they want to use their abilities to help.
    During the Sino-Japanese War, the Chinese went into war with the Japanese because they wanted to take over Korea. Although the Chinese had a larger military force than the Japanese, they lost because of the difference in technology. The corrupted Chinese officials took away major funding from the navy, which resulted the Japanese victory over the Chinese because it was sailboat against battleships. A country cannot bargain with other countries if they do not have the chips to wage.
    Many traditional culture that has been outdated are not relevant because most of the practices have already been ceased. For example, most women back then could not get equal-paying jobs as men and they had no choice but to stay home as housewives. Today, not only do they get equal-paying jobs and be able work instead of being housewives, women with higher position than their husbands are considered as normal. In fact, 2008 was a close year where US could’ve had its first female president. People choose to follow traditions instead of making changes because they’re afraid history is just going to repeat itself.

  14. I believe that tradition is more important to a society and culture’s success. A society can’t be successful if things are constantly changing. I believe that change is only good when it’s beneficial to people and if it happens over time. Sudden change usually is not a good thing. People are not used to the change and they may resent the change that happens, but if it happens slowly, the change will slowly adapt into a society’s lifestyle. I believe that we can learn things from traditional cultures and implement them into the new culture. The ideas used in traditional cultures are still relevant because it can be used as a base for new ideas. A survey showed that the older generation would prefer tradition and are more conservative while the younger generation prefers change. This is especially true for our society because the improvement of technology is moving faster than it ever has. Our world is becoming more technological and information is able to be shared much more easily than it was before. With all the information easily accessible, people can easily determine some flaws of past traditions.

  15. Everyday, the world is constantly changing and I believe that change is more important to a society. We need to adapt to the new changes going on in the world. If we hold on to tradition it will just hold us back from our own lives. Being able to adapt to changes will create new ideas and conversations. If we hold on to the same old traditions from the past years everything will be constant and when problems come up, there will be no solution because they are unwilling to change.

    When traditional values are brought up to young teens, more than half do not plan to follow traditional and old fashioned values. Even when you stay with your own traditional vales, they will ought to change somehow. You cannot hold onto tradition for years and expect it to be the exact same thing as past generations. I do also believe that traditional vales are important, but change is vital for a culture's success.

    Change is what helps us move forward in life and furthers us in our future. Many of us actually prefer change, which is why Obama's campaign was about change. Without change, we won't have the technology we do today. For a culture, that is important because we learn about their backgrounds. Technology advances and changes as we speak and learning to adapt and change to them helps us come up with new ideas which creates new changes. These changes can lead to many beneficial outcomes such as a cure for cancer, or new inventions. If changes did not occur, we would not be where we are today. We probably would still be hunting wild animals for food. Many people can say we were more active and less lazy, but I can argue that we've come along way and we are more successful now then we were.

    The older generations definitely prefer tradition. They were raised with traditional ideas and values as they were younger so they strongly hold onto that. As for us young adults, we prefer change because as we grow up, we begin to lose that sense of tradition and we experience more "Americanized" vales. Older generations see the younger generations and see this big mess of what they like to call kids. In reality they were the ones who raised us and did not push hard enough to get us to believe in their traditional values.

  16. For a culture to succeed and move forward there has to be a change. If there is no change their will be no step forward into the future. Moving forward will do us great because we experience and see new things that will change our lives if we do not have a change we will stay in the past and staying in the past will get us nowhere. 

    Tradition it's a thing that a family carries on generation thru generation many families don't change a tradition because it was past on thru generations and they think if they stop they will be breaking family values it's not always like that they have to look at the pros and cons on that tradition and really see the cons of it that will not get them anywhere. 

    The type of groups that will like to see the changes are the young people because they are used of a constant change and seeing new things and experiencing them that when they don't see a change it's a whole different world for them. Teenagers are used of seeing new technologies being made but the older generations aren't so much so they stick to their old things. Change in the world has brought us many great things like the industrial revolution where many things can be made way  faster that being made one by one. When a thing issue one by one it take way more time than being made in a factory with machines that can produce this product in one minute and so many at once. Someone saw that being made one by one was getting them nowhere so they had an idea they put that idea to effect and seen the huge change and how much better and successful it was then that's when many things in the industry started to change if that change was never made we won't be were we are now. 

    The group that will prefer to keep a tradition is the older tradition because when they grew up they grew up with having many values and not many changes like the younger tradition does. They prefer it because they think it's the right think because that's what they're parents taught them and they cherish that. The older generation doesn't like the changes it makes them feel if they were breaking a important family value sometimes I feel that way when I don't want to do something like my parents because they learned from their parents and they have much more experience with tradition. 

  17. For a society to become successful in this booming world they have to adapt to new changes all the time. Whether they really want to change something that they may feel doesn’t need to be changed is something else. I think it’s more important for a society to keep their tradition. Because tradition comes from who they are as people. Like us in the USA we may be one of the most powerful countries in the world but we still have traditions that most of us do/ celebrate because it’s just something we’ve grown up with. Like trick or treating one night a year where our parents allow us to take candy from strangers. Even tail gating parties are traditions that we Americans can sometimes take seriously. It makes us a nation, tradition makes us who we are as people.
    For success in a country we need our traditions to stand by to help the leaders make decisions about our home land. Changes reflect off of traditions, they just “make them better”. Like how in the 1930’s when President Roosevelt took his third term in office. Once he got out it was a tradition for a president to only take two terms, so they took that an created a law to put under the tradition of a president can only serve two terms.
    Types of people who prefer tradition over change is normally the older people. What is seen as tradition now, was their change when they were younger. So they learned to accept it and hold onto it. They have the mind set of keeping things like they used to be. While the younger generations are more for change then the older ones. They do still follow traditions but they are more willing to try change than older folks.

  18. In my opinion, I believe that change is a bit more important to a society and culture’s success because if things keep going wrong for a long time then you need change to try and make that failure to success. Change gives you hope but in order to give you hope then you need to have successful change because if the change you did was a fail then you will regret doing everything that you did. Also, an example that I can use in this world to prove my point that change is important to a culture’s success is technology. The more the ipods and iphones and all those products that Apple comes up with changes the world even more and now its pretty much would be society success because many people use their cellphones so they can be organized and being organized leads to success. You need change to move forward in everything.
    The more technology there is the more that tradition dies. But you can keep a tradition going and involve technology at the same time. I know that people in the 1930s did not sit around the TV and watch their favorite show as a family and that was because there was no TV in the 1930s. Now, personally in my family we started a new tradition that began 10 years ago and that is every Sunday night we have family movie night and game night. So based from my house and family I use that as society and culture success. The only people in my opinion that I see that still keep their traditions from hundreds of years are the Native Americans and the Indigenous people of Mexico, Central America, etc.
    Those are the groups that probably hate change the most because they have kept their traditions going for hundreds and hundreds of years. So therefore I think that they will never even try change even if that change is not much of it. For them, tradition is the way they live their lives. Cultures feel that tradition is valuable and needed in order to succeed in any way. The world changes everyday but for us the change is not much unless it affects us in any way.
    The types of groups that will want change will be the ones that have it in mind that their tradition is dying or that their tradition has been a failure therefore they will all want that change but at the same time be afraid of it.

  19. Mark SJ

    Change should be more important to a society and culture’s success. In our world change is what has been keeping us alive these past centuries. By being able to adapt to our surroundings, our cultures can continue to exist. For example, the Philippine Islands were once occupied by traditional, tribesmen and women. They were dressed in animal hide, lived off of their crops, and built straw huts to put over their heads. Had they continued to practice their traditions, modern life would not be able to arise. Without change, there can be no room for success. Many traditional cultures are outdated, but that’s not to take away from their lasting influence. They still continue to affect the minds of people and how they act. They still hold a relevant purpose in life in that we learn from them. For instance, many concepts and values of past figures are built on the foundations of past traditions. Traditions create a basic structure, the change we place upon it is what makes culture successful; which, in turn, makes it no longer a tradition. Some might say they were only acceptable in their times, but they are still widely accepted by many a people today. They might not be exactly the same as they were at first, but that is just the change taking its course. The types of people that would prefer change over tradition, in a broad perspective, consist of the younger generations - those who wish to see success in their society and culture sooner rather than later in the long run. The newer generations feel the need to express their independent beliefs by changing from tradition to change. The types of people that prefer tradition over change comprise of the older generations – those who have grown accustomed to tradition and are used to them. They aren’t so quick to accept new customs because they fear it will drastically and negatively affect their lives.

  20. Change has always been happening even if we have our old values in tradition. Things wont always be the same if you don't change. Change is what has been keeping us alive these past centuries. Because if you keep having the same thing you wont get no where. You need to be able to adapt to new things and technology that lets you go places. History is based on changes and major issues that has happened. Moving forward is what we need because we always learn something new everyday, changes are essential to keep us moving forward and achieve our goals and be successful.Without change we will just be stuck in the same place that will get us no where and will be just a waste of time. But i feel that each generation will have a different view on this because the older generations will be more on the tradition side rather then the newer generation wanting to seek better things. Many traditional culture that has been outdated are not relevant because most of the practices have already been forgotten. I think older people believe in tradition and younger people believe in change.

  21. Deik Jama
    Change is the solution to the problems that reoccur in traditions .I think change is more to a society and cultures sucess because the world doesnt wait for you , you have to learn how to live and adjust to current times.We need change to survive this world we live in . Cultures only continue traditions beacuse of their fear of change and so they can honor their ancestors.
    Outdated tradition culture is somewhat still relevant now , an example would be demokratia which is greek for democracy.Many governments in the world today are have democratic views on politics eventhough the idea of its is centuries old .The world right now is to advanced for outdated traditions .You can build off the ideas of an old tradition but it's simply impossible to truly follow any outdated tradition.Technological and industrial advances are two of the most important reason why its hard to keep up with tradition.
    The type of people who prefer tradition are older people . The reason they prefer is beacuse they lived on Earth for a long time and they're taught traditional ideas,values and other things of that sort.When change is brought up they react negatively to the subject because they thik it will destroy their tradition comepletely.
    The type of people who prefer change are the younger generation.That is because they can so easily adapt to any changes that are thrown at them with ease.Also they tend to be then more rebelious compared to the older generation and they dismiss tradition as a factor in their lives .

  22. Sharissa Wright

    A healthy balance of change and tradition is good thing for society. Keeping up to date while keeping some history will good for your life. Culture will keep your family history and keep your family programmed into a certain routine. Change allows people to experience new things to keep life interesting. Both culture and tradition is good for your life but the most important thing to have out of the two is change.

    Change is important for a cultures success. If a culture doesn’t have change the world will soon become a merry go round with no ending. The same routine over and over and over again. Change, even though at the time you might not think so, will change your life for the better. Majority of the people are afraid of change because they are scared of breaking from their routine. This is sad because change can better your life in so many ways. For example, say the way you go to school or work. You may take the same way every day. But one day there is a detour and you have to take another route. You might be scared because you might get lost or be late. Come to find out this way is quicker and less crowded therefore; you choose to take this new route every day. In a family sense change can be good. If you change a certain tradition in your family to modernize it and make it your own that is good. You won’t be losing your family’s history only making it keep up with current times, which is a change that you can’t avoid.

    A traditional culture is irrelevant because it’s not up to date with current time. As much as people might not like it you have to change at some point in life because even if you may not want to change someone else will. There will always be a rebel in the bunch that will try to change something in society to make it better as I a new way to communicate, perform day to day task, etc. With these constant modernizations it will be useful to embrace such changes to make your life easier. For example my grandmother was talking to me about how they used to do laundry back in her day. When they invented the washer dryer my grandmother was reluctant to purchase it because of its cost. But it was a price worth paying because it eliminated the tedious old process of doing laundry once taught to her by her mother.

    People that will have no problems with change will be the younger generation. The youth of today have been brought up to think about how can we improve our lives and the main way is through change. Young people are the number one complainers on how they believe something is being ran from a superior source such as a teacher, parent or any other adult. Every point in a child’s life they say they are going to change the way they raise their children when they grow up. That’s the number one reason why each generation has a different way of thinking.

    The silent generation would be a group of people that wouldn’t like to embrace change. Living the long time they have they have seen a lot in the world and believe it would be so heart breaking to see things change. As the world becomes more technological the silent generation believes it is a waste of time. They believe that because they are used to the same things that it can’t be a better way of doing anything. They like things just the way they were. They also push for tradition because as they become older they want to make sure that the family stays the way they built it to become.

  23. Stephaney Vargas

    Most people always consider choosing change over tradition, because it has been done constantly. Our whole entire life, we’ve seen change and know it very well because we’ve live and are still living through changes. There are many decisions we take when we choose to “change” and when making that decision roads sprout leading to good or bad. Yet many mistakes are done when changing; leading society into bad road, and has happened numerous of times. Change is all we’ve seen.
    People say we live to change, but as for myself I don’t consider change a good thing. I believe if someone says we have to change this, or I want to change it’s because that person doesn’t like it. Only one person, yet they don’t realize how much it can affect the ones surrounded by them. For example when it comes to the government, president etc, changes are done a lot, that it affects people good and bad. Like the Arizona law, it may help the government find immigrants easier but its racism. Racism has been assumed a change throughout time, but it has never been fixed. People pass down thoughts about a different race to children because they don’t like a certain thing about them or for no reason. Children grow up and racism is brought to the world once again. If we are so accustomed to change, there will be no point of history, where traditions were brought, made, and used. We people wouldn’t have the interest of our ancestry anymore.
    In tradition, I don’t believe situations like racism would be brought down to children. Respect, honor and morals would be the main things taught to children. If tradition were to be more important to a society, diversity would encounter more. Also the knowledge of traditions would be brought in many places like school and work. Knowledge about the tradition include festivities, food, religion, etc. having to know more about the traditions, would expand and open the minds of people, it would vanish negative thought about others. One can improve a traditions make it even better which could help those traditions that haven’t been truly known about.
    I believe people who have been taught about where their family comes from and have the interest would prefer tradition to be more important. As for those whom may not like the way things are being done, prefer change. Change can close off the relationship with who they really are. Tradition brings more confidence to a person. It’s uplifting.

  24. You can never go wrong with tradition but to change a society can be big and bring something new to this world. In today's society, it is much harder to keep a tradition than it is to change one. Even though a person is keeping a tradition it does not mean they enjoy it, they might want to change it up a little in order for that person to be happy. I think people are afraid to change a culture or society because there are afraid of the consequences. Those consequences can be being judged looked at differently then others who are following a tradition.

    A traditional culture that has been outdated can still be very relevant. Things like types of religions, foods and clothing can go way back and today you would still see these same religions, foods and clothing on people as if nothing has changed. A majority of Parents teach their kids the same way these parents were raised by the child's grandparents. But as the child grows up and becomes attached today's media and world, their life style becomes to change as they begin to choose what they want to wear to school rather than having mom pick their outfit out.

    People who would prefer change in culture and society would be the younger generation. There are more rebels than other with also many new inventions that have helped shaped this world into what is it today. New clothing styles are made almost everyday and can set a trend for the next few months and possibly for the next few years. Also today's music is nothing like how it was 5 or 6 years ago. There is a saying "Out with the old and in with the new."

    People who would prefer traditional life styles would be the adults in the ages of 30 and after. They prefer clothing styles from years ago only because it is cheaper than what's new out there. They think the younger generations are destroying our world. But technically they were the ones who raised us right? They complain about how today's music is crap and get played way to loud.

    A equal balance of tradition and change is perfect. Too much change can ruin a society but too much of tradition can also spark many rebels. We need both if we want to keep our world going round.

  25. Jessica Van Zile

    Although tradition is important, I believe keeping up with the changing times in the world is more important. No one should strictly follow tradition if it doesn’t apply to the time and place you are living. The world is constantly changing and if your stick to something that might have worked in the past, the same solution might not work again because of the new way people think. If the tradition that you are trying to uphold is out dated it shouldn’t be forgotten but it should not be practiced either. Everyone should know where they came from and how they got to be the way they are today; if they just forget where they came from it will be an important part of their history that they are forgetting. For example; a tradition that you should learn about is if the men used to beat the women in the family. You of course should not continue on with this tradition this day in age but it is still good to learn what your ancestors did. Just because a certain method worked in the past doesn’t mean it will work again in the future and that is why we must at least try to change some of the things we do. However, not everyone likes change; in fact many people want things to stay the same. If anyone is willing to make a change is would usually be the younger generation. The older generations don’t like change because they are all ready used to a certain way of life and is hard to teach an old dog new tricks. They are content with things the way they are and that’s because they grew up with it. The younger generations are ok with change because they are always looking towards the future. Making a better life for themselves and their kids is always what is on peoples mind. In conclusion, I believe if a tradition is not working it must not be forgotten but it must change so we can progress and make a better life for everyone.
